Clear Eyes, Full Hearts

The Power of Confidence

Matt Besler
2 min readJan 11, 2014

Do you have that one particular quote you try and live by? That one particular saying you find yourself always coming back to?

I do. And surprisingly, it comes from an NBC drama series about the ups and downs of a small town Texas football team. It’s called Friday Night Lights. If you haven’t seen it, watch it. You’ll thank me later.

Before Coach Taylor’s high school football team goes onto the field each Friday night, he ends his pre game speech with the simple phrase: “Clear eyes, full hearts.” Then, his team collectively chants back, “Can’t lose!”

“Clear eyes, full hearts. Can’t lose!”

It’s so simple, but it’s so true. The more I think about it, the more I fall in love with it’s meaning. It has become my favorite quote, the one I try and live by. Here’s what it means to me:

Clear eyes- Be in the present moment. Have full concentration. Clear your mind and vision from distraction, stress, and doubt.

Full Hearts- Fill your heart with passion and confidence. Give everything y0u have.

Can’t Lose- At the end of the day, if you are completely focused and engaged, you can’t lose.

Honestly, I’m confident that if I truly compete in each game with clear eyes and a full heart, I’m going to be successful. And if I still end up losing on the scoreboard (because this happens!), it’s ok. I can live with it because I can look myself in the mirror knowing I gave my all. Playing with clear eyes and a full heart gives me a sense of inner peace, no matter what the outcome. So in essence, I CAN’T LOSE.

I challenge you to approach some of the events in your life with clear eyes and full hearts. Whether it’s a job interview, a first date, or a gym workout, if you have clear eyes and a full heart, you’ll have a belief in yourself that no matter what happens, you won’t lose. And trust me, most of time you’ll end up nailing that interview, getting that second date, or crushing your workout.

Enjoy your day…I’m going to shovel off my driveway from a snowstorm last night. With clear eyes and a full heart, maybe I can get it done in 25 minutes instead of 30!

Push yourself to the limit, with always keeping this quote in mind.

Clear eyes, full hearts….CAN’T LOSE!


Matt Besler

In case you missed my previous posts:

My Backbone-

Time. Investing or Spending?-



Matt Besler

US Men's National Team and Sporting Kansas City professional soccer player. Notre Dame Alum. Give thanks to God...Phil 4:13