Go to Paper Giant
Paper Giant
Writing and insights from the team at Paper Giant, an Australian strategic design consultancy. We help you understand and solve complex problems, together with your customers and communities.
Note from the editor

Writing and insights from the team at Paper Giant, an Australian strategic design consultancy. We help you understand and solve complex problems, together with your customers and communities.

Go to the profile of McKinley Valentine
McKinley Valentine
Full-time writer based in Melbourne, Australia. I make cult-hit newsletter The Whippet: Science, history, weirdness, and non-cliched advice | thewhippet.org
Go to the profile of Paper Giant
Paper Giant
We are a strategic design consultancy that helps organisations understand and solve complex problems.
Go to the profile of Hope
Design student, person.
Go to the profile of Reuben Stanton
Reuben Stanton
Co-founder of Paper Giant, a Service Design and Strategy Studio
Go to the profile of Emma Blomkamp
Emma Blomkamp
Pragmatic idealist, working to co-create compassionate systems. emmablomkamp.com
Go to the profile of Jess Allison
Jess Allison
Optimist. Traveller. Dreamer. Doer. People & Operations Director at Paper Giant. 1/3 of producingparadise.com πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸŒ™πŸŒ΄
Go to the profile of Ernez Dhondy
Go to the profile of Wendy Fox
Wendy Fox
Wendy Fox is a multidisciplinary designer and illustrator. She is the Creative Lead at Paper Giant, a strategic design consultancy in Melbourne.
Go to the profile of Leah Edmond
Go to the profile of Catherine Manley
Catherine Manley
What makes good, good?
Go to the profile of Iain Phillips
Iain Phillips
Innovation and Experience Lead at Paper Giant
Go to the profile of Chris Marmo
Chris Marmo
Design researcher and co-founder of Paper Giant, a strategic design studio based in Melbourne, Australia. Doctor of anthropology, designerly intents.
Go to the profile of Elliot Midson
Go to the profile of Reuben S
Reuben S
Design researcher and co founder of Paper Giant. Tech + Society + Systems + Design. Opinions expressed *are* the views of my employer.
Go to the profile of Roya A. Azadi
Roya A. Azadi
Strategy Director at Paper Giant. Writing on strategic foresight, futures and cultural shift.
Go to the profile of Ryley Lawson
Ryley Lawson
Design researcher at Paper Giant. Co-organiser of Design and Ethics, part of Service Design Melbourne. Into care, community, power and (design) politics.