Public Release: MoneyRebel’s platform is now up and running!

MoneyRebel Platform
3 min readOct 31, 2018


One year after development funds were first entrusted to us, the MoneyRebel platform has come to life. In the past few days, we have successfully launched the mobile and online application for users, the web application for advisors and advisory companies, as well as the administrator’s platform. But this is only the beginning, the first phase of development. Soon, we will open the first advisor marketplace, where users will choose from verified financial experts.

The MoneyRebel platform consists of a number of independent, but well-connected tools. Users can link accounts and allocate resources between three interconnected portfolios for a complete, 360° overview of their personal finances, all in one place. They can create their own crypto wallet, keep up-to-date with news and download e-books from the available library. In addition to which, they will be able to choose from well-verified advisors and communicate with them via an integrated communication center.

“We have created an all-in-one platform whereby users and advisors get modern personal finance management tools, while the platform provides a digital advising experience. The tools are based on the long-standing experience of the entire team with the tendency to automate processes, supported by artificial intelligence. This is just the beginning because our vision is to build a market of trusted advisors and digital services, including banking, based on blockchain technology”, said Mitja Vezovišek, the founder of the MoneyRebel platform.

A family event and the burning of all unsold tokens

A few days ago, we launched the MoneyRebel platform, in an event with a family-like atmosphere. “Since the end of the token sale (ICO) in May, we have worked hard to complete the development of the product. We used the summer for testing, including the general public, especially our supporters, and they have really become a member of our family. Our supporters were able to constantly monitor the development of the platform,” recalls MoneyRebel COO Natalija Prešern. The platform is already available to end users in the Apple Store, Google Play and as an online version, and the team is preparing to open the marketplace of advisors, country by country.

When the MoneyRebel platform was officially launched, we fulfilled another promise made during the token sale. We used this day to “burn” all unsold tokens. From now on, only 199,430,728 MRP tokens are in supply. The destroyed tokens will never be available again, nor will new ones ever be created. You can read more about that HERE.

The second milestone brings advanced tools for advisors

After the successful launch and our first milestone, the second is already in the running. It brings advanced tools for personal financial advisers, from tax optimization, and financial planning to many other functions. “Despite the fact that we are limited by means of developing another milestone, we have already got down to work. This is the most important thing for independent advisors who are involved in financial planning and taking care of the assets of their clients since they will get all the tools they need,” said Nataša Kozlevčar, MoneyRebel co-founder. Learn more about the next milestone HERE.

The team will now focus on advisors. “We are starting an international tour, from Lisbon, to London, Milan and to Paris, where meetings with potential advisers will be held,” adds Nataša Kozlevčar. Any advisors who want to test the platform can register HERE.

