Lego Build 52 — Hunchback IIC

Francisco Duarte
2 min readMar 27, 2022


The original Hunchback IIC model came into being even before the proper Hunchback, around one year ago. At the time I really liked how it turned out, and still do.

This is a Mech with the most peculiar story. When the Inner Sphere first encountered this machine, its nature was baffling. A slow, jump jet-equipped medium mech with little in the way of armor but a powerful kick granted by twin heavy autocannons. In large-scale conflict these machines could die rather easily, taking their pilots with them. Then, when Clanner culture became more well-known, it started to make sense.

The Hunchback IIC is a last-ditch machine, a Mech old or failed pilots use to try to achieve some glory before dying. Or a high-risk, high-reward option for younger pilots trying to climb the ranks as fast as possible.

In the end, though, the Hunchback IIC became somewhat popular as it eventually turned out that in numbers and well-supported they could devastate conventional forces.

I really like this one. An unusual Clan BattleMech, this machine has personality and looks neat. It even became one of the main Clan ‘Mechs in my own AU, where it is the frontline ‘Mech for the Nova Cats. Maybe I’ll tell you more about that idea later on.

The model I bring you uses 52 parts and is presented in the colors used by the Jade Falcon Hunchbacks in the BattleTech cartoon — love those color schemes.



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: