7 Principles of Hermeticism: Change Your Life Beyond Recognition

Explore ancient wisdom and embrace profound change.

Saleem Rana
13 min readAug 16, 2023


Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

As an insatiable seeker of wisdom, I love obscure philosophies from ancient traditions that promise to unpack the hidden lessons of my life. So when I first stumbled upon online articles about an ancient tradition called Hermeticism, I knew I had to unravel its mysterious threads.

I tumbled down a research rabbit hole.

I spent late nights poring over difficult-to-understand texts and piecing together fragments of this secret philosophy scattered across the Internet.

After weeks of study, I emerged wide-eyed, dazzling metaphysical ideas dancing in my mind. This esoteric tradition, cloaked in secrecy for centuries, captured my imagination.

What drew me in was the glimmering promise of lost knowledge. The principles I rediscovered hiding in plain sight seemed excavated from some long-buried treasure chest of ancient wisdom.

Here, as far as I could tell, was a guidebook to the universe’s workings glimpsed by mystics and sages eons ago. To contemplate such perennial wisdom is to touch the eternal truths about life’s meaning, purpose, and direction.

I’ve always been fascinated by the notion that genuine insights belong to no one time or place. The principles governing reality must transcend all borders of history and culture.

Hermeticism offers just that — a corpus of knowledge gleaned from deep contemplation about the inner workings of the cosmic whole.

As both philosophy and religion, it leads the yearning mind through a landscape of occult arts — astrology, alchemy, and divination.

The teachings of the Hermetic path promise boundless self-discovery to those who stumble upon it. As someone enthralled by esoteric thought, I needed to travel along its winding path.

Now, I’m thrilled to unravel some of the secrets I uncovered and want to pass the torch to fellow thinkers here on Medium.

What follows are the key Hermetic principles that can illuminate any spiritual quest. My goal is to share the deep insights I discovered and spark the same sense of amazement that I felt when I first discovered this obscure treasure.

Join me as we enter the light and unveil life’s hidden depths.

Come with me to discover life's mysteries beneath the surface. Let's unravel its intricacies together.

What is Hermeticism?

Spiritual seekers have probed the mysteries of the cosmos across millennia, searching for the hidden codes underpinning our universe.

Hermeticism stands as one profound attempt to decipher the enigmas of existence — an ancient philosophical tradition that carved its principles upon the very pillars of reality.

During the first century AD, this esoteric philosophy developed seven universal laws. Sparkling like the facets of a cosmic gemstone, they are known as the principles of Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender.

According to Hermetic sages, you will hold the keys to the kingdom within yourself if you internalize these doctrines.

At its mystical core, Hermeticism envisions the dance between spirit and matter, the intricate interplay between physical and ethereal dimensions.

According to tradition, our physical bodies and souls are believed to be intertwined. Understanding the Hermetica means recognizing that these realms are not separate but rather intertwined in an everlasting cosmic dance.

Three forms of arcane knowledge animate the Hermetic arts — alchemy, astrology, and theurgy.

  • Alchemy seeks material perfection, an operation echoing the sun’s transmutive light.
  • Astrology interprets the influences of celestial motions upon our terrestrial affairs.
  • Theurgy performs rituals invoking the divine presence.

Through mastery of these occult practices, acolytes shape earthly and heavenly destinies.

Remarkably, beneath its esoteric surface, Hermeticism resonates with diverse spiritual traditions, including Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Paganism.

The principles embody a sense of universal harmony, making them easy to apply to diverse beliefs and ideologies. The tradition's profound and enduring appeal lies in its universal applicability.

An Overview: The 7 Keys to Empowerment

The following seven profound tenets have guided truth seekers through the endless enigmas of creation for millennia.

The Principle of Mentalism whispers that all we perceive springs from the fertile soil of consciousness and imagination.

The Principle of Correspondence reveals connections between visible and invisible dimensions. “As above, so below” speaks of worlds beyond our physical plane. The hidden dimensions of mind and matter become visible, creating a ripple effect.

The Principle of Vibration shatters the illusion of inertia. The truth is that everything vibrates with unseen motion, and the rhythm of life is present throughout the universe. Everything is part of a cosmic song, from subatomic particles to celestial bodies.

The Principle of Polarity shields us from false dichotomies. This concept teaches that seemingly opposite things are related, like two sides of the same coin. They are both part of a bigger picture and connected through evolution. Even the most extreme differences can come together to form a unified whole, creating a beautiful natural paradox.

