Atmos Sensitive Content Policy

11 min readAug 10, 2022


Inactive until further notice | Version 7, March 13, 2023

About this document

This document will explain how we will handle sensitive content uploaded to our platforms by you, as well as their associated terms and conditions, policies, and more.


Atmos is designed & built to be inclusive of everyone, everywhere, including the content that users wish to share on our platforms. The Atmos platform has several rules and guidelines that is intended to limit and / or stop the distribution of prohibited content, such as illegal activities, targeted harassment, blackmail, and more.

Previously, we prohibited the distribution of sensitive content, known as “NSFW”, also known as “not safe for work”, however, we are now able to accept specific domains of sensitive content on the Atmos platform, provided that it is safely distributed & managed, with all parties involved following the rules and regulations presented in this document.

Notice: This policy is not in effect, so the preceding paragraph is not in effect, and sensitive content is still prohibited on the Atmos platform.

Sensitive content definition

Sensitive content shall be defined as content, either real, photo-realistic, computer-generated, or created by hand, which contains explicit sexual content.

This also includes suggestive content, which may not explicitly display specific body areas, such as when they are clothed. If you are unsure if your content should be classified as sensitive, it should then be classified as containing sensitive content anyways. This can help you avoid unintended WarpLight Account violations, provided they do not violate the Atmos Sensitive Content Policy or Atmos Platform Guidelines.

Age restrictions

As written in the WarpLight Terms of Service document, users must be at least 13 years of age to use WarpLight platforms and services. Users who wish to view, distribute, and interact with sensitive content must be 18 years of age or older, with no exceptions to this rule, even if the user’s region of residence has a lower age of majority. If a user under the age of 18 is later found to be untruthful of their genuine age, we will take action against the user and their associated WarpLight Accounts by limiting certain account and / or platform features. Refer to the Age fabrication policy in this document for more information.

Architecture strategy

Our approach to accepting sensitive content will be carefully designed, maintained, and moderated, in the pursuit of permitting freedom of distribution within our provisions, while ensuring that only eligible WarpLight Accounts are able to view, distribute, and interact with sensitive content. Our methodology will be different than other available platforms, as we will utilize a combination of flags, birthday information, visual blocks and functional blocks to prevent sensitive content from being accessible to ineligible WarpLight Accounts and the general public, including users who may not be signed in to their WarpLight Account. These technologies will be designed to be transparent to our users, and will allow Atmos to continue operating safely for everyone.

Birthday information & opt-in policy

In order to maintain a safe, controlled environment for sensitive content to be shared safely between our eligible users, we will strongly enforce the age limit through the use of birthday information that is registered to a user’s WarpLight Account after registration. In addition, users who wish to view, distribute, and interact with sensitive content will need to opt-in via Settings, and agree to the terms and conditions presented in this document, granted they have already registered their birthday information into their WarpLight Account. If a user’s birthday information is not already registered to their WarpLight Account, they will not be able to opt-in to sensitive content features until it has been completed. Refer to the Atmos Privacy Policy for more details regarding how we handle personal information such as birthdays.

Age fabrication policy

In order to bring these new domains of content to the Atmos platform, while allowing safe, controlled distribution between eligible users, we will rely on users being truthful about their real, genuine age. Should it be determined that a user does not meet the age requirement to be eligible to view, distribute, and interact with sensitive content, and it is later discovered either through manual or automated means that the user in question is actively circumventing visual and / or function blocks, viewing and / or interacting with sensitive content without entering birthday information, registering fabricated birthday information into their WarpLight Account, or other actions which may prematurely expose them to sensitive content, at our sole discretion, and after careful human review, we may place a 5 year sensitive content ban on the associated WarpLight Accounts. This will result in the inability to activate sensitive content features within all WarpLight platforms and services during the entirety of the 5 year sensitive content ban, and visually and functionally block sensitive content on all WarpLight platforms and services for the associated WarpLight Accounts during the entirety of the 5 year sensitive content ban, even if the user in question reaches the age requirement during the ban period. These bans cannot be reversed, and will only expire once the ban term ends, starting from the time of action.

Profile & community age limit features

Users who are eligible to enable sensitive content features for their WarpLight Account will have the option to limit their Atmos profile visibility to users who also have sensitive content features enabled, which can prevent users under the age of 18, or users who are not eligible to interact with sensitive content, from viewing the contents of that profile, interacting with the profile through the means of liking, commenting, or resharing its posts, or when following the profile or its associated collections.

