The Hardest Pill About Writing Online I’ve Had to Swallow

And one that most writers struggle to

Neeramitra Reddy
Inspired Writer
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2021



I’m having my best month on this platform in terms of earnings but I feel absolutely miserable.

I’m refreshing my stats every few seconds, severely procrastinating on writing, and inadvertently thinking about every new article — in terms of its potential earnings as opposed to enjoying the process and providing value to my readers.

Moreover, a bitter fact about writing online that I thought I had come to accept has resurfaced.

The One Thing We Just Cannot Predict

In the first few months of writing, one pattern became quite evident — the ones I least expected to perform well ended up performing the best and vice versa.

With most other writers, even the top guns noticing the same, I took it for a bitter fact and somehow digested it.

But this month, this pattern reached its pinnacle and my stomach’s gone for a toss — an article I whipped out from scratch in less than 45 minutes has become my highest earning article ever and one that I poured a lot of effort, love, and time into is lying in oblivion.

As unfair as it seems, you just cannot predict how your…



Neeramitra Reddy
Inspired Writer

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