The prompts: Using ChatGPT to write a blog post about using ChatGPT to write blog posts

Theo Wethered
12 min readJan 5, 2023


Credit: Unsplash &

This is supporting matieral for the original article “Using ChatGPT to write a blog post about using ChatGPT to write blog posts”.

First is a version of the article highlighting which parts of the text are human vs machine generated, followed by the prompts.

Using ChatGPT to write a blog post about using ChatGPT to write blog posts

Key: Human generated, ChatGPT generated, ChatGPT assisted

As content creators turn to large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 and ChatGPT to crank out blog posts and articles, the internet is starting to see a surge of mediocre content. While these models can generate human-like text with impressive fluency, they often lack the creativity and thoughtfulness that goes into crafting truly great content. As a result, the rise in the use of large language models threatens to oversaturate the internet with formulaic, unoriginal material.

To avoid being drowned in a sea of mediocrity, it’s important for content creators to focus on producing high-quality, original work that truly resonates with readers.

One way to do this is by generating original ideas as the writer and only using LLMs to frame those ideas in a more digestible prosaic way or as a kind of sparring partner for ideas (which is in large part how this article was generated).

Another way is to tap into the unique experiences and perspectives that only a human writer can bring, and use large language models to supplement and enhance this content rather than relying on them to generate it entirely. (Interestingly this suggestion came entirely from Chat GPT and has not been edited, which is laughably ironic and makes me, Theo, feel like more of a machine than the machine!).

Thirdly, the value of empirical data and real-world studies will become far more valuable. These studies will differentiate material truely insightful data-driven research from the high-level waffly opinion-only pieces that ChatGPT seems to generate. (Sadly I wrote this entirely myself, although I would love it if ChatGPT was so self-aware and self-deprecating!).

Finally, content curators, fact checkers, and editors will play a vital role in sorting through the vast volume of material being produced and selecting the most valuable, relevant pieces. These professionals will need to have a sharp eye for quality and be able to distinguish truly informative, thought-provoking content from superficial filler. By carefully promoting the best content, curators and editors can help raise the overall level of discourse and make it easier for readers to find truly valuable information online (this paragraph was given as an idea to ChatGPT’s which worded and unpacked it entirely). It is likely that there will be an intermediate stage with an “AI vs AI” battle before the AI starts handling more of the work involved in writing beyond just the writing itself. AI will be used to filter out original content with genuine research and empirical data while AI-generated content will morph to look more and more like legitimate research, there are even examples of ChatGPT making up studies that never happened already! (This section was human generated)

I have used ChatGPT to generate as much of this article as possible and found that it’s current iteration is helpful primarily as a sparring partner by asking it to suggest things like “what are the effects of having too much AI generated content” or “please suggest 3–5 highly engaging and alluring titles for this article?”. It’s also helpful for unpacking a simple prompt into a prose format, such as “add in a comment that the role of the content curator and editor become ever more important”.

For those interested, the prompts used to help generate this article and their responses are linked here.

The prompts:

Write a blog post about how people using LLMs and ChatGPT to write blog posts will very likely lead to a oversupply of mediocre content, what some of the dangers of this are and make some comments of how we will have to adapt to overcome this, please

Over the past few years, the use of large language models such as GPT-3 and ChatGPT has become increasingly popular among content creators. These models, which are trained on massive amounts of data, can generate human-like text with a high degree of fluency and coherence. Many bloggers and writers have started using these models to produce blog posts, articles, and other types of written content.

While the use of large language models has the potential to greatly improve the efficiency and productivity of content creation, it also poses a number of dangers. One of the most significant dangers is the risk of oversaturation of mediocre content.

As more and more people turn to large language models to produce their written content, the internet will be flooded with a large volume of mediocre, formulaic, and unoriginal material. This will not only make it harder for truly high-quality content to stand out, but it could also lead to a decline in the overall quality of the content available online.

There are a few reasons why the use of large language models could lead to a proliferation of mediocre content. First, these models are only as good as the data they are trained on. If the data used to train a model is of low quality, the output of the model will likely be of low quality as well. Second, using a large language model to produce written content can be tempting for those who are looking to cut corners and save time, but it is no substitute for the creativity, thoughtfulness, and hard work that goes into crafting truly great content.

