A pushup is a skill which requires endurance and determination. If you think you have those two in your bag, there isn’t anything that can stop you from doing the toughest of its variation. These exercises take time to adjust to the range of motion and its requirements. But if done patiently, they certainly can, and definitely will be conquered.

Human bodies are designed to adapt and learn, with what is required of it. The pushup is a rudimentary exercise which can assist anyone in having muscular upper body strength. But to attempt any pushup style, one generally needs to have a potent chest, a good core, and triceps. However, if you don’t have any of it, you can certainly build it — by doing beginner style pushup. Pushups can be performed at all level. Depending on the strength requirement, one can choose a pushup style and effectively progress towards the more difficult variation. Increase the numbers and intensity, the moment it gets simpler.

Doing the same range of motion can be mundane, and it doesn’t allow to work for a different muscle group. With so many variations available, there is no reason for you to attempt the same exercise over and over again. You will be making a mistake by not involving this compounded range of movements in your fitness routine. There are no boundaries on difficulty level when it comes to pushups. If there is any, it is the amount of creativity you have to yourself.

Table of Contents

Beginners’ Push-ups

Intermediates’ Push-ups

Pushups For Advanced Athletes

Beginners’ Push-ups

Everyone and everything needs to start at ground zero. The foundation of anything is extremely crucial. These beginners push-up exercise will help to build the necessary strength required to attempt more difficult variations. The key to gain strength from a push-up is to do a full range of motion involved in it.

Regular push-ups are where most of the beast starts at. But if getting your body all the way down to the floor — in a way that it almost touches the floor is too difficult for you, you can scale back and do an improvised push-up. It can be a wall or a knee push-up.

Following are the different beginner level push-up variations that can be tried based on your fitness level and strength requirements. Before you jump to new variations which require an increased amount of strength and coordination, be sure to have perfected the art of regular pushups.

1. Wall Pushup

This pushup exercise strengthens your arms, shoulders, and chest. It gives you the sense of the range of motion involved in regular push-ups and helps your body to get accustomed to the movements in it. The simplicity of this exercise is such that you can do this exercise while watching the TV at your home.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Stand against the wall at an arm’s length with hands and feet shoulder-width apart.
* Now lean your body towards the wall with the palm against it at shoulder height.
* Bend the elbows and slowly lower towards the wall in a controlled motion.
* Hold the position for a second or two, and push back to the starting position.
* Repeat the steps for at least 10 reps.

This exercise is a great way for beginners to begin their pushup journey and get used to the movements involved in the regular push-ups. Once you can do 10 push-ups easily, move ahead towards the next variation in the line.

2. Knee Pushup

This pushup variation works on the chest, abs, shoulders, tricep and arm muscles. This variation makes life easier for people who struggle with the regular push-ups. It exactly mimics the upper body movement as compared to the regular push-ups. It can be used as an alternative which helps in developing the strength and fitness level necessary to the regular push-up.

Following are the steps involved in knee pushup.

* Place your hands on the floor and cross your legs by going on the knee position.
* Bend your elbow until the chest is almost in contact with the floor.
* The back should be straight, as you push yourself in the starting position.
* Repeat the steps for at least 10 reps.

Breathe in as you lower the chest to the floor and breathe out as you push up in the starting position. Knee push-up exercise is great to achieve upper body strength, increased metabolic rate, core strength and reduce bone loss. It can also be used as a warm-up exercise to prepare for strength training routine.

3. Regular Pushup

This effective upper body exercise activates various muscles which include chest, shoulders, arms, abs, and triceps. It is a compounded movement, which uses almost all of the major upper body muscle groups. To gain maximum benefits from regular pushup, it is imperative to do it with the proper form and posture.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Place your hands beneath the shoulders and legs straight behind the back tucked into the floor at shoulder width apart.
* Now lower your body slowly, so it almost touches the floor. Engage your core while going down.
* Maintain a straight line while you push your body back to the starting position. This completes one repetition.
* Repeat.

Breathe in as you go down and breathe out while getting into the starting position. Do at least 10–12 repetition for 2–3 sets, every day. Doing the exercise in the correct form and technique will enhance your upper body strength completely. You will have amazing abs and a pumped-up chest to flaunt. A versatile exercise, which can be done in your living space, on a grass bank or at the gym. Once you get stronger, increase the intensity by adding variations to it.

4. Incline Pushup

This variation of the pushup works on the triceps brachii, anterior deltoids, and pectoralis major. It also enhances the overall strength bearing capacity of the chest by making it more powerful. Incline pushups also work on the core, increasing its endurance capabilities. This exercise is much simpler than the regular pushup variation.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Place your hands beneath the shoulder on an inclined surface. Extend your legs until it forms a straight line from the shoulder to the heels.
* Tighten your core and bend your elbow to make a 45-degree angle with the trunk. Bend yourself until the elbows are in parallel with the back.
* Extend the elbows to return to the start position. This completes one repetition. Perform as many repetitions as possible to get used to the movements.

Breathe in as you lower yourself and breathe out as you push up back to the starting position. To increase the intensity of the exercise, lean on a less stable object. You can make use of a ball and use it as an inclination object. Based on your comfort level you easily manipulate the height of the inclination.

