What is new in Bodhi Prediction Market 2.0?

3 min readJun 10, 2019


Dear Community Members,

We are thrilled to announce that Bodhi 2.0 has been launched on the Naka Chain mainnet! Please visit puti.io from Naka Wallet to try it out.

In this post, I would like to outline what is new in this launch.

  1. Powered by Naka Chain from day one. Naka Chain is built for enabling user friendly DAPPs and Bodhi Prediction Market will be powered by Naka Chain.
  2. It’s fast! Users now can get near-instant responses from every interaction. Every transaction will be processed within 3 seconds.
  3. Fee Friendly — In Bodhi 2.0, a regular transaction only costs a sub-cent transaction fee. Enjoy the almost fee-free prediction market, and let your predictions roll!
  4. One Token — One of the coolest features with Bodhi 2.0 is that now users can use one single token, Naka Bodhi Token (NBOT), for both prediction and arbitration. This reduces the overhead of possessing multiple tokens for one product.
  5. Native Token — As we promised when launching Naka Chain, every token will become a native token so that it is able to be used for paying transaction fees. In Bodhi 2.0, you can use NBOT to pay for transaction fees directly.
  6. Simplified — The Bodhi team spent tons of time and made lots of effort to simplify Bodhi 2.0. These simplifications includes both source code and product modifications. For example, in Bodhi 2.0, you don’t have to manually finalize an event in order to withdraw your winnings.
  7. Dynamic Profit Cut — We give more flexibility for customization to users in Bodhi 2.0. One big change is that users are able to dynamically set the profit cut that suits their own needs. Higher profit cuts will encourage event creators to leverage their resources and in turn bring more users.
  8. Arbitration Time and Arbitration Amount — One shortcoming of Bodhi 1.0 was that for every event, it takes at least 48 hours to complete because of the fixed arbitration time. In Bodhi 2.0, we improved this so that we gave more options for users to set this value. Now users are able to set higher arbitration amounts for having a shorter arbitration time. E.g. Paying 10000 NBOT arbitration amount for having only 6 hours arbitration time.
  9. New Material UI — Our team upgraded the whole UI design and bring fresh new look with Material UI into Bodhi 2.0.
  10. Mobile Friendly — Without argument, mobile friendliness is a presumption for a successful platform. Bodhi 2.0 will support mobile experiences from day one. Now you can access Bodhi 2.0 directly through Naka Wallet on both iPhone and Android.

In summary, Bodhi 2.0 is not simply a copy-paste of Bodhi 1.0. We have maximized the power of Naka Chain and are bringing the new prediction market with the best user experience to the world!

For more information, please visit the following links for downloading Naka Wallet and joining our community.

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/naka-wallet/id1448562757?mt=8

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nakachain.wallet

Android APK: https://nakachain.org/app-release_1.7.1_31.apk

Official Website: https://nakachain.org/

Bodhi Prediction Market: https://puti.io

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NakaProject/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/nakacoin

Naka Telegram: https://t.me/nakachain

Bodhi Telegram: https://t.me/bodhien

Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/t4kpdMn

Naka Medium: https://medium.com/@NakaChain

Bodhi Medium: https://medium.com/@BodhiToken

Naka Chain & Bodhi Foundation
June 10, 2019

菩提预测市场 2.0 有哪些新特性?


我们非常激动地宣布菩提预测市场 2.0 正式上线 Naka 链主网!现在你可以通过 Naka 钱包访问 puti.io 来体验全新的预测市场。


  1. 基于 Naka 链
    自上线之始, Naka 链便致力于让 DAPP 拥有最佳的用户体验。菩提预测市场将基于 Naka 链重新部署。
  2. 高效
    现在菩提用户每一步操作都能得到及时的反馈。所有交易的处理时间将不到 3 秒。
  3. 费用低廉
    使用菩提 2.0 的每一笔交易只需花费不到一分钱的手续费。用户在参与预测时能够最大化最终的收益。
  4. 单一通证
    菩提 2.0 最核心的特性之一是用户现在只需一种通证,Naka Bodhi Token(NBOT),就可以同时参与预测和仲裁。这将大大减轻用户需要同时拥有多种通证来使用产品的负担。
  5. 原生通证
    正如我们在上线时承诺的那样,Naka 链上的每一种通证都能够像原生通证那样直接用于支付手续费。在 Bodhi 2.0 中,你可以直接使用 NBOT 来支付任何手续费。
  6. 精简
    菩提团队在 2.0 版本中倾注了大量精力在简化工作上。这其中包括代码和产品的精简。例如,在菩提 2.0 中,你参与预测将只需要发起一笔链上交易。
  7. 动态仲裁分成机制
    在菩提 2.0 新版预测市场中,我们给了用户更多灵活自定义的空间。其中一个重大的修改是创建预测事件的用户现在可以按照自己的意愿动态设定仲裁分成比例。更高的分成比较将能够激励事件创建者引入资源带来更多的新用户。
  8. 仲裁时间和仲裁起始数额
    菩提 1.0 的缺点之一是所有事件都需要至少 48 小时的时间来结束仲裁。在菩提 2.0 中,我们让用户有更多的选择。现在用户可以通过设置越高的仲裁起始数额来设置更短的仲裁时间。例如,设置 10000 NBOT 仲裁起始数额将可以把仲裁时间缩短到 6 个小时。
  9. 新版 Material UI
    我们团队升级了整个 UI 设计框架,并为菩提 2.0 带来了全新的 Material UI。
  10. 移动端友好
    勿庸置疑,移动端友好是一个成功平台的前提。菩提 2.0 自发布起便 支持移动端体验。现在你可以直接通过 iPhone 和安卓的 Naka 钱包来访问新版菩提。

总而言之,菩提 2.0 不只是简单的 菩提 1.0 迁移。我们充分利用了Naka 链的新特性,并将新版菩提预测市场的最佳体验呈现给全世界!

请访问以下链接下载 Naka 手机钱包并加入我们的社区:








Naka 电报群:https://t.me/nakachain



Naka Medium:https://medium.com/@NakaChain

菩提 Medium: https://medium.com/@BodhiToken

Naka 链 & 菩提基金会
2019 年 6 月 10 日

