Contemporary Artist Wine Bottle Series

Packaging Design, Fall 2018

Brigette Davitt
Packaging Design
2 min readSep 13, 2018


Ashley Olinger, Frank Stella Wines, 2015

Establish an identity for a new vineyard owned and operated by a contemporary artist (from the list below) which sells exclusive artisanal wines.

Choose three contemporary artists from the list below (you may request artists not included on this list, advance permission required). Do extensive research (on the artists, not drinking)! Choose two to develop an idea board for.

Design two of the bottles (1 red, 1 white) as mid-tier in the 20 dollar range and one high end bottle (sparkling) with gift box priced at the 100+ dollar range. Tie in all three bottles with a unifying concept, {did I have to say that?}

Utilize a traditional wine bottle design/form (unless you have a convincing reason and the resources for doing something unconventional) to limit material/craft obstacles in your design. Remember you’ll have to physically produce your design on actual wine bottles!

Consider the following as elements of your design:
Main label / neck wrap / shoulder label / bottom label / back label / cork / bottle color and product color

Product Name:
Some form of the artist’s name (first name, last name, pen name, nickname) or invent a name with a strong conceptual tie to the artist

Type of Wine: Examples — Cabernet Sauvignon • Chardonnay • Champagne

Other common information:
location and name of vineyard
net weight, fluid oz
alcohol __._% by volume
date bottled
any other copy you believe is necessary

I do not actually care what type of wines you choose, but I do want a variety of white, red and sparkling (high end), with appropriately shaped and sized bottles to fit the concept and the type of wine.

Due Thursday, 9/20: 2 Idea Boards (different artist for each)
Include visual research on artist, materials, formats (size/shape — sketch or use images of existing forms), preliminary logo/branding design, illustration/ photography, textures, patterns, color palette, fonts, design inspiration, etc. 8.5”x11“, print in full color and post to Medium.

See Semester Schedule for remaining project due dates.


Jeff Koons
Gerhard Richter
John Baldessari
Damien Hirst
Olafur Eliasson
Marina Abramović
Yayoi Kusama
Anish Kapoor
Richard Prince
Wolgang Tilmans
Takashi Murakami
Bruce Nauman
Richard Serra
Pierre Huyghe
Matthew Barney
Thomas Hirschhorn
Frank Stella
Edward Ruscha
Anselm Kiefer
Chuck Close
Martin Creed
Albert Oehlen
Barbara Kruger
Grayson Perry
Wayne White
Christo and Jean-Claude
Christopher Wool
Andreas Gursky
Ai Weiwei
Martin Boyce
Stephen Chambers
Susan Philipsz

