The Hermetic Principle of Correspondence: The Mirror of Oneness

Explore how this universal law can help you achieve inner peace and personal growth.

Saleem Rana
8 min readOct 7, 2023


Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

The concept that the external world mirrors our inner reality is ancient. Nowadays, it often appears in popular books about the “secrets of the universe.”

The Kybalion and other Hermetic texts discuss the profound Principle of Correspondence — the harmony of “as above, so below; as within, so without.”

This principle beautifully reveals the interconnectedness of all things and empowers us to recognize the immense potential within ourselves and the world around us.

In simpler terms, the world around us reflects our inner selves, like a hall of mirrors. Our relationships, jobs, and living situations manifest our hidden beliefs and energies.

Spiritual seekers, energy healers, and Law of Attraction believers embrace this perspective. It holds a mystical allure, captivating those drawn to its profound potential.

The idea that my perceptions shape my reality and that my inner transformation can reshape the world is captivating. Meaning resides within me rather than something that I must discover outside of me. And that, in essence, feels magical.

Does the Universe Talk to Us?

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During my teenage years, I became fascinated with the occult. I filled my bedroom with replicas of ancient charts — like the Ptolemy world map, the Portolan charts, and the Hereford Mappa Mundi — and dog-eared copies of Theosophical books. It was my silent rebellion against mundane suburban life.

I also spent time in the new age section of local used bookstores, captivated by books promising to unveil the mysteries of the universe. I looked everywhere for a hidden logic that I could decode.

A tattered book about the Hermetic teachings, whose name I now forget, intrigued me with its claim that ancient mystics possessed secret knowledge about the universe’s operation.

I learned that ancient seers wrote the 7 Hermetic Principles to reveal the universe’s workings, like a metaphysical source code. Among these principles, the Principle of Correspondence resonated with me the most. Its enigmatic phrase, “as above, so below,” suggested a connection between the inner and outer worlds, where the microcosm reflects the macrocosm.

One night, I had a lucid dream after falling asleep while reading that book. I found myself in a lush garden, and a sadhu, a religious Indian ascetic, appeared before me. He handed me a small mirror, and as I peered into it, I didn’t see my reflection but swirling stars and galaxies. The old man whispered, “To understand the universe, know yourself.”

I began to believe that each of us holds a divine spark and that our minds echo the larger Mind behind creation. The dream convinced me to treat the Hermetic teachings as guiding principles for self-realization and the pursuit of metaphysical truths.

I took the dream as evidence that I was on the brink of uncovering mystical secrets underlying our existence. The study of mysticism fulfilled my desire for a world beyond the quotidian, where magic could be real.

What is the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence?

The Hermetic Principle of Correspondence, one of the seven key hermetic principles, is fundamental to understanding our universe’s laws. It suggests patterns repeat across different levels of reality, often summarized by phrases like “As above, so below” or “As within, so without.”

This principle shows a connection between all things: what happens on a physical level can also occur on mental or emotional levels, and vice versa. It signifies the unity in existence — the microcosm reflects the macrocosm. Essentially, it states that everything in our vast universe is interconnected.

Relation to Ancient and Medieval Hermetica

The principles of Hermetism have deep historical roots in ancient and medieval Hermetica. These esoteric philosophies offer timeless wisdom and a unique perspective on the universe’s interconnectedness.

They trace back to Ancient Egypt, where Hermes Trismegistus, a legendary fusion of the Greek God Hermes and the Egyptian God Thoth, taught them.

Hermetica played a crucial role in medieval times and strongly influenced many philosophical and scientific thinkers throughout history, including alchemy, astrology, and theology.

Additionally, these principles were integral to Gnostic philosophy, a religious movement prioritizing spiritual knowledge. They also profoundly impacted Renaissance thought, with scholars embracing the idea of “as above, so below” and applying these ancient teachings to their lives and work.

Even artists of that era incorporated hermetic ideas into their paintings, often representing the macrocosm within the microcosm in their art.

The Kybalion’s Principle of Correspondence

Exploring Kybalion’s Principle of Correspondence reveals a captivating hermetic teaching. This concept highlights how our external world reflects our internal state. Understanding the power of this universal law can profoundly impact our reality.

As Above, So Below

“As above, so below” is a powerful guiding phrase in hermetic principles. Derived from the Principle of Correspondence, it’s a foundational idea expanded upon in the Kybalion.

