Season of Meg Ryan’s Movies

Amelia Christensen
3 min readSep 2, 2023


Image by xmax88 from Pixabay

In my previous article about pumpkin spice latte, I mentioned that the atmosphere of a bookstore café reminds me of You’ve Got Mail. Today, as autumn finally arrives, I decided to revisit the movie. The writer Nora Ephron and the actress Meg Ryan also created other ultimate rom-coms together, including When Harry Met Sally… and Sleepless in Seattle. I miss these types of movies where actual people engage in a conversation, build a relationship, and have a happy ending. I used to watch a movie as an escape from reality or purely entertainment. Nowadays, watching a movie is not fun or relaxing because many films use a lot of CG and center on sexual violence. Who would want to gaze at computer-generated images for two hours or traumatize themselves in their long-awaited free time after desk work? Additionally, the advancement of social media exposes scandals and personal lives of actors, making it hard to believe the story when the actor plays a faithful or underdog character. Apparently, many people miss “the good old days” movies and try to relive the time by wearing Meg Ryan style!

The aforementioned three Meg Ryan’s movies cover all four seasons, but fall highlights the story the most. The protagonist takes time to walk in autumn leaves and reflect on whatever is on her mind: work, relationships, or herself. And she does that in her neutral clothing, aka the “Meg Ryan fall.” The lead characters, played by Meg Ryan, wear a plain knit cardigan, an oversized sweater, loose trousers, or a blazer that comes in neutral colors like gray and brown. These clothes don’t have brand logos; you can find them in any apparel store. The Meg Ryan-inspired outfits have become a trend for the past few years.

It seems that many people are finding comfort in this new classic fashion trend. One possible reason for this shift could be the unpredictability of the pandemic. It may have encouraged individuals to prioritize their own well-being instead of constantly seeking approval from others. Consequently, many people are now embracing a more relaxed approach to fashion, choosing clothing that makes them feel confident and comfortable rather than trying to impress someone else all the time. Of course, we should still dress for the occasion. But, thanks to the movie star, the “ordinary” taste of fashion now becomes a chic style and desirable this fall.

When it comes to timeless style, Brinkley from You’ve Got Mail knows the joy of being exactly who he is. This Golden Retriever, the companion of Joe Fox played by Tom Hanks, uses his charm to get attention. With his big brown eyes and shiny blond fur, it’s no wonder why the Golden Retriever is a universally adored breed. Brinkley’s presence in the story is crucial, as he brings out the best in Joe’s character. Without Brinkley, Joe may have come across as a relentless and unfeeling businessman. Instead, Brinkley softens Joe’s attitude and allows the audience to see his vulnerable and caring side. I especially enjoyed watching Brinkley’s reactions as he watched Joe’s comical responses to his emails.

I plan to rewatch the other two movies on the weekends. By the way, does anyone know why Sally has penguin stuffed animals in her room in When Harry Met Sally…? Perhaps it’s a symbol of a loyal partnership.