The Principle of Rhythm traces cycles of death and rebirth. The seasons change constantly, like the beating of our hearts that follow an eternal rhythm of systole and diastole. Understanding this pulse allows us to move in sync with the divine flow of life.

The Principle of Cause and Effect says that there are no accidents. Cause and effect govern everything in the universe. Action elicits a reaction in an endless chain of consequences. By observing the origin and results of personal events, we can weave them together into the tapestry of our destiny.

The Principle of Gender acknowledges the value of embracing and celebrating diverse expressions. In addition to physical appearance, archetypal masculine and feminine energies play a vital role in the creation and sustenance of life. They work together in a symbiotic partnership to achieve a greater purpose. Sustenance of life requires a symbiotic partnership between different entities working together.

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An In-depth Exploration of the 7 Principles

Here’s an in-depth exploration of the seven fundamental principles of this age-old wisdom.

1. The Principle of Mentalism

Imagine a grand canvas, blank and pristine, stretched before you. Upon its surface, a cosmos of infinite possibility awaits, yearning for the first stroke of a creator’s brush.

Through the mystical Principle of Mentalism, we learn that our world is a projection, a mental masterpiece painted by the power of thought. Our experiences, interactions, joys, and sorrows reflect the vivid workings of our human minds within an all-inclusive Universal Mind. It’s a physical scenario where beliefs manifest.

In other words, existence is our blank canvas, and we, the artists, etch its features with each idea and intention. Once aware of his knowledge, we must embrace responsibility — our thoughts shape our inner realm and ripple outward to influence our world.

Approach life with optimism. Having a clear idea and intention is essential for evolutionary progress.

When we embrace this hidden knowledge, we take responsibility for our thoughts and their impact on our inner world and the world around us. Our thoughts have a ripple effect and can influence all we perceive.

This principle is a double-edged sword unveiled by Mentalism’s Principle. It bestows upon us the power to author our reality through focused thought. Yet it demands mindfulness — careless ideas manifest as smears upon the canvas.

2. The Principle of Correspondence

Through the veil of illusion and the void of atomic clouds, dimension layer upon each other, almost like a cosmic conspiracy. “As above, so below,” say the Hermetic sages when revealing the subtle interplay between the diverse planes of reality.

Above, ethereal realms unfurl beyond physical sight — realms of spirit, energy, and consciousness. Like mist-shrouded mountains, they loom over reality, influencing all below in silent conspiracy.

Those who seek the summit to the astral worlds and beyond establish meditation, prayer, and shamanic flight practices. These rituals promise to take them to lofty planes.

Here dwell forces govern our world — the conscious and the unconscious mind and the higher powers of divinity.

When you tune into these inner realms to hear creation’s subtle melody, reverberating with oneness, insights flow like rushing waters, flooding your awareness with prescience.

Below, the dense earthly plane anchors us in the tangible — the measured, seen, and touched. Its laws bind us in causality as we plumb the world of atoms in the void. Particles relate to particles, organisms to organisms; all interconnected in a delicate balance.

Sometimes, these veils of solid matter and predictable events part, and you experience serendipity and synchronicity.

Serendipity refers to unexpected and fortunate events or discoveries by chance. It involves stumbling upon something valuable or beneficial without actively seeking it. Serendipity often involves a sense of luck or happy coincidence.

On the other hand, synchronicity is a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung. It refers to meaningful coincidences that occur in a way that suggests a deeper connection or underlying pattern. Synchronicity goes beyond mere chance and implies a meaningful relationship between events, often in a way that transcends logical explanation.

While serendipity and synchronicity involve unexpected events, serendipity focuses more on fortunate accidents or discoveries. In contrast, synchronicity emphasizes meaningful coincidences that may hold deeper significance.

In short, sometimes, through a remarkable synthesis of science and spirit, the cosmic web unveils its secrets. As above, so below. The dimensions of creation are distinct but entangled. Together they birth the miracle called life.

3. The Principle of Vibration

A symphony of vibration resounds through the cosmos, permeating all that is. All things hum with invisible motion. To apprehend this cosmic concerto is to recognize the impermanence of the world of form and realize that everything is in flux.

Each entity vibrates its singular tune within this sea of rhythms, sending ripples through the universe. Synchronicity highlights significant coincidences that may have deeper meanings. You may feel attuned to the subtle melody of creation resonating within you.