Once enabled, all of the profile’s posts and comments will be automatically marked as containing sensitive content and ineligible users will not be able to interact with the profile from that point onwards. If it is later disabled, previously posted content will remain unchanged, and future content will need to be marked accordingly by the eligible user, and all users will be able to interact with and follow the profile and its associated collections, if applicable.

Additionally, eligible users will have the option to mark individual collections as containing sensitive content, which will automatically mark future posts as containing sensitive content. If it is later disabled, previously posted content will remain unchanged, and future content will need to be marked accordingly by the eligible user, and all users will be able to interact with and follow the collection, if applicable.

Eligible community owners will have the option to mark communities as containing sensitive content, which will automatically mark future posts as containing sensitive content. Ineligible users will not be able to join communities marked as containing sensitive content, and ineligible users whom have already joined a community which is later marked as containing sensitive content will no longer be able to interact with the community. If it is later disabled, previously posted content will remain unchanged, and future content will need to be marked accordingly by the eligible members, and all users will be able to interact with and join the community, if applicable.

Posting & commenting policy

To ensure that only eligible users have access to sensitive content, and to ensure that all eligible curators properly manage and distribute sensitive content safely within Atmos, we will be enforcing warnings and feature bans to encourage safe handling of sensitive content. Users who successfully enable sensitive content features will be eligible to view, distribute, and interact with sensitive content on the Atmos platform, but only under these specific conditions:

  • Posts and / or comments that contain sensitive content must be marked as containing sensitive content by selecting the option in the post composer, or immediately after posting using the available context menus if it is forgotten by mistake. Failure to do so or in a timely manner may result in the deletion of the sensitive content and removal of sensitive content permissions for the associated WarpLight Account, continued below in detail.
  • Posts and / or comments that contain sensitive content which are posted in a public space, such as public communities or collections, will be visually and functionally blocked to users whom are not eligible to view, distribute, and interact with sensitive content.
  • Posts and / or comments that contain sensitive content which is posted within groups, private collections, or communities will be visually and functionally blocked to users whom are not eligible to interact with sensitive content, even if they are permitted to view non-sensitive content within the private spaces.
  • Users that send posts directly to one another or within small groups of people which contain sensitive content must continue to mark those posts as containing sensitive content, and the sender and all recipients (including users who may be mentioned in the post and / or comments of such post) must all be eligible to view, distribute, and interact with sensitive content, otherwise visual and function blocks may be applied for users who are not eligible to view sensitive content.
  • Users who are mentioned in posts containing sensitive content must be eligible to view, distribute, and interact with sensitive content, otherwise the mentioned user may experience visual and function blocks.

Posts and / or comments that contains sensitive content which is shared externally, such as through the use of links or embeds, will always have visual and function blocks applied. Attempting to open such embeds or links will require the user to sign-in to their WarpLight Account to disable the visual and function blocks within the Atmos platform, if they are not signed-in already.

Should any of the above conditions be broken, we reserve the right to delete the sensitive content and / or the associated posts or comments at our sole discretion.

Should a user fail to properly handle sensitive content and it is reported by another user, or it is automatically flagged by our moderation systems, we will delete the sensitive content and / or the associated posts or comments, and send the originating WarpLight Account a warning.

Should a user fail to properly handle sensitive content for a second time, we will delete the sensitive content and / or the associated posts or comments, send a warning to the originating WarpLight Account, and disable sensitive content functionality for the originating WarpLight Account for 7 days from the time of action.

Should a user fail to properly handle sensitive content for a third time, we will delete the sensitive content and / or the associated posts or comments, send a warning to the originating WarpLight Account, and disable sensitive content functionality for the originating WarpLight Account for 30 days from the time of action.

These function bans cannot be reversed, unless it is determined that the ban was done in error, or if the content in question does not qualify as sensitive content, following a successful appeal request. In addition, each individual warning expires 30 days from the time of action, during which time if an additional violation occurs, the next-highest level of action will take effect, if applicable.

If a user whom is ineligible to view, distribute, and interact with sensitive content attempts to and / or continues to post and / or distribute sensitive content during a sensitive content functionality ban, we will consider it to be a violation of the Atmos Platform Guidelines. Refer to the WarpLight Terms of Service for more details regarding WarpLight Account violations.

