BIOS — Beaker List 50: Top Serial Academic Life Science Entrepreneurs 🔬

BIOS Community
Published in
5 min readOct 9, 2022

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Overview 🔬

The Life Science sector with the rise of TechBio (Merging of technology & biology) is experiencing unprecedented innovation, a change we believe is leading to some of the most impactful solutions in decades.

Academia is the bedrock of Life Science innovation & professors are the pioneers shaping translational research and inspiring today’s medical miracles. To highlight those labs prioritizing startup building & honor the incredible leaders behind them, we built a first of its kind resource we call “The Beaker List” to recognize the Top 50 Academic Life Science Entrepreneurs Shaping the Future of Medicine.

Using venture backed startups as a primary guide along with other impact metrics such as patents, citations, & thought leadership, the following professors have demonstrated patient impact, providing significant contributions to the Life Science startup ecosystem.

BIOS has curated a list of the Top United States based academic researchers pioneering translational science & disrupting the startup landscape as serial entrepreneurs. We hope this comprehensive & detailed list will help provide a centralized resource to navigate the top translational labs amongst the ecosystem, learn more cutting edge research, & discover the academic innovators behind TechBio’s breakout companies.

We’re excited to announce the Top 50 Academic Life Science Entrepreneurs — Recognizing the leading researchers shaping the future of medicine through startups…

Scientific & Entrepreneurial Overview 🔬

Searching for a birds’ eye view of the top PI’s shaping translational research? What is a researcher’s scientific specialty? Who has founded what companies? We are too :)

Use “The Beaker List” to navigate amongst the leading United States based research Universities & Institutes to find the top academic life science entrepreneurs. Get a glimpse at their Scientific Specialty & H-Index, as well as an overview of the startups they’ve Founded & their most notable companies created.

Contact Info & Social Information 🌎

Looking to learn more about a translational researcher’s upcoming science? Trying to get in touch to explore ways to collaborate? Searching for a PI’s thought leadership?

We’ve centralized each of the Top 50 Academic Life Science Entrepreneurs Lab Websites, personal Email addresses, Twitter, & LinkedIn profiles into one sheet.

We hope you enjoy exploring the world of translational research!

Content Collaborations 🧬

Hope to hear more from Academia’s leading researchers on how they inspire the next generation of entrepreneurial scientists, pick research topics, foster lab culture, form new companies, & shape the future of medicine?

We created BIOS to highlight the transformational innovations being created through Life Science startups. Hear from today’s leading academic researchers as they talk about their entrepreneurial pursuits & adventures in the startup world…

View Full Archive — Top 250: Academic Life Science Entrepreneurs 👏

To discover more academic researchers across the ecosystem translating scientific research into cutting edge startups subscribe to view our full archive of the top professors @ Berkeley, Caltech, Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Northwestern, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF, UNC, UW, & Yale, as well as UK based universities such as Oxford & Cambridge:

Shoutout 🎉

A HUGE thank you to the Beaker List honorees below for your help in compiling this list, we’re grateful for your support in evangelizing academic entrepreneurship, inspired by the research you’ve transformed into some of the industry’s leading companies. We look forward to growing this ecosystem together, here’s to a better brighter future for patients ✨

Aaron Ring, Alex Marson, Aravind Asokan, Ashutosh Chilkoti, Atul Butte, Bert Vogelstein, Bill Goddard, Bob Langer, Carl June, Carolyn Bertozzi, Charlie Gersbach, Christopher Voigt, Daniel Anderson, Darrell Irvine, Dave Mooney, David Baker, David Baltimore, David Liu, David Schaffer, David Walt, Dino Di Carlo, Don Ingber, Euan Ashley, Feng Zhang, Frances Arnold, Gene Yeo, George Church, Gordana Vunjak-Novakovik, James Wilson, Jay Keasling, Jennifer Doudna, Jim Collins, Jude Samulski, Kevan Shokat, Matt Jacobson, Matthew Porteus, Michael Jewett, Mike Snyder, Pam Silver, Patrick Hsu, Prashant Mali, Ron Weiss, Rong Fan, Samir Mitragotri, Sangeeta Bhatia, Siddhartha Mukherjee, Stan Riddell, Steve Quake, Tim Lu, & Victor Velculescu

Looking for More Resources? 👀

Launching BIOS Talent — A first of it’s kind job board centralizing the real time openings of today’s leading TechBio Startups.

The Life Science sector with the rise of TechBio (Melding of technology & biology) is experiencing unprecedented innovation, a change we believe is leading to some of the most impactful solutions in decades.

BIOS has compiled the largest centralized TechBio job board to help you uncover the best opportunities within the ecosystem. Featuring the world’s leading builders on the cutting edge of life saving innovations search from over 300+ companies & discover over 4000+ TechBio job openings…

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The Nucleus of Life Science Startup Innovation — By Alix Ventures