Birthday Poem

It’s My Birthday Today - 9th Feb

I Wish To Celebrate With You All

Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Original Poetry on Paper by the Author

Today is my Birthday and I exalt in a child-like joy
Though born decades back, this day is special in my almanac
The world was beautiful when I explored it with my little eyes
Now it is more beauteous, graced by some precious ties

I venerate this day as an opportunity
To thank God for my existence in eternity
It is all in his Divine Hands
He could have made me a fish or an ant crawling in the sand
But He blessed me with this human form
Out of forty lac genera in this world, we call home

I am forever indebted to my mother
who bore all the excruciating pain of labor
patiently waiting, pinnacle of endurance
If anyone is to be wished, then she is my mother!

What did I do? just came crying,
to be pampered and loved unconditionally!

On my birthday, I express sincere Gratitude
To everyone I met crossing worldly latitude
I remember the coffee from a stranger
Who manifested my faith in love
I remember the fellow passenger
who helped me through the cove

I am grateful, I am blessed
I am bestowed with love, my beloved
I am floating in a sea of fortune
And this is the moment opportune
To appreciate everyone’s presence in my life and salute!

Every year one more heavenly candle the cake adorns
One more year well lived, well loved, it sings this song
I am thankful to all, I love you all
The journey till now has been mystical
Only with the Midas touch of you people

Today is my Birthday and I exalt in a child-like joy!
9th Feb

Dear readers, I thank you all for reading this and knowingly/unknowingly being a part of my day today. Thank you!

Footnote: I consider myself as a blessed person. Life has treated me well, loved me well and in return I want to paint the world with love

© All Rights Reserves 2021 Indubala Kachhawa



Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry

Aquarian by design | Storyteller | Poet |Public Speaker. Sketch artist | Mindful every moment |Spiritual.