5. Shoulder Tap Pushup

This variation of the pushup is a full body move exercise that works on the chest, arms, shoulder and also provides strength to the core. This bodyweight exercise is great because of the unique element that it incorporates, which is the balance training. It takes the regular push-ups to the next level. The core does most of the work during the entire range of motion involved in this exercise.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Start by getting in the plank position. Keep your hands underneath shoulder and feet hip-width apart.
* Engage the core as you slowly lower your chest to the ground, while bending elbows behind you.
* Push yourself up in the starting plank position, while lifting your right hand to tap the left shoulder.
* Repeat the same steps with the other arm tapping.

Breathe in as you lower yourself to the floor and breathe out while pushing back in the starting position. The slight longer hold in the range of motion is better for improving the balance of the body. When you tap the shoulder with your hands, the key is to pull your belly in — a little extra. They are difficult, but once you learn them, you will proud of your progress.

6. Rotating Pushup

This variation of the pushup helps you to build and strengthen your shoulder, chest, arms, abdominals and lower back. This exercise is a combination of the regular pushup with a side plank. True fitness exercise for athletes who play sports like baseball and tennis, as they require trunk rotation. It is a rigorous workout routine to build powerful and musculature core.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Start by getting in the military pushup position, with your hands underneath and shoulder width apart.
* Your body must be completely straight. Now start lowering the chest to the point that it almost touches the floor mat.
* Now push the body up and concurrently, lift your left arm high and start rotating your body anticlockwise on the left side.
* Try to make a T-shape with the body and arms in the side plank position. Hold the position, and return to the starting form.
* Repeat with the other hand.

Breathe out as you lower your body down towards the floor and breathe in while pushing your body up. Do not point the elbow out while forming the T-shape with the body. If there is any discomfort or pain in the shoulder region, discontinue the exercise immediately or use the knee position, alternatively.

7. Single arm, Single leg pushup

This exercise will strengthen your chest and core simultaneously. When doing a balancing act on a single arm, the muscles that support the shoulder must be highly engaged to maintain stability and thus improving the shoulders’ overall ability. It also enhances your back and makes it less prone to injury. This exercise can be tough for the first timers as it requires balancing skill.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position with your hands and feet shoulder-width apart. Perform the pushup.
* While in the top position, raise one arm and leg. They must be the opposite. Bent your arm at a 90-degree angle and turn your thumb towards the ceiling.
* Now lower the leg and arm and return to the starting position. Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

To lift one arm and leg, you must be able to engage and activate the core entirely. This will help to maintain the balance. Use this exercise once or twice in your routine to assist other workout sessions.

Intermediates’ Push-ups

Intermediate push-ups are where you will learn an advanced skill that will be helpful for the rest of your life. After gaining the foundation strength and technical skills to perform the correct pushup, upping the ante is a good thing.

This intermediate compound exercises will help to connect your body to the mind so that the core works and engages properly. The list for intermediate pushup is immense, and you won’t have to exercise with the same range of motion, day in and day out.

Following are the different intermediate level push-ups that can be tried based on your fitness level and strength requirements.

8. Knuckle Pushup

This variation of the pushup works on your forearms, biceps, triceps, pecs, abdominals and the core muscles. It also strengthens the wrist and toughens the knuckles. This can be really challenging at times and for people who are at pace with it — it is recommended not to try it. It can do more harm than good. However, it will for sure give you good punching abilities.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position and place your hand exactly beneath your chest. The hands must be shoulder width apart.
* This time you won’t be putting your palms on the ground, you’ll place knuckles on the ground. This must be directly below the elbow position.
* Now lower your chest towards the floor slowly, until it almost gets in contact with the floor. Hold your position for a couple of seconds.
* Now get back in the initial position. The form of the body must be correct and in line. Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Breathe in as you lower your body towards the floor mat and breathe out as get back in the starting position. The range of motion involved in knuckle push-ups is little larger as compared to regular push-ups. Thus activating the triceps more. This exercise is straight up your alley — if you are a martial artist or if you want to punch someone really hard.

9. Staggered Pushup

This variation of the exercise primarily works on the shoulders, chest, arms, biceps, and triceps. The true exercise that strengthens the upper body and helps to tone and attain a stronger core. Staggered pushup exercise helps to put emphasize on one side of the chest. This is useful for people who want to build some strength on their non-dominant side.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get your hands in staggered position, with one hand higher and wider than the other.
* Now start bending your elbow and get your chest down towards the floor.
* Extend the arms to push the body into the starting position and then reverse the hand position.
* Repeat the steps for the desired number of repetitions.

Breathe in as you lower your chest to the floor mat and breathe out as you push back to the starting position. Hold your position in the downward movement for a second or two and then get back to the starting position. It is a must try exercise if you lag strength on your non-dominant side.

