Aeternity: Statechannels team progress, The æternity MDW v0.9.2 (Zumpano) is out, The first Æternity Payment Application Update, SDK JS 4.5.1 for aeternity released, don’t forget that ERC-20 AE token will become non-transferable on September 2, 2019

Published in
13 min readAug 27, 2019

Biweekly update 13th August — 27th August

Love and welcome to all who read this! Are you ready to catch up with all recent Aeternity news? As always, the team has been showing fantastic productivity over the past two weeks. Firstly, let’s look at the development: They are currently building a BATM extension to make aeternity tokens available in ATMs all around the world. The æternity MDW v0.9.1 (Stabilo) and SDK JS 4.5.1 with added support for generalized accounts for aeternity are now out. Aeternity’s state channels team worked on dynamic transaction fee calculation, Initial design of virtual state channels, hard fork detection, and a lot more. AEproject (earlier ForgAE) is now released with version 1.0.0. During weeks 31 and 32 Aeternity teams worked on v0.8.10 and v0.8.11 of the Base æpp, featuring compatibility with middleware restored, internationalization, displaying currency, etc.

A social activity and Aeternity performance, in general, was substantial. In our update, you can find a lot of articles and videos, created by the team and aenthusiasts. Read about “Rethinking Blockchain: Should it Have Been Written In Erlang From The Start?”, watch Vlad and Filip discuss AMPnet, one of the blockchain startups supported by æternity’s Starfleet Incubator and Greenpeace. Besides, Coinfabrik bet on the aeternity’s statechannels for another interesting aepp: they have built a P2P browser Reversi game. AE Ventures is partnering up with Nooor Blockchain — Armenian Blockchain Association​. The community is acting lively in chats and social networks. Aeternity team tries their best to involve people in AE processes: lots of meetups and events were arranged and even more are planned. Pay attention to the aeUni next month! By the way, the team wants aeternists to redesign new æternity Stickers and T-shirts. Don’t let Aeternity out of mind — follow the progress with us!


Aeternity GitHub metrics
Developer activity (from Aeternity

Don’t forget that the æternity ERC-20 AE token will become non-transferable on September 2, 2019

More info via link.

  • They are currently building a BATM extension to make aeternity tokens available in ATMs all around the world. The extension is using the Java SDK built by kryptokrauts. Follow the progress here.
  • The æternity MDW v0.9.1 (Stabilo) is out! This release contains minor performance enhancements. Watch GitHub and Docker.
  • SDK JS 4.5.1 for aeternity is out! Add support for generalized accounts. Install it with pnpm/yarn/npm install aeternity/aepp-sdk. NPM is here. Release is here.
  • aeternity’s statechannels team have shared a detailed bi-weekly update. Learn what improvements they have implemented and what else remain to be done. Moreover, an initial design of VirtualStateChannels is in review.
  1. Dynamic transaction fee calculation

Implementation: PR #2588 1

The FSM used a hardcoded fee of 30 000 * local gas price (or

33 000) for all transactions. In certain cases this was insufficient and

transactions which should be ok were rejected. This was changes such that the

fee is computed dynamically for each transaction. The only exception is the

channel_mutual_close_tx transaction which requires a hard-coded fee.

2. Updated UML diagram

Implementation: PR #2591, PR #2596

The UML diagram describing the core states of the SC FSM has been updated.

Previously it was part of the source file itself. It has been moved out into its

own file 4 to ease maintenance. The resulting diagram can be viewed in the

wiki 3. The intention is to keep the UML diagram up-to-date with

changes to the source code and easily comprehensible.

3. Websocket client disconnect and reconnect

Design: PR #389

Implementation: PR #2602, PR #2603

Clients can now disconnect from the FSM without the FSM shutting down

immediately. Instead a client may reconnect using the new off-chain

channel_client_reconnect_tx transaction. The tx contains the information

needed to locate the right FSM, including the client’s public key.

It must be signed by the client, proving that it possesses the private key

(or other signing capability) for the account.

4. Improved hard fork detection

Implementation: PR #2608

The detection logic was improved to detect whether a protocol version was active


5. Refactorings and general improvements

Design: PR #381, PR #383

Implementation: PR #2591, PR #2596, PR #2597

The FSM has grown quite large over the last year. Therefore, an ongoing effort

is to refactor parts of the code to make it easier to comprehend and

maintainable. Refactorings are meant to be done is small chunks to keep impact

low and feature development going.

6. Initial design of virtual state channels

Design: PR #382 3

An initial design of VSCs is in review, which is meant to act as a proposal for

further community discussion.

  • During weeks 31 and 32 they worked on v0.8.10 and v0.8.11 of the Base æpp. Here are the release notes:



  1. Internationalization: Go to Settings > Language to see the Base æpp in Chinese or Russian
  2. Display currency: Select BTC, Euro, or USD as an additional display in Settings > Display Currency


  1. Updated the language for the Update Available notification
  2. Updated onboarding background color



  1. Compatibility with Middleware restored
  2. Android Cordova: Restored access to exchange rates API

Social encounters

  • What is the difference between a blockchain and a distributed ledger? Cointelegraph featured aeternity’s Michal Zajda to weigh in on the level of openness and permissions. Remove any doubts on privacy, security, or scalability here.
  • Did you know that the latest version of aeternity’s Base aepp allows you to display your AE balance in other currencies? Moreover, you can send AE’s equivalent in EUR, USD or BTC. See Josh demonstrating how it’s done.
  • The blockchain technology is way too young to guarantee the comfort most businesses need, They enumerate 5 common issues entrepreneurs face when dealing with it in the article.