Constant movement is everywhere, even in the most solid mountain or the deepest cave. A frenzy of motion reigns at quantum scales, subatomic particles dancing in ceaseless choreography. Even light’s waves undulate across the curved canvas of space-time, distorting the cosmic fabric.

Our bodies, too, pulse with cellular rhythms, alive with the ebb and flow of ions, hormones, and neurotransmitters. To sense these inner tides is to know one’s place within nature’s grand orchestration. We are dancing dust, spinning forms, threads on vibration’s loom.

The key to achieving serenity is staying calm and unfazed amidst any changes. By aligning ourselves with the universe's rhythm, we can sense its delicate melody and appreciate our temporary role in this timeless performance. Even though our physical form may eventually fade away, the vibrations we leave behind will continue to resonate.

Through stillness, we may detect the universe’s subtle song. We remember our temporary role in the timeless performance by attuning to its melody. Though form will fade, its vibrations ripple forever through eternity.

4. The Principle of Polarity

As seen through the lens of perception, opposites shape reality. Here light opposes dark, good dances with evil, and hot confronts cold — conceptual counterpoints constructing meaning. We must consider both sides of an issue to understand the truth more deeply. Opposing viewpoints reveal both similarities and differences.

Opposites differ merely by degrees along a common axis. Darkness dims light; evil distorts good. One cannot stand without the other.

Complementary opposites reveal existence’s intrinsic unity.

By dividing and naming, we map the mind’s landscape, locating our place amidst the relativity of space-time.

Opposites join along Reality’s Mobius strip; chase one end and find it twisted into its counterpart. Extremes kiss, paradoxes resolve.

Beyond simplistic dichotomies, a nuanced world emerges. Truths have two sides, each revealing facets of a greater whole. With open minds, outmoded assumptions drop away, shedding our inner light’s sharper rays.

We enter the still point between extremes by quieting judgment’s ceaseless chatter. Life’s rhythms harmonize in singular motion; chaos crystallizes into meaning: light and dark merge within the knowing mind.

By embracing opposites, we transcend them. Blinders removed, a vibrant wholeness astounds with infinite diversity, difference dissolved in unity’s ocean. All opposites are currents within the Cosmic Mind, streaming eternal wisdom to those who notice and listen.

5. The Principle of Rhythm

To everything, there is a season — rise and fall, growth and decay. Rhythm governs life, an endless cycle of becoming and fading. All that ascends must descend; atoms and empires alike obey this cosmic cadence.

The ceaseless energy flux underpins this eternal dance, pulsing through all forms. Its currents animate life’s ebb and flow, granting it sacred dynamism. To sail along these tides is to grasp life’s essential movement.

Change is the only thing that persists. Continual transformation sculpts the universe; impermanence reigns. By flowing with change’s currents, we transcend clinging to transient forms. Equanimity emerges from understanding life’s fluid nature.

Nature’s rhythms manifest through the pendulum’s swing. Extremes inevitably give way to their opposites in cyclic balance — action and reaction wed. In between, lives equilibrium.

In essence, then, the cosmos self-corrects, ever-striving toward harmony. Upset the delicate balance, and nature redirects you, restoring order. We must carefully tend to life’s garden, aligning with her measured pace.

See how the cycles turn. Striving toward harmony requires maintaining a delicate balance. Upsetting this balance can lead to complications. Trust in the rhythm and life reveals her perfection.

We are notes in nature’s ceaseless symphony.

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect

Life often seems full of random events, both good and bad. They are due to chance, luck, or fate. But, there are consistent laws governing the universe. Understanding the laws of cause and effect can help us gain more control and intentionally shape our lives.

The basic principle is that every action has an equal reaction. In other words, our thoughts, beliefs, and actions will produce corresponding results, essentially the law of karma — we reap what we sow.

Knowing about the law of cause and effect, we can make wiser choices to manifest our desired reality. We aren’t helpless pawns of fate but active creators of our destiny. We can live more purposefully when we recognize our mental power in shaping outcomes.

Some practical ways to apply this principle are setting clear goals and intentions, taking inspired action toward them, and monitoring our thoughts to weed out self-defeating patterns. Understanding how our choices affect results allows us to adjust our efforts to yield the desired fruits.

In summary, the law of cause and effect is empowering because it reveals our ability to direct life events through exercising wisdom and will. We can transcend feeling like helpless victims of circumstance and become masters of our fate.

This law encourages intentional living and conscious creation. By leveraging this principle, we unlock our potential to manifest the lives we envision.