10. Slow Negative Pushup

This variation of the exercise is effective for increasing the core and muscle strength. Negative push-ups make use of eccentric contraction, which means the muscles get contracted as they increase in length. This increase in tension among the muscles makes them more hard and strong. Slow negative works on the chest, shoulder and abdominal muscles of the body.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Start in the plank position like in regular pushup. Get your hands underneath shoulders.
* From the up position, start to lower your body slowly on the mat.
* Start squeezing the shoulder blades, while lifting the palms away from the floor.
* Get your elbow straighten and push yourself back into the plank position.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Doing the negatives for the first time will make your body sore and stiff. It causes microscopic damage and induces extra muscle regeneration than compared to its other counterpart. However, don’t let this bother you. The stiffness and the soreness in the body will be gone once it gets adapted to the routine.

11. Spiderman Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the chest, shoulders and arm muscles of the body. It involves a leg movement, which is more like an ab crunch. It also activates the pecs and triceps muscles. This upper body exercise engages the core and enhances it strength abilities. Include the Spiderman push-up in your fitness routine and expand your repertoire.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Start with the regular pushup plank position. Place your hands beneath the shoulder
* Lower your body towards the floor. Fold your left knee, so it comes in contact with the left elbow.
* Take a pause in the same position and count to ten.
* After the count, straighten the arms and recover the left knee back to the initial plank position.
* Now you can perform the same steps with your right knee and right elbow.
* Repeat and interchange the knee and elbow.

Breathe in as you go down towards the floor and breathe out as you push yourself back in the starting position. It requires a higher level of balance and coordination while adding extra stress to the core. Thus, make sure to engage your lower ab and back muscles. This exercise is great for swimmers, cyclist, and runners.

12. Pseudo Planche Pushup

This variation of the pushup works on the biceps, chest and shoulder muscles. It enriches the quality of abdominal muscles and improves the core as well. It activates the triceps and shoulder and adds strength to it. Pseudo planche push-up is an impressive exercise to conquer with a lot of benefits.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Use the floor mat and extend the legs behind the upper body in a straight line. Push your hands to the ground beside your stomach and tuck your toes into the ground.
* The elbows should be pressed against the ribs and the fingers must be pointing in the forward direction, or away from the trunk.
* Your body weight must entirely be supported by the hands and toes. Now squeeze the thighs and strengthen your abdominal muscles to remain in a straight line.
* Press the elbow to push your body up and down. Now you will feel the entire body weight moving in the shoulders and chest. It is essential to keep your abdominal muscles rigid to prevent the hips from falling down.

This exercise improves your climbing up skills and also provides you the ability to do handstand and shoulder stand effectively. Most people also use this exercise as a progression exercise towards the full planche pushup. This exercise is intense and can leave people dehydrated rather quickly.

13. The Outside Leg Kick Pushup

This variation of the pushup helps you to attain strength and endurance in chest and shoulder muscles. It increases the flexibility and strength in the hamstring, hip flexors, and glutes. This exercise is effective for people who wish to lose some unwanted fat and get their body toned. It helps in firing up the abdominal muscles and strengthen its overall ability.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position and start lowering the chest.
* While in the bottom position kicks your right leg sideways and try to make a 90-degree angle.
* Keep your knee straight during the movement and hold the position for a second or two.
* Now get back to the starting position and repeat the step with the other leg to complete one repetition.

Breathe in as you lower your chest to the floor and breathe out as you get back to the starting position. Get the leg as far away as possible, and preferably till 90-degree angle. This exercise is a great alternative to bring creativity into your fitness routine.

14. Grasshopper Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on your chest, traps, triceps, quadriceps, and glutes. This exercise will help you burn a lot of fat and calories. It increases your mental strength and helps you gain confidence. Grasshopper pushup enhances your body balance abilities. The core is engaged more in this exercise as compared to other pushup variation.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position and place your hands underneath the shoulder.
* Now bend your left knee and slide it underneath the body.
* Attempt the pushup in the followed position and prevent the left leg from kissing the floor.
* Push yourself up and slide the leg back to the starting position.
* Continue the same set of movements with the right leg. This completes one repetition.

The awkward position involved in this exercise helps to activate three different nerves simultaneously and prevents the body from falling over. This helps your body to respond quickly to stimulation and thus increasing your balancing abilities. It enhances your reflexes and body speed.

15. Resistance Band Pushup

This variation of the pushup puts your muscles under greater stress and tension, all throughout the exercise. During the relaxation phase as well, as you go down to the floor, the body is under continuous pressure. Thus making the exercise more intense and difficult. This exercise enhances your chest, shoulder, triceps and abdominal muscles.

Following are the step involved in it.

* Get a resistance band and strap in around your upper back and underneath the hands.
* Now do the steps involved in a regular pushup.

Use this exercise as an alternate option to regular pushup and increase the level of intensity involved. Doing variation keeps your routine active and doesn’t let it become mundane. Do make it more intense you add a weighted vest and increase the difficulty by taking the exercise a level up.

16. Corkscrew Pushup

This variation of the pushup works on the lower body and upper body at the same time. It works on the legs, arms and abdominal muscles at the same time. The full body workout that increases the flexibility in your hip flexors and hamstrings. This exercise is great for the intermediate level.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position. Bring your hands and feet close, such that your knees are bent at 90-degree angle.
* Your hips must be raised higher than your head.
* Now lower your left side to the floor by bending the elbow and rotating the body. This is known as a corkscrew motion.
* Hold the position and rotate to the other side and return to the starting position.