1) Limited Scalability and Low Performance

2) Lack of Interoperability and Standardization

3) Low Level of Security and Robustness

4) Lack of Methods to Limit Risks of Bugs

5) Lack of Regulatory Clarity

  • Rethinking Blockchain: Should it Have Been Written In Erlang From The Start? “Despite not having the same popularity as other more commonly known programming languages, Tobias Lindahl asserts that Erlang is the perfect programming language — and disciplinary foundation, for building a blockchain.”
  • Intro to Starfleet’s AMPnet: A Talk With Filip Dujmusic, CTO. In this short talk Vlad and Filip discuss AMPnet, one of the blockchain startups supported by æternity’s Starfleet Incubator and Greenpeace.
  • Coinfabrik bet on the aeternity’s statechannels for another interesting aepp. They have built a P2P browser Reversi game. Find a step-by-step guide on how to run the game or create one yourself.
  • Getting detailed insights into Sophia smart contract development on aeternity at BerBlockWeek and a great overview of aeternity.

Upcoming events:

  1. The official opening of our Liechtenstein office in Vaduz will take place on the 5 September. Together with aeternity, NaegeleLAW and HouseBlockchain, Bitcoin Suisse will be kicking off the presence with a delicious BBQ & cool beer!
  2. September 20–21 — The Æternity Universe conference will take place in the period in Prague, Czech Republic. Meet Pablo Coirolo, CEO & Co-Founder Light47 & CEO Americas aeternity, Nikola Stojanow, CBDO aeternity Blockchain, CEO aeternity Ventures and many others!



  1. Lima will introduce the Fast æternity Transaction Engine (FATE), æternity’s customized virtual machine. The Fast æternity Transaction Engine uses transactions as its basic operations and operates directly on the state tree of the æternity chain. This enables native integration with first class objects such as oracles, a naming system, and state channels since those are all managed by specific types of transactions described on the protocol level. FATE is a simple-to-use machine language, superior to the more traditional byte-code virtual machines currently used on other platforms. It enables easier, safe coding, faster transactions, and smaller code sizes. It is custom-built to seamlessly integrate with the functional smart contract language Sophia.
  2. The next scheduled hardfork of the æternity protocol will happen in September with the Lima Release.
  3. A governance mechanism based on a Sophia smart contract will be introduced and will make it easier for the community to launch governance votes. Delegated voting and a signalling mechanism for hardfork activation will become available. A governance æpp will be launched.
  4. IMPORTANT: All AE tokens users must migrate their AE tokens to the Mainnet before September 2 when the smart contract that manages all Ethereum AE tokens will expire.
  5. Auctions for renting names in the æternity Naming System (AENS) will be launched with Lima.
  6. A mobile æpp that enables state channel payments will be available during the æternity Universe One conference that will take place in Prague, Bohemia on September 20–21, 2019.
  7. Here is the draft timeline for the Lima Release, token migration and the September hardfork.


With the goal to enable the æternity community to launch initiatives such as the BRI, the governance mechanisms will be improved with the Lima hardfork. In this respect the developer community will focus on:

  1. Enabling “signaling” that automates the process of hardfork activation. A key header info field will be introduced and contain information that could be set by a miner via a config parameter. That information will signal whether the miner supports a proposed hardfork or not. For example, when 90% of mining power signals support for a hardfork — it is automatically activated after a week.
  2. A Sophia smart contract will be used to enable weighted delegated voting.
  3. Drafting a detailed specification that determines what exactly could be changed by governance on-chain.
  4. A client-facing application for initiating and participating in voting proposals.

State Channels Payment æpp

In order to showcase the most simple functionality of æternity’s state channels, an æpp that can be used to buy various items during the æternity Universe One conference will be developed. It will allow event participants to make payments to multiple points of sale via state channels. To learn more about the first major event dedicated to the æternity ecosystem, visit the Universe One website.

Naming System Auctions

æternity’s protocol-integrated naming system (AENS) enables human-readable names for AE token accounts, including oracles and smart contracts. It is currently possible to associate an account with a test name (.test) and more than 550k names have already been registered for free.

Most valuable names be established, an auction system must be incorporated. The first step will be the drafting of a detailed specification of the auction mechanism and then developing a Sophia smart contract to execute it. It is expected that the AENS auctions will be ready in time for Lima.

Partnerships and team members

  • AE Ventures is partnering up with nooorblockchain — Armenian Blockchain Association​!


Source: Coinmarketcap


No updates.

Social media activity

Social media metrics
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Aeternity Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from

Here you can find all kinds of resources to get acquainted with aeternity!