Profile, collection & community customization policy

Atmos allows users to upload images for use as profile avatars, profile banners, community banners, and collection banners, all of which are accessible to all users, regardless of their age. Due to this required functionality within the Atmos platform, all users must not use sensitive content as a profile avatar, profile banner, community banner, or collection banner, even if the user is eligible to view, distribute, and interact with sensitive content. The use of sensitive content in any of the previously mentioned locations will result in a WarpLight Account violation. Refer to the WarpLight Terms of Service for more details regarding WarpLight Account violations.

Allowed domains

There are specific domains of sensitive content that will be allowed under these provisions, and should be considered as safe to distribute, provided they are properly identified as containing sensitive content.

Some domains may have WarpLight Account violations if some conditions are met, which are specifically related to existing prohibited domains.

In very specific and rare circumstances after careful review, WarpLight moderators reserve the right to take action against sensitive content that is not in good morality for all domains of sensitive content.

The following domains are allowed:

  • Artistic content, such as photo-realistic computer-rendered content, or content created by hand.
  • Artistic content which depicts and / or represents a fictional character, often referred to as an “OC”, or “original character”, which may represent a specific animal in the real world, including any variations of their forms (“anthropomorphic”, “feral”, etc.). Additionally, fictional characters must appear to meet and / or exceed the age of majority through the use of appropriate age progression techniques for all subjects involved, resulting in all subjects to clearly exceed the age of majority. A disclaimer regarding the usage of age progression techniques by the artist is recommended. Moderator review may be necessary in order to verify that no underage characters are present, even with or without a disclaimer.
  • Content containing the display of specialized suits (“fursuits”) that utilize synthetic, built-in, or add-on accessories that artistically represent specific parts of a fictional character are allowed.
  • Fictional content which depicts death, gore, lethal, violent, or illegal activities, which includes but is not limited to suicide, physical harm, or other violent acts, created exclusively for artistic expression. Content that encourages or instructs viewers to engage in illegal, violent, or suicidal acts is prohibited, and will result in two WarpLight Account violations.

Prohibited domains

There are specific domains of sensitive content that will not be allowed under these provisions, and any user who chooses to distribute such content will immediately receive a WarpLight Account violation, after moderator review, even if the associated WarpLight Accounts are eligible to view, distribute, and interact with sensitive content. Refer to the WarpLight Terms of Service for more details regarding WarpLight Account violations. This list will be regularly updated as new prohibited domains are added.

Some domains may have additional punishments, and those punishments shall take precedence over a single WarpLight Account Violation.

The following domains are strongly prohibited:

  • Pornographic content sourced from the real world, such as through the means of photography or videography of specific body areas or sexual actions, including content sourced from other platforms which does not rightfully belong to the distributing user. This includes content which may be of oneself, of another person, or of a group of people. This includes the display or exposure of specific body areas of oneself in specialized suits.
  • Artistic content and content sourced from the real world which depicts and / or contains underage characters (including both fictional and non-fictional characters), persons, or other entities, often referred to as “CP”, or “child porn”. Content containing this prohibited domain will result in the associated WarpLight Accounts receiving three WarpLight Account violations.
  • Artistic content and content sourced from the real world which depicts and / or contains sexual content related to animals in the real world, often referred to as “beastiality”, “zoophilia”, or “zoo”. Content which contains this prohibited domain will result in the associated WarpLight Accounts receiving three WarpLight Account violations.
  • Content containing child pornography and / or child sexual abuse material (CSAM), including fictional and non-fictional content, and all related content. Content which contains this prohibited domain will result in the associated WarpLight Accounts receiving three WarpLight Account violations.
  • Sensitive content which is distributed with the intent of blackmailing a specific individual. For example, this includes but is not limited to pornographic content of the specific individual(s) being blackmailed that is being distributed without the consent of the subject(s). Content which contains this prohibited domain will result in the associated WarpLight Accounts receiving two WarpLight Account violations.
  • Non-fictional content sourced from the real world which contains death, gore, lethal, violent, or illegal activities, which includes but is not limited to suicide, physical harm, or other violent acts performed in the real world. Content that encourages or instructs viewers to engage in illegal, violent, or suicidal acts is prohibited. Content which contains this prohibited domain will result in the associated WarpLight Accounts receiving two WarpLight Account violations. Content used exclusively for news coverage created and / or distributed by professional news agencies, media outlets, or journalists, provided any graphic scenes are sufficiently blurred and / or censored, may be an exception to this rule, following moderator review, if necessary.

If you see someone creating or distributing sensitive content which falls under a prohibited domain, please contact immediately, or use the reporting tools available in Atmos.

Depending on what is reported, we may escalate reports to official levels if we determine it is necessary.

Questions? Contact us at




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