Breathe in as you go down to the floor and breathe out as you rotate the body with the corkscrew motion. This exercise will help your body to learn how to balance and provide it more flexibility. It increases the range of motion of the body for which you will be thankful for your old age.

17. Wide Pushup

This variation of the push-up works on the chest, shoulder, anterior deltoids, and triceps brachii. During the movements, the ab muscles get contracted that helps to burn calories quickly and efficiently. This in return helps to tone your body. It provides stronger and deeper ab muscles. This variation of the exercise also helps to increase the range of motion of the hands.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Hands must be approx one and a half times wider than your shoulder width.
* Fully extend your legs behind you with your feet touching the floor.
* Now bend your elbows until your chest touches the floor.
* Hold your body for a second in the same position.
* Push yourself up from the ground and return to the initial position.

Breathe in as you lower yourself closer to the ground and breathe out as you push yourself in the starting position. Use this multi-joint exercise to attain strength and endurance inside yourself.

18. Diamond Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the triceps brachii, chest, and the shoulder muscles. It also uses the biceps brachii muscles to provide the stability to the body and thus working on quadriceps and obliques. Diamond push-up makes use of the narrow grip pattern, forming the diamond shape pattern. This exercise is also great to lose some of the unwanted fat in the system and get toned up.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Position the hands so that your index fingers and thumb are close to each other and form a diamond shape.
* Now get in the regular pushup position, by keeping your elbow straight.
* Slowly lower your chest to the floor, like in regular pushup until it almost touches the floor.
* Return to the starting position by pushing your body up.
* Repeat the desired number of a pushup.

Breathe in as you lower yourself to the ground and breathe out as you push yourself back to the starting position. Research shows that the narrow bases position of the hands activates the triceps muscles more as compared to regular pushup style.

19. Tiger Bend Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the triceps and shoulder muscles. It increases the strength capabilities of the pecs, deltoids, and trapezius. Tiger bend push-up is effective for people who are required to pass and shoot the ball. Doing this exercise will help to reduce the chances of injuries to your elbow joint. This exercise targets a number of smaller and larger muscle group.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the top position of a push-up and extend your arms. Place your hands a little wider than the shoulder width.
* Now lower the body until your chest almost touches the floor. Push yourself back by getting the forearms and back of the elbow to the ground position.
* Now go back to the bottom position of push-up by pushing forward, and later go back to the starting position by pushing up.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

The intensity of the exercise can be modified by changing the height of inclination which in return increase and decreases the amount of bodyweight to lift, respectively. If you change the distance between the legs, the involvement of the core will get changed.

20. Feet Elevated Pushup

This variation of the pushup exercise works on the chest, core and shoulder muscles of the body. Since the feet are placed on an elevated surface, the range of motion involved is increased in this exercise. This exercise will help you to attain extra pumped chest and abdominal muscles.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position with your torso at arm’s length.
* Place your feet on an elevated surface like a bench or a chair.
* Now lower the body until it almost touches the floor.
* Push yourself back up to get in the starting position.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Breathe in as you lower yourself towards the floor and breathe out as you push up back in the starting position. This exercise is comparatively easier as compared to other intermediate level exercises, provided you have required shoulder and chest strength. This exercise will give you deeper and stronger ab muscles.

22. Side to Side Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the pectoralis, shoulder and torso stabilizers. It increases the mobility in shoulder joints, obliques, and lower back. Side to side pushup, also known as typewriter pushup, also help you to reduce fat and tone your body. To a certain degree, it also works on traps and triceps muscles.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get into the pushup position and place your hand’s shoulder-width apart just beneath the shoulders.
* Now flex the elbows and lean onto one side and lower your torso on the ground.
* Extend your elbow and return to the starting position by pushing the body in the center.
* Lower your body on the other side and get back to the starting position to complete the repetition.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Breathe in as you slowly bend yourself on one side and breathe out as you push back in starting position. Side to side pushup, allows you to work on each side of the body simultaneously and helps in improving the non-dominant side of the body. It improves the overall body balance.

23. Isometric Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the shoulder, chest, triceps and back muscles. It helps in toning the arms and deltoids. In this exercise, the length of the arm and joint muscle does not change during contraction. It increases endurance and strength levels in the entire body region.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Start in the regular pushup position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width.
* Lower your body to the floor and elbow tucked close to the body.
* Hold the body in the bottom position for a second or two.
* Push back to the starting position explosively so that your arms are entirely straightened up.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

This exercise is beneficial for people who are recovering from chronic issues or injuries. It is also beneficial for people who are looking to enhance strength and performance. A full body workout that increases flexibility levels in the body.

24. Hindu Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the erector spine, deltoids, abdominals, hamstrings and chest muscles. Hindu push-up, is a compounded exercise that works on the upper and lower body at the same time. It stabilizes and strengthens the joints and increase the flexibility of the spine, making you less prone to injuries.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular push-up position, by placing the hands underneath shoulders. Keep the hip feet width apart with a flat back.
* Once in the start position, raise your hips up in the air. Keep your arms, back, and legs in a straight position. In this position, your body will form an inverted V or an upside-down V.
* Starting bending the elbow outward and lower the chest to the floor. Your butt should be more in level with the floor, but still a little high.
* While your chest closes towards the floor, scoop your head upwards, while arching the upper and lower back.
* Once you have performed the scooping, arching and upward motion movements, straighten your arm, lift the torso and look upward. At this point, your butt will be down to the floor, but yet not touching it.

