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panGloss Law
panGloss Law
A UK-based law blog by Lilian Edwards
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Facebook Privacy:: Fact or theory?

Xmas comes early for privacy advocates?!

The Register reports

“Facebook has ordered its 350 million users to sort out their privacy settings right now, before it throws the switch on its revamped security system.

Death and Facebook

Ok back to business as usual..

Pangloss is always pleased to see things she’s been lecturing about for a year
turn into reality, and here comes one again. Facebook have decided to formalise the procedures they already, to some extent had, for “memorialising” the profiles of users who have…

Canada Forces Facebook to make Privacy Changes

(via Ian Brown)

In a remarkable turn of events, Facebook has agreed to add significant new privacy safeguards and make other changes in response to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s recent investigation into the popular social networking site’s…

Facebook, DP and Apps

According to this article in the FT, the Art 29 Working party on Data Protection has produced an unpublished opinion which, if I read it correctly, seems to suggest that they way FB shares data with, and encourages its users to share data with, unknown and unpoliced third party “apps”…