There are several ways that we can adapt to overcome the dangers of oversaturation of mediocre content. One way is to focus on producing high-quality, original content that is truly valuable to readers. This means taking the time to research and write thoughtfully, and putting in the effort to create content that is genuinely useful or interesting to readers.

Another way to adapt is to prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to content creation. Rather than trying to produce as much content as possible, it is important to focus on creating a smaller volume of truly great content. This may mean taking more time to research and write, but it is likely to be more effective in the long run.

In conclusion, the use of large language models such as GPT-3 and ChatGPT has the potential to greatly improve the efficiency and productivity of content creation, but it also poses the danger of oversaturation of mediocre content. To overcome this danger, it is important to focus on producing high-quality, original content and to prioritize quality over quantity. By doing so, we can ensure that the content available online is of the highest possible quality.

Please add in a comment to paragraph about how the value of empirical data and novel studies will become more important. and that the role of the content curator and editor become ever more important.

As the use of large language models becomes more widespread, the value of empirical data and novel studies is likely to become even more important. With so much written content being produced by these models, it will be increasingly important to be able to distinguish between high-quality, well-researched content and formulaic, superficial material. This is where the role of the content curator and editor will become ever more important.

Curators and editors will be responsible for sifting through the vast volume of content produced by large language models and selecting the most valuable and relevant pieces for publication. They will need to have a keen eye for quality and be able to discern which content is genuinely informative and thought-provoking, and which is simply filler.

In this way, the role of the content curator and editor will become crucial in helping to ensure that the content available online is of the highest possible quality. By carefully selecting and promoting the best content, they will be able to help raise the overall level of discourse and make it easier for readers to find truly valuable information.

ok, now put the first and the second answer together in one response, please.

Over the past few years, the use of large language models such as GPT-3 and ChatGPT has become increasingly popular among content creators. These models, which are trained on massive amounts of data, can generate human-like text with a high degree of fluency and coherence. Many bloggers and writers have started using these models to produce blog posts, articles, and other types of written content.

While the use of large language models has the potential to greatly improve the efficiency and productivity of content creation, it also poses a number of dangers. One of the most significant dangers is the risk of oversaturation of mediocre content. As more and more people turn to large language models to produce their written content, the internet will be flooded with a large volume of mediocre, formulaic, and unoriginal material. This will not only make it harder for truly high-quality content to stand out, but it could also lead to a decline in the overall quality of the content available online.

There are several ways that we can adapt to overcome the dangers of oversaturation of mediocre content. One way is to focus on producing high-quality, original content that is truly valuable to readers. This means taking the time to research and write thoughtfully, and putting in the effort to create content that is genuinely useful or interesting to readers. Another way to adapt is to prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to content creation. Rather than trying to produce as much content as possible, it is important to focus on creating a smaller volume of truly great content. This may mean taking more time to research and write, but it is likely to be more effective in the long run.

As the use of large language models becomes more widespread, the value of empirical data and novel studies is likely to become even more important. With so much written content being produced by these models, it will be increasingly important to be able to distinguish between high-quality, well-researched content and formulaic, superficial material. This is where the role of the content curator and editor will become ever more important. Curators and editors will be responsible for sifting through the vast volume of content produced by large language models and selecting the most valuable and relevant pieces for publication. They will need to have a keen eye for quality and be able to discern which content is genuinely informative and thought-provoking, and which is simply filler. In this way, the role of the content curator and editor will become crucial in helping to ensure that the content available online is of the highest possible quality. By carefully selecting and promoting the best content, they will be able to help raise the overall level of discourse and make it easier for readers to find truly valuable information.

Thanks, now cover the same points but make it read less like a undergraduate essay and more like a well-written and easy to read New York Times article, please?

As content creators turn to large language models like GPT-3 and ChatGPT to crank out blog posts and articles, the internet is starting to see a surge of mediocre content. While these models can generate human-like text with impressive fluency, they often lack the creativity and thoughtfulness that goes into crafting truly great content. As a result, the rise in the use of large language models threatens to oversaturate the internet with formulaic, unoriginal material.

To avoid being drowned in a sea of mediocrity, it’s important for content creators to focus on producing high-quality, original work that truly resonates with readers. This means taking the time to research and write thoughtfully, and putting in the effort to create material that is genuinely useful or interesting. It’s also crucial to prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to content creation. Rather than trying to churn out as much material as possible, it’s better to focus on creating a smaller volume of truly excellent content.