It is a comprehensive exercise that increases the mobility of the body. It helps to improve flexibility, body posture and cardiovascular health. It includes concentric as well as an eccentric range of motion. This exercise is a must for wrestlers due to the range involved in it.

25. Dive Bomber Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the pecs, biceps, triceps, latissimus dorsi and deltoids. It increases the strength of the core by doing a complete stretched out movement. Like Hindu pushup, this exercise involved both concentric and eccentric range of motion. It is also beneficial for the lower back and hamstring.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Start by getting into the downward dog position by placing your hands and feet on the floor. Raise your hips in the upward direction, just like you do in Hindu pushup. Once in the starting position, your body will look like an inverted V, if looked from above.
* Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width and keep your back straight. Press your heels into the ground.
* Now lower your shoulder and bring your chest closer to the floor, but not touching it. Then swoop through the arms while your chest arches up in between the arms, while you look up. Hold your position for a couple of seconds.
* Now reverse the movements. Again lower your chest back to the ground and raise your hip up high towards the ceiling.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

It includes the vinyasa flow move which is used in yoga. It is an effective head to toe body challenge that enhances your flexibility and balance in the body, therefore making it less prone to injuries.

26. Uchi Mata Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the core, hamstrings and lower back. It also increases the demand on the shoulders muscles, thus increasing its strength capabilities. If the regular pushup is getting too mundane to be done, try this effective exercise which increases flexibility and helps to reduce fat in the body.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Start in the regular pushup position and lift the right foot so that your leg gets in parallel with the floor.
* Lower your body until it almost touches the floor and then raises your lifted leg high up in the air.
* This completes half reps. Now do the same movement with the other leg to complete one rep.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

This exercise teaches the body to maintain balance. It is great for the gymnast who solely relies on their balancing abilities to do well in their respective sport. You need to engage the core more in this exercise as compared to other varieties of the pushup.

27. Pike Pushup

This variation of the Push-up exercise works on the shoulder and the core muscles of the body. It also works on the chest, arms and lower back muscles. Since the core is activated more in this exercise, the amount of calories burned is high. So if you want to lose unwanted fat, this exercise is a must for you.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get the regular pushup position and place your hands shoulder-width apart. Once in the correct form, your body will turn in an in-warded ‘V’ form.
* Ensure that the arms are overhead, just in front of the face. Keep your head adjacent to the mat. Your elbow must make a 90-degree angle with the floor.
* Now push your elbow and get them in a straight position, by pushing up and away from the ground.
* Now push yourself down to get back in the original position. This would complete one repetition. Keep repeating until the set is finished.

This exercise can be used as a progressive exercise towards the freestanding handstand pushups. Breathe in as you lower the body to the floor and breathe out as you push up back to the starting position. It will give you shoulder strength like no other exercise and at the same time build you for the handstand pushup.

28. Twisting Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the core, hip and groin muscles of the body. It improves the flexibility and increases strength in the chest and shoulder muscles. It improves the quality of the abs muscles and gives you deeper and stronger abs.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position by forming a fist with your hands such that you are in the knuckle pushup position.
* Now rotate the hip to the right and cross the right leg with your left leg.
* Lower the chest towards the ground until it almost touches the floor. Do not let your hip touch the floor.
* Push the body back in the starting position.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Breathe in as you lower your body down towards the floor and breathe out as you push yourself back in the starting position. This exercise is great for you to tone the body and gain muscular strength along with flexibility in the body.

29. Finger Tip Pushup

This variation of the exercise will help you to include strength in your fingertip, wrists and improve the grip quality. This exercise is good for martial artists and wrestlers. In addition to this, the exercise also works on the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core of the body.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the position by spreading the fingers and lifting the palm off the floor. Your balance must be maintained at the fingertips.
* Slowly bend the elbow and lower your body until it almost kisses the floor. Hold the position for a second or two.
* Push yourself back in the starting position with the help of your fingertips.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Breathe in as you lower your body to the floor and breathe out as you push yourself back in the starting position. This exercise will enhance your punching abilities and strength in the fingers.

30. Plank Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the triceps, deltoids, abdominals and shoulder muscles. It enhances the range of motion of the body which comes in handy to perform other bodyweight exercises. This exercise is a combination movement of two different exercise — Plank and Pushup.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Start with the regular plank position. Slowly get your hands straight such that your palms must be pressing the floor and your toes must support your lower body.
* Rather than bending your elbows like in the regular push-ups, slowly lower the arm until your elbow, and the forearm is resting on the floor.
* Now, get the second arm down and slowly rest the elbow and forearm on the floor.
* Now you must be in the plank position. Try holding the position for a second or two and then return to the push-up position again.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

This exercise is unique because of the range of motion involved in it. It increases the ability of the hip flexors and provides more flexibility to the body. It resembles the workout session of the cardio exercise if done accurately.

