PAAIA is a nonprofit nonpartisan organization that represents the interests of the Iranian American community.
Note from the editor

PAAIA is a nonprofit nonpartisan organization that represents the interests of the Iranian American community.

Go to the profile of PAAIA
Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans – a nonpartisan nonprofit organization advancing the interests of Iranian Americans
Go to the profile of PAAIA
Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans – a nonpartisan nonprofit organization advancing the interests of Iranian Americans
Go to the profile of Leila Austin
Leila Austin
Prior to becoming the Executive Director at PAAIA, Dr. Austin was a Professorial Lecturer in Global Theory and History and Middle East Studies at SAIS.
Go to the profile of Emily Porter
Emily Porter
Emily Porter is the Public Policy Research Associate and Civic Engagement Coordinator for the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans.
Go to the profile of Shannon Kuehn
Shannon Kuehn
Marketing professional with a BA in Political Science from Wake Forest University and minors in Philosophy, Journalism, and Entrepreneurship & Social Enterprise