It suggests a symmetry between various planes of existence; what happens on one level can also occur on another. Consider it an existential mirror — your inner state reflecting onto your outer world and vice versa.

Comprehending this principle lets us see that our thoughts or emotions often manifest in our physical reality; we are part of a universe where everything connects through vibrational harmony.

Delving into these metaphysical constructs equips us with insights about ourselves and broadens our understanding of cosmic unity.

Your Outer World Is a Reflection of Your Inner World

Our emotions reside deep within our subconscious, shaping the thoughts that drive our actions. We can create a more prosperous external reality by learning to harness these emotions positively.

The Principle of Correspondence helps us understand the link between our internal and external worlds. If you’re feeling stressed or anxious internally, it’s likely to manifest in your outer world through your reactions, interactions, mishaps, blunders, and accidents.

Similarly, cultivating joy and peace within leads to harmony and positive experiences externally. By consciously controlling our internal processes, we can influence the events unfolding in our physical world, attracting luck and good fortune.

Although it may seem magical, it’s a different way of viewing reality. Everything is connected, and we all have the power to shape our lives.

The idea is to use this Principle as a reminder that when something doesn’t go our way or an undesired outcome occurs, it could be because of something we’ve done internally. We can then take steps to address the thoughts and feelings, attachments and aversions, causing our problems.

In a nutshell, good and bad experiences are neither accidental nor coincidental. They follow the Hermetic law: as within, so without.

The Influence of Hermeticism on Jungian Psychology

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Hermeticism greatly influenced Carl Jung’s psychological theories about the deeper layers of the psyche. Specifically, Jung drew inspiration from the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence, which emphasizes that what happens on a smaller scale reflects what happens on a larger scale.

This occult philosophy aligns closely with Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious, which suggests that individuals share universal archetypal images and ideas in their subconscious minds.

Personal experiences can reflect universal truths, similar to how Hermetic teachings suggest that small events mirror larger occurrences.

So, in Jungian psychology, understanding these symbols is crucial for understanding the human psyche, just as interpreting symbolic connections is essential for followers of Hermetic philosophy.

5 Ways to Apply the Principle of Correspondence in Daily Life

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Applying the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence can significantly influence your daily life. Here are five ways to keep it top of mind:

  1. Understand the principle: Recognize that your inner thoughts shape your reality. This ties into the idea that “your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.”
  2. Affirm your good: Affirmations become meaningful when you understand this principle. They act as a bridge to align your subconscious and conscious thoughts, ultimately affecting your physical reality.
  3. Meditate regularly: Meditation can help you tap into this universal law. The Kybalion’s principle of correspondence asserts the existence of physical, mental, and spiritual planes. During meditation, you reach out to these various levels.
  4. Visualize your manifestations: Using visualization techniques can be beneficial in manifesting desires. What we imagine ultimately translates into our physical reality.
  5. Practice the idea of oneness: Understanding and accepting this law aids in developing empathy towards others. If we’re all interconnected in the universe, every action we take affects others, too.

Final Thoughts

The Hermetic Principle of Correspondence has gained popularity among spiritual seekers. It is an ancient philosophy that offers hidden knowledge about the relationship between humanity and the universe.

It suggests that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm — “as above, so below.” It proposes that we contain within us, in a fractal and holographic manner, the same cosmic blueprint that underlies all of existence.

Proponents of this principle believe it reveals an interconnectedness that binds all things and beings into one unified whole. They argue that it shows humanity’s integral place in the grand scheme of creation, suggesting that the cosmos communicates through us. By decoding our individual lives, we can uncover universal truths.

There is something profoundly appealing about envisioning existence as an intricate tapestry, with ourselves as vibrant threads in a larger design rather than random atomic clusters of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. This principle helps us make sense of the universe in a relatable and meaningful way.

Why do we long to weave magic and meaning into the fabric of our reality?

Although the popular materialistic worldview claims that the universe is chaotic, lacking coordination, and composed solely of aimless atoms in an empty void, I find it difficult to disregard the ancient teachings of the Kybalion. These teachings are not merely philosophical fabrications intended to pacify our sense of desperation as we grapple with futile aspirations and unfulfilled desires.

My yearning to discover cosmic significance in my life is not solely an expression of my struggle with uncertainty, misadventure, and chance. Consequently, I will persist in my quest for evidence that supports the notion that the cosmos gently whispers loving guidance to my soul.

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Saleem Rana

I'm Saleem Rana. I'm interested in human flourishing and aspire to help readers discover how to be the best version of themselves..