31. Muscle-Up Pushup

This variation of the pushup works on your arms, shoulders and rotator cuffs. It improves the strength of the front deltoids, chest and triceps muscles. A coveted fitness exercise that works on the upper and middle back. It helps to burn the fat quickly and replaces it with strong muscles.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Hang up on the bar with a false grip, while generating a strong kip — opening the shoulders and thrusting your hips.
* As the body rises, kick the heels back and shoulder forwards — bringing the chest above the bar.
* From here, roll your chest over the bar as a change from pull up to the dip, and then to the lockout, if you’re not using the false grip.

People often debate on this exercise whether it is a push or pull exercise. However, it won’t be correct to claim either of it. It would be right, to say, that it is a combination of two movements. It is a combination of pressing, pushing and transition movements.

32. Archer Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the chest and shoulder muscles. It enhances the strength in triceps and abdominals. It also works on the biceps, quads and abs muscles of the body. This exercise is great for you if there is any lower back in your body. This exercise is a regressive version of single arm pushup.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* The resting arm needs to be placed horizontally on the floor. Grip the floor in a way, like you’re pushing your hands into the ground and away from you.
* Make sure your body is in a straight line from head to the toes. If the hips are not in line with the upper body, it may cause lower back pain.
* Now, pull your shoulders down like you’re getting them as far away as possible from the ears. If done correctly, it will ensure your elbow movement is done correctly.
* It is also necessary to keep your elbow close and tight to your side, as you move your chest down to the floor.
* The forearm of the engaged arm should be kept upright with the floor throughout the movements. This helps in enhancing the activation of your triceps and pecs.

This exercise is an extension of the regular pushup that helps you build strength and endurance required for single arm pushup.

33. Explosive Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the chest, shoulders, triceps and abs muscles of the body. It improves the strength in the glutes and abdominals, so if you take a light punch in the ribcage area, you won’t feel a thing. Explosive pushup helps to burn the calories lot faster and tones your body.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position.
* Now bend the elbow and lower your body until it almost touches the floor.
* Push the body up into the air explosively with your hands.
* Your hands must be in the air.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Breathe in as you lower your body to the floor and breathe out as push back to the starting position. This exercise can be used a progressive exercise towards the clapping pushup variation.

34. Clapping Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the pecs, deltoids and triceps brachii, abdominals and serratus anterior muscles. This exercise will give an extra boost to the chest and shoulder muscles.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position. Now flex your elbow and descend into the bottom position.
* Push yourself explosively upwards and as powerfully as possible.
* Bring the hands close to each other and clap while the upper body is in the air.
* Return back to the starting position immediately.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Breathe in as you lower your body to the floor and breathe out as you explode high in the air. Yes, you might be afraid of falling. But everyone else is too. Believe in your ability and don’t forget to use a soft surface to attempt the exercise.

35. Renegade Row Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the chest, triceps and shoulder muscles of the body. The exercise also helps you to train your lats and rear deltoids. This exercise activates the core to provide stability during the movements.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position with the hands placed on dumbbells underneath the shoulder.
* Now perform the regular pushup movements. Once the pushup is done, row one dumbbell back towards the hip, while you push the non-working dumbbell.
* Do not rotate the hip during the movements.
* Get the dumbbell back to the floor and perform with the second half.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Doing the exercise in the correct form will help you build strength and endurance in your body. This exercise will make you less prone to injuries, and it will enhance the flexibility in your body. Since the range of motion is greater in this exercise, the effect it will have on the muscles will also be increased as compared to other pushup variations.

Pushups For Advanced Athletes

The advanced pushup is the stage that takes years of practice, determination, and endurance. Remember, to attempt this exercise you need to have more than a considerable amount of strength and power. This is not for light-hearted people, and certainly not for the one who does not possess high pushup skills and strength.

Following are the different advanced level pushup that you can try based on your strength and endurance level.

36. Aztec Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the chest and triceps muscles of the body. It engages the core, deltoids and increases the flexibility in the hip muscles. It also works on the lower and upper back and provides strength and endurance to it. This variation is one of the toughest exercises, and only a few can claim to have mastered it.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Keep your hands beneath the shoulder and ensure that your shoulders and hip fall into a straight line.
* Push the hands and get in the up position. But instead of going down immediately, you need to rise a bit more than normal.
* Once you sense you no longer can rise, you need to take a leap of faith and be entirely airborne.
* Meanwhile, in the air, attempt to bend yourself and touch your toes with the hands. Keep your legs straight while doing it.

Do not attempt this exercise if you do not have the strength and courage to do it. Yes, it will give you muscular abilities like no other exercises, but your well-being comes first. So train better before attempting it.

37. Feet on Wall Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the chest, triceps, biceps, wrist flexors and elbow flexors. Feet on the wall pushup exercise is an angel for people who cannot perform the freestanding handstand pushup. The movements resemble quite a lot, and the range of motion involved is also pretty similar. The only difference is the feet on the wall.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Initiate by facing away from the wall. Place the hands wider than shoulder-width apart.
* Slowly walk your legs up on the wall to a comfortable height.
* Press the feet against the wall and perform the pushup as you do in regular style.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

This exercise increases the mobility in shoulder joints and helps to improve the balance of the body. It can also be used as progression exercise towards the highly eluded freestanding handstand pushup.

