Daneel is now supported by the 2nd best startup incubator in the world!

Daneel Assistant
2 min readApr 10, 2019


We have announced our participation in the Facebook Startup Garage in Paris. That was just the beginning. After Wesprint, which was a great help to us in launching our service offer, we are pleased to announce that we will now be managed by the 2nd largest startup incubator in the world according to the UBI Global ranking: the BIC (Business & Innovation Center) in Montpellier, France, an exceptional catalyst for innovative companies.

“Montpellier BIC offers a wide range of services that have provided critical aid in the emergence of numerous tech champions — including strategy development coaching, assistance in raising funds, and integration into business networks. BIC’s three incubation facilities, Cap Alpha, Cap Omega, and MIBI, provide startups with a favorable environment that maximizes their chances of success”. Chantal Marion — Deputy-president of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole In charge of economic development, higher education, innovation, and artisanship

Delegate for Economic Development, Higher Education and Research, Innovation, French-Tech, Crafts, Operational Planning and Urbanism

The BIC of Montpellier is part of a trusted network built over the years and composed of economic and institutional partners, incubators, investors and business angels, universities, research, but also major accounts and competitiveness clusters. It already has participated to the success of not less than 670 startups.

Through its network, BIC will provide us with valuable assistance in raising funds and refining our strategy. We will also support the integration of our startup into the AI, financial and Blockchain ecosystem in France and internationally.

We will have access to all the tools developed by BIC: it offers project leaders a range of services based on more than thirty years of experience: innovative acceleration devices, hosting in incubators specifically dedicated to young innovative companies as well as useful tools such as the Montpellier Business Plan software.

“Once again, and after the announcement of the partnership with Facebook Startup Garage, our startup has hit the nail on the head and is attracting a major player in the innovation sector, the parts are starting to come together, we are very confident in Daneel’s future and our network is becoming stronger every day.” Joseph Bedminster, CEO & Founder at Daneel.

