Biweekly XXI

3 min readJan 14, 2019


Community Development

1)The second batch of the Sharder Hubs are now available for preorder, there will be a limited amount of 800 units. Interested buyers can preorder the hubs at our online store:

2)We’ve added referral links to the Sharder Mall, basic resellers can receive a 5% commission on each hub sold through their referral link and certified resellers can receive up to 15% commission on hubs sold through their referral link. Please refer to the image for more details.

3)The rewards for the hub testing have been distributed, please check your wallets.


1)There are now 344 users on Bean Cloud and 288104 copies of certified data are stored successfully and more corporate users have joined us for testing. Full nodes are stable and perform very well during this test phase. (According to stats on 2019 January 14 11:00 GMT+8)

2)Closed testing for the CAMP wallet has begun and the version has been updated to v0.1.0. Updates include: 1. BTC/ETH address management, transfer and receive functions were added, 2. payment observation addresses, 3. Exchange API management, 4. Encryption method, use of local encryption.

3)Bean Cloud has been updated to v0.1.1, we’ve made some optimizations for a better user experience. Optimizations and additional features include: 1. UI and text, 2. Signup process, new functions has been added to the process. After the signup and KYC process have been completed, users can have a free demo of e-contract signing. 3. E-contract signing functions, CA digital certificates were added. CA digital signatures will be stamped on every contract. 4. Search function, documents can be searched by their serial number. 5. Integration with the Judicial Chain API, document hashes will be uploaded to the judicial chain for storage and validation. 6. Fixed known bugs.

4)The 2019 roadmap is now available on the Sharder website.

5)We’ve reached a decision on the design plans for Bean Cloud’s mini program on WeChat, it’s expected to go live within 2019 Q1.

Business Development

1)Rick attended the Chongqing Startup Ecology Summit. A booth for Bean Cloud was setup to introduce Bean Cloud to visitors and potential investors and to inform them of e-contract signing and Bean Cloud’s progress.

2)Last week, Sharder have established a long-lasting cooperation with blockchain media, Yunshi Finance. Yunshi Finance will be publishing articles regarding Sharder and assisting us with advertising and promotions.

Disclaimer: Due to confidentiality, some details on the updates may be omitted from the biweekly. Thank you for understanding.

You can find Sharder here:









