Go to Paint & Pipette
Paint & Pipette
We’ve gotten creativity all wrong. Profound misunderstandings of how creativity works keep us from our most breakthrough thinking. Paint & Pipette illuminates the often counterintuitive tactics that drive differentiated outcomes across industries and disciplines.
Note from the editor

We’ve gotten creativity all wrong. Profound misunderstandings of how creativity works keep us from our most breakthrough thinking. Paint & Pipette illuminates the often counterintuitive tactics that drive differentiated outcomes across industries and disciplines.

Go to the profile of Jeremy Utley
Jeremy Utley
Director at Stanford d.school. Teaches leadership & entrepreneurship. Studies history of invention & discovery. Shares insights w fellow students of innovation.
Go to the profile of Jeremy Utley
Jeremy Utley
Director at Stanford d.school. Teaches leadership & entrepreneurship. Studies history of invention & discovery. Shares insights w fellow students of innovation.