Slow Juicing for Better Health in 2016

Melanie S
2 min readFeb 16, 2014


If you’re already into juicing, you know just how great it can feel when you’re actually getting the vitamins, fiber, and other nutrition provided by fruits and vegetables. If you’re not but you’ve been thinking about hopping on the bandwagon, here’s your chance to try a little twist on it, and it’s even better for you. It’s called slow juicing and it’s the next big thing in the juicing niche.

If you’ve got a busy family or one with picky eaters, you know just how hard the struggle to get everyone to eat all the fruits and vegetables they need in one day can be. It’s likely that on a good day, if you can get half the requirement into them, you’re patting yourself on the back.

Juicing is the answer to all of that. You can run a wide variety of fruits and vegetables through your juicer and get the pure nutrients out of them. Drink the juice as it is or add it to a smoothie and those picky eaters won’t be able to get enough of it!

Omega VRT350 Heavy Duty Dual-Stage Vertical Single Auger Low Speed Juicer

If you’re constantly on the go, you’ll be able to get all the vitamins and energy you need from fresh fruits and vegetables effortlessly through juicing.

Slow juicing is a little different than regular juicing in that the process is a little slower and uses a more gentle pressure. In slow juicing, you could actually yield as much as a third more juice from your fruits and vegetables. The juice will also be cooler through the slow process, which is better for you - the rawer the fruits and vegetables are, the more vitamins and other nutritional value is saved and the more your body will benefit from the juice.

Within a couple of days of beginning to juice you’ll notice the difference in how you look and feel and you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner.

Click here for the best rated slow juicers on the market!

Suggest a link for further reading:

Do You Need a Tankless Water Heater in 2016
Best Rated Food Dehydrators in 2016
Choosing the Best Blender for your Needs in 2016

