It Was Never A Big Deal

I had to tell myself to survive

Lindsay Soberano Wilson
Put It To Rest


Photo by Joseph Gonzalez on Unsplash

It was never a big deal
I had to tell myself to survive

It would all somehow get swept up
or swept aside
amongst the dresses and the jewels
or the dinners with company

But within those confines
were so many lines
crossed and tossed and lost

There where you never felt safe
when there’s a shoe waiting to drop
maybe even handmade

That’s all I can say
that it’s buried in there somewhere
the gnawing pain
that lashes me
because it was lashed out on me.

Lindsay Soberano-Wilson is the editor of Put It To Rest. Casa de mi Corazón: A Travel Journal of Poetry & Memoir is available at Find her on Medium, Instagram, or Twitter. Lindsay Soberano-Wilson©2021.



Lindsay Soberano Wilson
Put It To Rest

Pushcart/Best of Net Nom I Cobalt Blues, Hoods of Motherhood & Casa de mi Corazon I Creator: Put It To Rest I Editor: iPoetry |