Poemorama at Paper Poetry

Lost in Translation

My attempt at Poemorama prompt 17 — resentment

Priyanka Sinha
Paper Poetry


Photo by Kevin Gent on Unsplash

I play in my mind
all the good times
again & again, on a rewind
I chuckle, I smile
Stories of childhood, deeply wired
looking up to you, I got inspired
moments pass by
in front of my eyes
till I reach where it all turned ugly
What can I call it ?
sibling rivalry making a very late entry
or some of our past karmic destiny?
love & regard, making way to allegations
more of deception & illusions
I think there were only small reasons
misjudgements & maybe some mistakes
weeds of resentment grew,
on once nostalgic trail

Many came on board for a solution
but a lot was lost in translation
wish we had sat down
talked & sorted things out
assumptions dispelled by complaints & explaining
grievances discussed openly
not bottled up, suffocating…

It’s never too late
waiting for a text; just a phone call away
Maybe there’s a day
when you feel the same way
I will forget & forgo
the untied rakhis & unanswered mails
For the happier, memorable, good old days…

Poem in progress (author's pic)

Thank you, Carolyn Hastings & Paper Poetry, for giving me a chance to reconcile through an encouraging prompt — resentment — that kept me going.

I also used prompt 3: end-stop & enjambment, and prompt 8: rhetorical questions, from Poemarama Part 1.

Here are the links to Poemarama Parts 1 & 2 —



Priyanka Sinha
Paper Poetry

Hi ! I am Priyanka from India 🙏 A dentist by education, a wife & mom to 3 boys . "Magic of mundane" That's what I call my write ups, tales & tussles as I see