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Papo de Produto
Lições, aprendizados e perrengues cotidianos de designers de produto
Note from the editor

Lições, aprendizados e perrengues cotidianos de designers de produto

Go to the profile of Rodrigo Martins
Rodrigo Martins
Product Designer, Bookworm, Awesome Photographer(not), Brazilian and a great dude!
Go to the profile of Amilton L. Paglia
Amilton L. Paglia
Director of Product & Design @ olist. Passionate about product strategy, user experience, design systems, and creative usages of technology. amiltonpaglia.com
Go to the profile of Victor Demétrio
Victor Demétrio
Co-founder and Product Lead at pluga.co
Go to the profile of Raphael Faria
Raphael Faria
I passionate about design and I use it to create things that can change people's lives.
Go to the profile of Yan Cantuaria
Yan Cantuaria
✊🏿 Antirracista, Head de Atração na Galena e Mentor em programas da Fundação Wadhwani e Instituto Semear.