Looking Ahead By Glancing Back

Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2019

How did 2019 get here so quickly? And at the same time, what took it so long?

We have so many big things brewing, it’s hard not to look ahead to all of the things FansUnite will accomplish in 2019. But first, a quick look back on how we got where we are today.

(Spoiler alert: if you are the type of person that reads the last page of the book first, and can’t wait another second before seeing what’s coming up for FansUnite this year, scroll down to the paragraph that starts with “But that was then…” Warning, by doing so you’re missing out!)

New places, new faces:

The only people who loved FansUnite more than sports bettors in 2018 were our travel agents. We took meetings everywhere. From San Francisco to Hong Kong, Los Angeles to Amsterdam. We hit up the Big Apple, Big Ben, Gibraltar and Malta.

Nice lean Sir Richard.

We pushed ourselves to expand our brand globally and forge new partnerships. The team grew from an intimate one-room group to an international collective of minds dedicated to reshaping the landscape of the sports betting industry.

That push saw us sign a whole slew of free agents to our all-star roster:

· CFO Graeme Moore

· Machine Learning Expert & Data Scientist Dr. Mirko Miorelli

· Marketing Lead Justin Simon

· Crypto Analyst and Marketing Specialist MD Hughes

· Solidity Developer Manan Mehta

· Solidity Developer Eric Ren

· Senior DevOps Engineer Donald (DJ) Ballard

· Advisors Matt Lockyer and Ryan Mundy joined the fray

· Social brand influencer Mr. Backwards

It ain’t all about the money

Ok, it’s a lot about the money. But it’s also about partnerships, strategy and growth.

In June, the FansUnite team raised $4.45M CAD in a private round, then went to New York and captured runner-up in a competition at the World Blockchain Forum.

Foxes Forever.

In August, FansUnite became an Official Partner of Leicester City Football Club (LCFC), the 2016 English Premier League Champions, and followed that with a huge September, hitting a Royal Flush with a partnership deal with the World Poker Tour as well as becoming part of an elite collective by joining the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA).

FansUnite x WPT

Whew. Deep breath. Yeah, it was busy.

But that was then. This is now.

So what’s next?

The New Year is already moving fast.

We kicked off the year by announcing Unite The Fans, an international contest with Leicester City F.C. You can sign up at UniteTheFans.com. It’s your chance at a once-in-a-lifetime sports experience this April!

As we speak, the FansUnite development team is auditing smart contracts and stress testing the dApp ecosystem as we prepare for the launch of our Protocol and our first dApp, the FansUnite Sportsbook. Our focus in 2019 is on releasing subsequent dApps including additional sportsbooks, betting exchanges and daily fantasy offerings. We plan to encourage adoption of the platform by continuously releasing developer tools.

In February we’re heading to ICE, the premier B2B gaming conference in the UK. Our schedule is already packed with meetings, but we’re taking more.

If your executives want to learn more about our Protocol, shoot an email to darius@fansunite.com and we’ll get you on the books.

From all of us at The Fans Unite team- Happy New Year! We’re looking forward to a massive 2019.

To learn more about FansUnite and everything big coming in 2019, check out our website or check out our Telegram and Twitter channels!

