Monthly Recap | December 2018 (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
4 min readJan 14, 2019

One more month has passed and many things have happened since.

As always, we want to communicate this progress with you in form of a monthly report and thus be as transparent as possible.

December was a month of heavy background work. The focus lied mostly on integrating the new hotel inventory and also on developing the flights section of the marketplace.

As those do not represent a chain of tasks, but rather make up one intensive and continuous task, they are not listed in the breakdown below.

This is why it might appear to be less crowded for December. Let’s dive in!

December 3 — 9

  • Air tickets search bar optimizations
  • Adding missing addresses to Homes
  • Service Layer updates
  • Captcha v2 replaced with Captcha v3
  • Address selection upon listing creation fixed
  • Affiliate system interface definition and development

December 10 — 17

  • ‘g.push is not a function’ wallet bug resolved
  • UI improvements
  • Affiliate system backend and frontend finalized
  • Affiliate system tests conducted and fixes staged
  • Content improvements
  • Conducted tests for the new exchanger app
  • Fixes made on the user interface of the wallet

December 18 — 24

  • General UI improvements
  • AirDrop section removed from the marketplace
  • LOC rate and prices calculation improvements
  • New exchanger app improvements
  • TrickleICE wallet improvements
  • Introducing LockTrip governance in the LockTrip nodes
  • Distributed Governance Protocol for LockTrip blockchain
  • Voting procedures for LockTrip blockchain and wallets

December 25 — 31

  • Affiliate release deploy
  • In-situ fixes

Other Developments

In early December, we have launched the improved version of our Blog, which was partly developed in late November and completed in early December.

In mid-December, we have added our Staking Calculator, which was also partly developed in November and completed in December. Due to the community feedback we received, the calculator was improved soon after to also support a simpler version. You can now toggle between the advanced and simplified versions.

The simplified version only requires 6 parameters and provides a short summary of the results, while the advanced version consists of 13 parameters and puts out a detailed analysis.

Regarding the Fiat to LOC conversion mechanism, in December we have connected Bancor as a second exchange for the conversion algorithm to choose from. The best price will now be automatically selected among the three trading pairs at HitBTC and now also the Bancor liquidity network.

Aside from the technical developments, we have also started the work on our new Whitepaper. The current one does not reflect the progress we have made throughout 2018 and lacks critical elements such as the LockTrip blockchain.

Affiliate Program

One of the highlights of December was the launch of our affiliate program. You can now refer your friends, colleagues or family members and get a lifetime reward equating to 1% of their future booking volume.

Complementing this move, we have released a powerful revenue calculator for affiliates.

In the second half of December, we have initiated the first LockTrip content competition. Some of the most creative submissions can be found in our summary article.

The Hello World affiliate campaign was initiated in parallel, which represents an additional reward pool for all affiliates who successfully referred bookings. More info on that can be found here.

Customer Support

With a growing number of bookings, we have now started to develop a dedicated mechanism that can handle any load of support requests.

The Customer Support section will include an extensive FAQ and enable customers to submit support tickets, should they be experiencing issues with the marketplace or their bookings.

December showed great progress in that regard and we expect to launch this section soon.

Our Team

In December we announced the completion of the restructuring regarding our workforce. Our team is now 100% in-house, which was an important internal milestone for us. More info on that topic and how it reduces our operational costs can be read here.

Thank you for being with us on this very exciting road.

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LockTrip is the first marketplace with 0% commission where you can save on average 20% on your hotel and rental bookings compared to anywhere else. Read how to buy LOC tokens here!


-- (LOC Token) Official Blog

Blockchain & fiat powered marketplace.Hoteliers & landlords list/rent property & manage bookings,& pay no commission. Retweets R not endorsements.