38. Single Arm Pushup

This variation of the push-ups works on the chest, shoulder, triceps, glutes and abs muscles of the body. The beast mode exercise requires a lot of abdominal strength and power. Spreading the legs little less will make the exercise less strenuous for starters. However, you need to have great pushup skills and endurance to perform it.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position with one hand on the surface and other on the back side.
* Now lower your body slowly to the floor until it almost touches the floor.
* Explode upwards and get back to the starting position.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Breathe in as you lower the body to the floor and breathe out as you push back to the starting position. If done correctly, this exercise will later transform you into greater endurance and strength.

39. Superman Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the abs, shoulders, latissimus dorsi, and pecs muscle in the chest. This exercise is for superhuman who have great strength and power levels. It also improves obliques, glutes, lower and middle back up to a certain degree.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* The Superman pushup is performed in a horizontal (parallel to the ground) position. The hands are stretched beyond your head, unlike in regular push up — where your hands are placed beneath the shoulder.
* To ensure that you’re in the right position, it is advisable to lie on your stomach with your arms and legs fully extended. Your palms must lie flat on the floor, and the feet should be six inches apart.
* To start workout — contract your core and lift the chest, thighs, and stomach of the floor. This will place all the weight on the hands and toes.
* Hold the weight of the body in top position for a bit and pop in the air, before bringing it back to the floor.

You will need to have super strength in your abdominal muscles to attempt this exercise. A completely airborne body will make you feel like a Superman. Do this, and you will enroll yourself in a list of very few people.

40. Triceps Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the triceps and makes your core more powerful. The amount of pressure it exerts on the triceps is immense, and you will certainly feel the heat next day. Though many other exercises target the triceps muscle, there isn’t anything like Triceps Pushup and the way it works on your triceps.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Lie on one side of the body by pushing your shoulders, feet, and hips on the ground. Now bring the top hand directly underneath your bottom shoulder.
* Keep your bottom hand wrapped around the waist, just below the chest position.
* Now with the top arm, press your body in the up position and then slowly bring it down to the initial position.

During the exercise, you will feel the triceps muscle on the back of the top arm working and resisting pressure. Once you performed the desired number of repetitions, switch the side and work on the other side.

41. Planche Pushup

Planche Push-up works on the forearms, chest, abs, and core of the body. It will improve the strength ability of the triceps by adding more stress on it. It also works on the stability and enhances balancing nature of the body.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Lie down on the floor with your hands next to your stomach. Your palms must be down on the floor, and the fingers should be pointing to the other sides of your body.
* Push your torso by extending the position of your arms. The torso and thigh must form a straight line.
* Lean the upper body and push the weight into your shoulders and chest. Start squeezing the legs and engage your abdominals in lifting your both the feet off the ground.
* While balancing the raised position of your legs, lower your elbows until it touches the floor mat and then pushes up, by straightening your arms.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

This exercise will give the illusion as if you were floating in the air. If you don’t have the necessary strength requirement, perform the pseudo planche exercise before attempting this exercise. Build towards it, rather than damaging your muscles.

42. Jack Pushup

This variation of the pushup works on the shoulder, chest, triceps and the core muscles of the body. It is a combination of pushup and plank jack. It gives a double workout session to the upper body because it combines a wide grip and close grip pushup.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the high plank position with the hands and feet close to each other.
* Lower your body to the floor until it almost touches the floor.
* Push yourself back to the high plank position and do not flare the elbows out.
* As you push yourself up, explode in the air by jumping with your hands and feet.
* Get down on the floor with the wide pushup position and get down to the floor.
* Explode again and get into the close grip pushup.
* Alternate the position and perform a pushup.

This compounded exercise works double time because of the uniqueness of its range of motion. The exercise is tough, so attempt only you have reached the advanced level fitness regime. It improves the stability and flexibility of your body.

43. Sphinx Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the chest, shoulders and abdominal muscles. This exercise increases the resistance in the shoulder and improves your mental strength. This exercise requires control and balance of the body. It enhances the load carrying capacity of the muscles.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Put your hands on the floor mat directly under your shoulder.
* Contract your abdominal muscle to give support to the lower back. Pull yourself up a bit on the forearms and on your toes.
* Push yourself until your arms are in a straight position. Avoid your back getting up in the air. Hold this position for a second or two.
* Now start bending the elbows and get back in slowly into the initial position.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Sphinx pushup is a combination of forearm pushup and plank. This exercise helps to keep your entire body active and thus increases the flexibility in hip flexors muscles. Use this exercise to increase the intensity in your fitness routine.

44. Handstand Pushup

Handstand Push-up works on the chest, arms, shoulders and back muscles of the body. It improves the strength of deltoids, latissimus dorsi, pecs, and triceps. It requires one to have immense strength and stability in the body. The balance needs to perfect to hold the entire body on the hand support.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Kick your feet up in a freestanding position and create balance and stability.
* Your hands should be shoulder width apart. Squeeze the glutes, thighs and abs muscles.
* Now, lower yourself towards the ground and as far as possible.
* Push yourself back to the starting position.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

The erector spinae and ab muscles play an important role in maintaining the stability and balance. Engage this muscle to avoid the hip fall and break of proper form. The entire body weight is moved in this exercise, making it really difficult.

