Paint Swap update

TestNet is live, airdrops aplenty, and more!

Paint Swap Finance
2 min readMay 17, 2021


We’ve been working hard to bring our product to life — we think you’ll enjoy the final product! Over the weekend we got our testnet up and running. Our next steps are running through the process, making sure bugs are stomped out and the exchange is ready for you all to use.

That’s nice, but wen?

Indeed, good sir. Very soon, actually! On Thursday, 5/20 at 05:00 PST/12:00 UTC, we’ll open up our site for users interested in pre-funding their LP positions for our exchange. Why would you all want to do this? If you missed our first article, our #1 airdrop will be airdropping 2% of our total supply to anyone willing to pre-fund our liquidity positions.

Eligible pre-funding LP pairs (for Airdrop #1):

  • USDC <> FTM
  • wETH <> FTM
  • wBTC <> FTM
  • BNB <> FTM

Airdrops? You have my attention!

We wanted to reveal the #2 and #3 airdrops from Paint Swap Finance:

  • Airdrop #2: (2% of the total supply) A random snapshot, sometime during the first week of the farm launch(day 1-day 7) will be taken of all users providing liquidity to any $BRUSH farm on Paint Swap. This 2% $BRUSH pool will be split evenly: 1% will go to (i.e 1000–9999 BRUSH staked), 1% will go to (i.e. 9999+ BRUSH staked). The exact BRUSH amounts will be announced within the first few days of launch. We want these airdrops to be as fair as possible so that everyone can participate if they choose to.

That’s it!

Go outside and tend to your crops, farmers.