7. The Principle of Gender

The mystic precepts of Hermeticism illuminate existence’s hidden contours, whispering long-buried secrets that unveil life’s occult mysteries. Among these enigmatic principles rests the metaphysical truth of Gender — a profound revelation for any seeker journeying toward self-realization.

Gender, according to Hermetic thought, infuses all planes as animating masculine and feminine life forces. Not confined to biological sex, these primordial energies weave through the fabric of reality, symbiotic partners in creation’s grand endeavor. By unveiling their workings, we can harmonize their powers within.

First, we must comprehend the essence of the masculine and feminine archetypes. The masculine embodies will, focus, and strength — the relentless drive toward progress and control. Its feminine companion is the realm of intuition, creativity, and nurturing — the conduit to imagination’s bounty.

Too often, rigid cultural roles disrupt these energies, limiting wholeness. But Hermeticism beckons us to integration — blending the steadfastness of masculine with the fluidity of feminine for balance. In this union of complements, human potential unfolds.

By bringing these principles into daily life, we can unlock inner gifts. Logic mingles with empathy and creates wisdom. Assertiveness tempers nurturing, birthing compassionate strength. By embracing the spectrum within, we transcend false divisions

This integration likewise enriches relationships, harmonizing yin and yang. Here, genuine communication flows, and barriers dissolve in mutual understanding. Partners interweave perspectives, accomplishing together what neither could alone.

Why Study Hermeticism?

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Let's take a moment to appreciate the wisdom of ancient metaphysics, even in our modern era. By exploring its depths, we can uncover valuable insights that are still relevant today. The illuminated currents of this ancient knowledge offer timeless lessons that glimmer with relevance and meaning.

The Principle of Mentalism, for instance, is an intriguing concept that highlights the incredible influence of the mind over the physical world. It's almost as if it anticipated the contemporary ideas of "mind over matter," as well as the increasing popularity of mindfulness and positive thinking.

Or consider the fascinating idea of Cause and Effect, where modern causality and the scientific method intersect. It's amazing to see how the ethical concept of karma has its roots in this very intersection and has since blossomed in various spiritual traditions.

By establishing universal laws about the fabric of human existence, Hermeticism provides a valuable framework for navigating the unpredictable journey of life. Its teachings continue to serve as fertile ground for personal growth and healing in any time period.

We can use this philosophy to awaken our latent intuition by recognizing our deep entanglement with unseen dimensions. By honoring our interconnection with all beings, we cultivate compassion. And by understanding our small but integral role in creation’s cosmic dance, we plant the seeds of enlightenment.

For those seeking time-weathered but eminently practical wisdom, Hermeticism presents a spiritual compass to guide us through the existential labyrinth. By integrating its principles into our postmodern lives, we tap into the perennial lessons in our DNA.

In this age of chaos and confusion, we would do well to consult the sages of antiquity. Within their honored parchments, we may unearth the answers we seek.

Understanding these laws allows us to break free of victimhood and take charge of our lives. When we don’t grasp these principles, we feel tossed about helplessly by external events. We forget that we shape our reality through our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

Without comprehending these subtle ideas, we remain trapped in repeating old patterns, unable to change our circumstances. Life seems beyond our control, leaving us disempowered, frustrated, and resigned to our fate.


I wanted to share these illuminating insights to help you thrive.

Here’s the thing: When we recognize our ability to create outcomes consciously, everything changes. We can set intentions, adjust thoughts, and act inspired to manifest our desired lives. We transition from passive pawns into active creators of our destiny.

We must stay mindful of our inner world to apply these principles daily.

For instance:

  • Notice negative thoughts or self-limiting beliefs as they arise and consciously replace them with empowering perspectives.
  • Make decisions from a place of purpose and positivity.
  • Visualize desired results vividly. Then act resolutely upon inspiration in alignment with your vision.

By leveraging these immutable laws, we can overcome adversity, create positive change and achieve once-impossible dreams. We cease being victims and become the victorious masters of our circumstances.

In sum, although ancient, Hermetic wisdom remains deeply relevant today. Its principles help us self-actualize by unveiling life’s hidden mechanisms. Hermeticism provides a timeless template for understanding the universe and our creative role within it. Its laws allow us to live more consciously, optimizing our human experience.

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Saleem Rana

I'm Saleem Rana. I'm interested in human flourishing and aspire to help readers discover how to be the best version of themselves..