The Subjective Origins of Consciousness: How Your Needs Shape Your Reality

Atul Jain
4 min readApr 9, 2024


Consciousness has captivated great thinkers for generations. But what exactly is it, and how do we come to be conscious beings? This article examines the subjective essence of consciousness and provides guidance on increasing self-awareness.

Consciousness refers to our subjective experience of being aware and perceiving the world around us. It is an inward phenomenon recognized through self-reflection and interpreting our experiences. Consciousness is not tangible or readily quantified. Rather, it is the sum of our unique thoughts, feelings, and encounters with life.

The desire to understand consciousness speaks to a deeper human need to feel present and connected to existence. By contemplating our consciousness, we assert our being in the fabric of reality. While definitions of consciousness abound, they all point to the shared yet profoundly personal nature of simply “being.”

Our fundamental needs also invent our consciousness. Needs drive behavior and focus our attention on fulfilling necessities for survival and well-being. This selective attention acts as a lens, shaping how we perceive the world. When information aligns with our needs, our minds process it more acutely. Unmet needs can limit consciousness, while fulfilled needs expand it. As needs change over time, so may our consciousness.

Cultivating Deeper Self-Awareness

By exploring the subjective essence of consciousness, we can develop greater self-awareness through:

  • Self-reflection — Reflect inwardly through contemplation to understand your consciousness.
  • Identifying needs — Recognize core needs driving your perceptions and actions. Consider what provides true fulfillment.
  • Examine perceptions — Note how shifting needs filter how you perceive and interpret events.
  • Assessing values — Evaluate your principles and ideals based on life experience. What resonates most?
  • Formulating principles — Synthesize core needs and values into guiding tenets and personal philosophy.
  • Mindful action — Make choices aligned with your principles, not just fleeting needs. Practice living purposefully.
  • Flexible growth — Re-examine your philosophy as you grow. It’s a lifelong journey of self-discovery.

By taking these steps, you can gain clarity on your motivations and values to develop an evolving personal philosophy. This provides a compass for greater meaning and purpose.

Exploring Essential Questions

  • How might we distinguish fleeting needs from values? Reflection helps determine if desires align with principles.
  • If needs conflict with societal norms, stay open but grounded in your philosophy. Evaluate which expectations suit your values.
  • Prioritize needs by identifying the most vital for purpose and wellness. Meet urgent needs while giving time to others.
  • Needs are requirements for being, while values provide direction. Each shapes the other in a fluid exchange.
  • Amid challenges, self-reflection and community support can inspire perseverance, informed by your outlook.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do we distinguish needs from desires?

Needs are requirements essential to your well-being, while desires are wants that may be non-essential. Reflect carefully to determine if a desire truly aligns with your needs and principles.

What if my needs conflict with society’s expectations?

Remain open-minded, but stay grounded in your personal philosophy. Carefully evaluate which societal norms and expectations actually suit your authentic needs and values.

How can I prioritize between competing needs?

Identify the needs most essential to your health, purpose and principles. Make plans to meet urgent needs first, while also giving adequate time to fulfill your other important needs.

What is the difference between needs and values?

Needs are fundamental requirements for your overall well-being and fulfillment, while values provide the ideals and direction that give your life meaning. Your needs and values dynamically shape each other.

How do I stay grounded in my philosophy amid life’s challenges?

Regular self-reflection helps maintain perspective when challenges arise. Sharing your philosophy with supportive community also inspires perseverance in trying times.

Fostering an Authentic Life

In summary, our distinctive needs, experiences, and values shape a singular consciousness. To live authentically, we must look within, connect with our principles, and align actions accordingly. This lifetime process of self-discovery allows us to approach life’s complexities with purpose and compassion. I hope these ideas provide a meaningful framework to consider as you contemplate your own philosophical path.

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