Hillary for PA Launches Pennsylvania Women for Hillary

Leaders Outline Clinton’s Plans to Invest in Jobs, Expand Economic Opportunities for Pennsylvania Women

Hillary for Pennsylvania
4 min readAug 10, 2016


Demonstrating the enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton’s agenda to support women, Hillary for Pennsylvania launched “Pennsylvania Women for Hillary” today, highlighting how Clinton is the candidate who will fight for them and their families as president and make the largest investment in good-paying jobs since World War II.

Clinton’s agenda would expand economic opportunities for Pennsylvania women through such proposals as raising the minimum wage, securing paid family leave, and making quality, affordable child care a reality for families. Clinton believes issues that affect women’s lives are family issues, economic issues, and crucial to our nation’s future competitiveness. You can read more about her economic plans for Pennsylvania women, children and families here.

“Hillary Clinton has long been a champion for women’s rights. This election, she is the clear choice for all women, children and families because she has proven time and time again that when it comes to important issues like equal pay for equal work, and a woman’s right to choose she will always fight to improve the lives of women from all walks of life,” said York Mayor Kim Bracey.

“Hillary Clinton is the leader our country needs in the White House to fight for health care, paid leave, affordable child care, and issues important to Pennsylvania women and their families. Women across Pennsylvania are joining together to support Hillary Clinton and ensure that she is our next president,” said Terese Casey.

“Pennsylvania women want a leader who stands up for their rights. From equal pay, to paid family leave, to advocating for the safety and care of their own bodies, we need a President who is looking out for our needs as women. Hillary Clinton will be that president who will not back down and fight for us. That’s why I’m proud to be with her,” said First Lady Frances Wolf.

“There has never been a candidate for president more qualified than Hillary Clinton. From shattering glass ceilings and speaking out for women’s rights at every step of her career, it is clear that as President she would be a tireless champion for women in every community across this country,”
said Philadelphia Councilwoman Cherelle Parker.

While Clinton will fight to protect and expand women’s right to make their own health care decisions, Donald Trump has said women should be punished for their health care decisions, and Mike Pence personally led the fight to defund Planned Parenthood while serving in Congress and, as governor, fought to pass Indiana’s 2016 anti-abortion law, which contained some of the most stringent restrictions in the country.

“There’s no comparison between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on issues important to women and working families. The Republican nominee has lived a life devoted only to himself and his fool’s-gold brand, stepping on and denigrating women along the way,” said Katie McGinty, candidate for U.S. Senate. “If you wanted to find the polar opposite of Trump’s twisted values, it’s Hillary. She’s spent every ounce of her God-given potential fighting to elevate the status quo for women in this nation and across the world, and that’s what she’ll do as president. The stakes in this election can not be overstated because the contrast is so clear. As the mother of three young women, I’m proud to say I’m with her.”

“Mike Pence poses a real threat and danger to women in this county. As Governor in Indiana, he made it even harder for women to make their own health care choices,” said Dr. Valerie Arkoosh, MD, MPH, Vice Chair of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners. “Hillary has proven time and time again that she is the fighter we need. As President, she will stand up for women’s rights because when women are stronger, families are stronger.”

“Donald Trump and Mike Pence would be an absolute disaster for women and their families. Their dangerous rhetoric and policies prove that they have no interest in defending women’s rights. Hillary Clinton is the only candidate with a track record of championing women’s rights and as president I am confident she will have our backs at every turn,” said Bucks County Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia.

“Hillary Clinton has been a trailblazer for women and children during her entire career. On the other hand, Donald Trump and Mike Pence have doubled down on extreme and dangerous policies for women in our state and across the country. I look forwarding to working hard to make sure that the extreme Trump and Pence ticket does not make it near the White House,”
said Allegheny County Democratic Party Chair Nancy Patton Mills.

Members of Pennsylvania Women for Hillary have all committed to taking an action in support of Clinton’s grassroots campaign, such as phone banking, door knocking, letter writing or hosting a grassroots organizing event. The full list of Pennsylvania Women for Hillary Leadership Council can be found on Medium here.



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