45. Climber Pushup

This variation of the pushup exercise works on the shoulder and increases strength in the core. It works on the lower and middle back of the body. It increases strength in the chest and provides deeper and stronger ab muscles.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the plank position with your forearms.
* Now climb one elbow at a time to the high plank position. Don’t sag your hips.
* Perform a pushup by lowering the chest down to the floor.
* Push the body up and then climb back to the starting position.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

This exercise enhances the overall upper body strength and increases strength in the forearms. It makes you less prone to injuries. Breathe in as you lower yourself in the climb position and breathe out as you push back to the high plank position.

46. Stability Ball Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the shoulders, chest and core muscles of the body. It uses the core strength to maintain stability during the entire range of motion. The number of calories burned during the stability ball push-up is higher as compared to other bodyweight exercises.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position with your feet placed on the stability ball. Your hands must be shoulder width apart and directly beneath it.
* Now push yourself back in the plank position, which the starting position.
* Keep the wrists in a neutral state as it will have to bear a lot of pressure.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

The stability ball pushup exercise brings in the instability factor which is not provided by other pushup variation. Thus, this exercise is great to increase and enhance the stability and balance of the body. Breathe in as you lower the chest to the floor and breathe out as push back to the starting position.

47. Medicine Ball Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the core, shoulder and chest muscles of the body. The involvement of core is more in medicine ball push-up as compared to stability ball pushup. Also, this variation of the exercise is much difficult as compared to other ball pushups. You can perform the exercise using one, two, three or four medicine balls.

Following are the steps for single ball used.

* Start in the regular push-up position with your hands beneath the shoulder and back in line with the shoulders.
* Place one of the two hands on the medicine ball, keeping the other hand on the floor. Spread your feet fairly wider to create stability and control.
* Now bend the elbow and lower towards the floor, to the point where your chest almost touches the floor.
* Push back to the starting position.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Enhance and improve the hip flexors muscles by performing medicine ball pushup. Breathe in as you lower your body to the floor and breathe out as you push back to the starting position. Increase the number of balls, as you master the basic version of medicine ball pushup.

48. Ring Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the shoulders, chest, triceps and bicep muscles of the body. It engages the core throughout the exercise to provide stability, thus providing deeper and stronger ab muscles. It enhances the range of motion of the body and makes it less prone to injuries.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position by placing the hands on the ring. Keep your feet grounded on the floor.
* Perform the range of motion involved in a regular pushup.
* Lower your chest down to the floor.
* Push back to the starting position.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Ring push-up is not as easy as it seems. They require a lot of strength because of the movable nature of the rings. This exercise will give you pumped up chest and balance in the body. Breathe in as you lower yourself down to the floor and breathe out as you push back to the starting position.

49. Maui Thai Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on the chest, abs, triceps and shoulder muscles. It requires strength and balance in the core and upper body. However, if you have performed the clapping pushup successfully, you can do this variation of the pushup as well.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position with your arms straight.
* Lower the chest until it almost touches the floor.
* Explode in the up direction and perform a clapping movement behind your lower back.
* Now carefully get back to the starting position.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

This is tough, but it brings in the fun element by taking the fitness routine to the next level and adding great intensity to it. Breathe in as you lower to the floor and breathe out as explode in the air.

50. Triple Clap Pushup

This variation of the exercise works on chest, shoulders and triceps and abs muscles of the body. If you’re able to attempt this exercise successfully, you must know that you have reached beast level fitness. You will have stronger and deeper chest muscles and great flexibility in the body.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position.
* Perform the regular pushup movement and explode in the air.
* Now clap the hands in front of the chest, then behind the chest and bring it back to clap the chest.
* Place your hands on the floor and repeat.
* Perform the desired number of repetitions.

Yes, it is tough. This is only for beast level fitness fanatics, who mastered the art of advanced pushup positions. Breathe in as you lower to the floor and breathe out as you explode up in the air.

51. Two Finger Pushup

This variation of the pushup works on the thumb, index finger, core, shoulders and triceps muscles. You need to have great strength in the fingers. If you don’t have it, do not attempt the exercise, as it might cause finger damage. But this is a great variation to add intensity to your mundane pushup routine.

Following are the steps involved in it.

* Get in the regular pushup position. Now try to maintain the balance of the finger and thumb.
* Once in a stable position, lift all the fingers except the index and thumb.
* Perform the regular pushup movements, but only on the thumb and index finger.
* Repeat the desired number of repetitions.

Engage your core during the movements so as to provide strength and support to the fingers. Do not attempt the exercise if you previously had any kind of shoulder or finger injury. Consult the experts before adding this variation into your fitness routine and master fingertip pushups before attempting two finger pushup variation.

These are the 51 variations of the pushup depending on your strength and fitness level. Try this variation one by one, if you have mastered the art of regular pushup and wanted to avoid the monotonous-ness in your fitness regime.

