Tales of Mokakshi

Narad Muni
Pali Prints
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2021

Short stories of love, belief and simplicity from a quaint Indian Village.


A book published in the form of a series of blogs is an attempt to bring you closer to an Indian village life. The story revolves around Mokakshi, a remote village in the foothills of Himalayas. The story and its characters are fictitious but are inspired by real life incidents.

Hope you find a connection with these lovely characters and some uncanny situations they have to deal with. Happy reading!

Jagar — calling of ‘gods’ | Read Now

  • #1 | In ‘Kumaon’ somewhere
  • #2 | Invoking the ‘mighty’
  • #3 | The ‘paranormal’ evening
  • #4 | Faith not so ‘blind’

Mahwaari — that ‘time’ of month | Read Now

  • #5 | Untouchability at ‘home’
  • #6 | Fear of ‘unknown’
  • #7 | Sin of ‘Indra’
  • #8 | Blood of ‘life’s

More tales of Mokakshi coming soon….

Reader’s feedback:

“The stories have been written well, in a language that is simple, characters are relatable and the issues addressed are real. From what I’ve read, each story evokes the right emotions. The stories have the gravitas and at no point seemed frivolous. This is quite constructive writing.. excellent stuff !” — Vivek Mishra

“Someone finally dared to speak about this topic. Very thought provoking.
Long way to go but somewhere someone started this journey… keep going Narad Muni👍” — Aishwarya Gupta

Follow us and get notified as we release new chapters
Publication: https://medium.com/pali-prints
Author: https://naradmuni.medium.com



Narad Muni
Pali Prints

A budding storyteller exploring life after taking a bold decision to retire from corporate at 40.