As large language models become more prevalent, the value of empirical data and novel studies will only grow. In this environment, content curators and editors will play a vital role in sorting through the vast volume of material being produced and selecting the most valuable, relevant pieces for publication. These professionals will need to have a sharp eye for quality and be able to distinguish truly informative, thought-provoking content from superficial filler. By carefully promoting the best content, curators and editors can help raise the overall level of discourse and make it easier for readers to find truly valuable information online.

Thanks, please suggest 3–5 highly engaging and alluring titles for this article?

  1. “The Dangers of Oversaturation: How Large Language Models Could Flood the Internet with Mediocre Content”
  2. “Why Quality Matters More Than Ever in the Era of Large Language Models”
  3. “From Formulaic to Fascinating: The Importance of Originality in the Age of GPT-3”
  4. “The Rise of Large Language Models and the Need for Discriminating Content Curators”
  5. “In a World of Machine-Generated Content, the Human Touch is More Important Than Ever”

Thanks, can you make the following changes to your previous answer (the longer response starting “As content creators turn…”): Replace the section starting “It’s also crucial…” up until “…excellent content” with a sentence suggesting that “this can be done, such as by generating original ideas as the writer and only using LLMs to frame those ideas in a more digestible prosaic way. “ make another suggestion if you can. Add a paragraph on the end telling the reader that this article was generated with ChatGPT and while the ideas are my own and it took 5 different prompts to generate this answer if you found this article interesting then perhaps the output of LLMs will not all be trite and generic. For those that are interested the prompts used to generate this article and their responses are shown/linked below

As content creators turn to large language models like GPT-3 and ChatGPT to crank out blog posts and articles, the internet is starting to see a surge of mediocre content. While these models can generate human-like text with impressive fluency, they often lack the creativity and thoughtfulness that goes into crafting truly great content. As a result, the rise in the use of large language models threatens to oversaturate the internet with formulaic, unoriginal material.

To avoid being drowned in a sea of mediocrity, it’s important for content creators to focus on producing high-quality, original work that truly resonates with readers. One way to do this is by generating original ideas as the writer and only using large language models to frame those ideas in a more digestible prosaic way. Another way is to tap into the unique experiences and perspectives that only a human writer can bring, and use large language models to supplement and enhance this content rather than relying on them to generate it entirely.

As large language models become more prevalent, the value of empirical data and novel studies will only grow. In this environment, content curators and editors will play a vital role in sorting through the vast volume of material being produced and selecting the most valuable, relevant pieces for publication. These professionals will need to have a sharp eye for quality and be able to distinguish truly informative, thought-provoking content from superficial filler. By carefully promoting the best content, curators and editors can help raise the overall level of discourse and make it easier for readers to find truly valuable information online.

It’s worth noting that this article was generated with ChatGPT and while the ideas are my own, it took five different prompts to generate this response. If you found this article interesting, it’s possible that the output of large language models will not all be trite and generic. For those interested, the prompts used to generate this article and their responses are shown/linked below: [prompts and responses].

Write article titled “Using ChatGPT to write a blog post about using ChatGPT to write blog posts”

As content creators increasingly turn to large language models like ChatGPT to produce written content, it’s worth considering the pros and cons of using these tools. On the one hand, ChatGPT and other large language models can be incredibly useful for generating human-like text with a high degree of fluency and coherence. They can save time and improve efficiency for writers, and can even produce content that is difficult for readers to distinguish from that written by a human.

However, there are also potential dangers to using ChatGPT and other large language models to write blog posts and other types of content. One risk is the possibility of oversaturating the internet with mediocre, formulaic material. While ChatGPT and other models can produce text that is highly readable and coherent, they may lack the creativity and originality that goes into crafting truly great content. As more and more people turn to these tools to produce written material, the internet may become flooded with a large volume of uninspired, unoriginal work.

So, is it a good idea to use ChatGPT and other large language models to write blog posts? As with any tool, it’s important to use it responsibly and consider the potential drawbacks as well as the benefits. If you do choose to use ChatGPT or a similar model to write a blog post, it’s important to put in the extra effort to ensure that the content is truly valuable and original. This may mean doing additional research, adding your own unique perspective, or taking the time to revise and polish the material generated by the model. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your content stands out in an increasingly crowded and competitive online environment.

