Racing Raptors Contract Architecture p2.

2 min readSep 10, 2022


Firstly if you haven’t read part 1 I’d recommend to do that now.

So, now that we have an overview of how the main architecture works lets take a look at how we are regulating the reward rates to avoid inflating the total supply of Raptor Coin.

Here we want to update a data analysis contract every time:
-A race concludes
-The bets on a race have concluded
-A raptor has been resold on the marketplace
-A user transfers their Raptor Coin

We want the reward contracts to update the analysis contract with information regarding how many Raptors/Raptor Coin/LP are staked. The staking contracts will update the analysis contract upon a user staking or un-staking. The analysis contract will return the reward rate for the calling contract to give out.

After some thought & discussion around the matter we decided to go with a contract that initially the reward contracts would pull tokens & rates from to reward instead of minting & using the analysis contract. This is so we can run make sure the ecosystem is fully up & running with the burn mechanisms regularly being used before switching the self supportability feature on.

There will be no fixed cap on the total supply of tokens so this rate contract’s goal is to make sure that things don’t get too crazy.
This contract is the part where my maths gets a little hazy so I am consulting professional mathematicians in order to make sure it is completed with a high degree of precision.

Thank you for your time reading this.
Let me know your thoughts.

Peace xD

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