Go to Pain Relief
Pain Relief
Pain is one of the reasons people seek answers in meditation. Here, Dr Luis Fandos will display some examples from his experience in dealing with pain relief. The examples include patients suffering from various complications and comparisons Dr Luis Fandos has made with patients
Note from the editor

Pain is one of the reasons people seek answers in meditation. Here, Dr Luis Fandos will display some examples from his experience in dealing with pain relief. The examples include patients suffering from various complications and comparisons Dr Luis Fandos has made with patients

Go to the profile of Dr. Luis Fandos-NY
Dr. Luis Fandos-NY
I am a certified anesthesiologist in New York with over 24 years work experience. I enjoy writing about pain management & health.
Go to the profile of Dr. Luis Fandos-NY
Dr. Luis Fandos-NY
I am a certified anesthesiologist in New York with over 24 years work experience. I enjoy writing about pain management & health.