Projective Geometry Series

Daniel Lenton
1 min readJun 15, 2019


Short series laying down the foundations on the representations, terminology, and notation used in projective geometry for computer vision.

interesting shadows formed when 3D rays of light are carefully prevented from projecting onto the 2D wall

This series is part of the wider series on Multiple View Geometry

Part I: Projective Geometry in 2D

introduction to projective geometry, and the application of homogeneous co-ordinates, limited to the case of 2D points and lines.

Part II: Projective Transformations in 2D

introduction to projective transformations, and the hierarchy of transformation specializations, limited to the case of 2D points and lines.

Part III: Projective Geometry in 3D

extention of projective geometry and homogeneous co-ordinates from 2D space to full 3D space, limited to case of 3D points and lines.

