Go to Page Peeks
Page Peeks
Page Peeks is a book review column that matches books to ideal readers. Page Peeks isn’t a hub for one reader’s opinions. Instead, we review books as if we’re uncovering the secret audience it was made for — whether or not we personally liked the book. We thankful you’re here!
Note from the editor

Page Peeks is a book review column that matches books to ideal readers. Page Peeks isn’t a hub for one reader’s opinions. Instead, we review books as if we’re uncovering the secret audience it was made for — whether or not we personally liked the book. We thankful you’re here! **Disclosure: Page Peeks uses Bookshop.org affiliate links. If you purchase a book from a Page Peeks link, we receive a small commission on the purchase (the book’s author does as well).**

Go to the profile of J. M. Paden
J. M. Paden
Personal essays to scratch your commiseration itch. Poetry book preorders happening now! https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/premonition-by-j-m-paden/
Go to the profile of J. M. Paden
J. M. Paden
Personal essays to scratch your commiseration itch. Poetry book preorders happening now! https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/premonition-by-j-m-paden/