Mainnet Launch

  1. Introducing Roma: The First Live Implementation of the æternity Blockchain
  2. æternity’s Roma Release is Here

Protocol Upgrades

  1. The Minerva Release is Out!
  2. The Majority of Mining Power Adopted Fortuna


  1. æternity Development Roadmap Update

AE Token Migration

  1. Migration FAQ in the Forum
  2. How Will AE Token Migration Happen?
  3. Phase 0 of AE Token Migration [COMPLETE]
  4. Phase 1 of AE Token Migration [COMPLETE]
  5. End Date for Phase 1 of Token Migration and Ledger Nano S Support
  6. Phase 2 of AE Token Migration and Minerva Hard Fork [COMPLETE]
  7. Phase 3 of AE Token Migration [RUNNING] — Last phase before Ethereum smart contract freeze — MIGRATE TODAY!
  8. AE Token Migration Video Guides (Ledger Nano S, MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, Base æpp)

Community-Building Campaigns

  1. Create a Community Building Campaign and Grow the Æcosystem

On-Chain Governance

  1. æternity’s First On-Chain Governance Vote: Decentralization 2.0
  2. Forum Discussion on the Block Reward Initiative (BRI)

Getting Started with æternity Blockchain

  1. Tutorials and Guides (for developers and miners)
  2. Documentation Hub (very useful!)
  3. æternity protocol at GitHub
  4. Oracles at GitHub
  5. State Channels at GitHub
  6. Smart Contracts at GitHub
  7. Sophia — Smart Contract Language at GitHub
  8. Naming System at GitHub
  9. Governance at GitHub
  10. Bitcoin-NG at GitHub
  11. Forum (the best place to get support)
  12. æternity Development 101 (free course at
  13. æternity page at BitcoinWiki
  14. General FAQ
  15. Technical FAQ
  16. Mainnet FAQ
  17. Website
  18. Bug Bounty at HackerOne
  19. Bounty for Fixing Outdated Tutorials
  20. Mining AE tokens (Video by SavageMine)
  21. 2018: A Year in Review

Getting Started with æpps and æpp Tools

  1. Documentation Hub (very useful!)
  2. æpps website
  3. Developing æpps
  4. Weekly æpp and Tool Updates (great place to start)
  5. Run Your Own Middleware
  6. æternity Best Current Practices (Making Improvement Proposals)
  7. æpps FAQ
  8. Tech Twitter Account
  9. The First æpps Summit: Summary

æternity Ventures

  1. Starfleet 2019
  2. Æternity Launches Starfleet Incubator for Blockchain Innovation by Bitcoin Magazine
  3. æternity Ventures Website
  4. æternity Ventures Blog
  5. Twitter Account

æternity Crypto Foundation

  1. 1000 AE for Telegram Tipping
  2. Announcing a Donation to the Project
  3. æternity Crypto Foundation Blog
  4. Twitter Account

Videos, Interviews and Presentations

  1. What is æternity?
  2. Short overview of æternity’s main technological features at
  3. æternity Weekly Development Updates (videos)
  4. Public Developer Hangouts (videos)
  5. æternity’s State Channels by Dimitar Ivanov
  6. æternity’s State Channels by Ulf Wiger
  7. æternity’s Consensus Algorithm by Michal Zajda
  8. æternity’s Generalized Accounts by Vlad, Hans and Dimitar
  9. æternity’s Arkane Wallet by Vlad, Marco and Karel from Arkane Network
  10. æternity’s FATE VM and more by Nikita and Michal
  11. æternity’s Peer Communication (Noise Protocol) by Georgi Spasov
  12. æternity’s Smart Contracts by Erik Stenman & Tobias Lindahl
  13. æternity’s Virtual Machine [Elixir] by Bozhidar Nikolov
  14. Property-Based Testing in Blockchain and P2P Networks by Thomas Arts
  15. Challenges & Advantages of Using Erlang in Cryptocurrencies by Ulf Wiger
  16. Interview with Vlad during Berlin Blockchain Week
  17. Interviews with Vlad & Stoyan during Chainges, Amsterdam
  18. Interview with Nikola and Emin during Consensus 2018
  19. Podcast with Nikola on Ventures, Starfleet and Growing the Global Blockchain Talent Pool by Technology Blog Writer
  20. GLOBSEC: Parallel & Undercover World of Blockchain by Julio Alejandro
  21. Sofia Crypto Meetup #34 — æternity Mainnet
  22. How to sleep well after a major code refactoring by Thomas Arts & Tobias Lindahl
  23. Why Developers Shouldn’t Shy Away From Blockchain Development — interview with Dincho Todorov by Altcoin Magazine
  24. A Scalable Ethereum — Can æternity Blockchain Get Ahead By Starting from Scratch? — interview with Ulf Wiger by


  1. æternity Webinar: Scaling decentralized applications by Vlad Dramaliev
  2. æternity Webinar: Sophia, a functional blockchain language by Erik Stenman
  3. æternity Webinar: Evolution of the æternity consensus engine by Michal Zajda

Opinion Articles and Blog Posts (Team)

  1. 5 Issues Companies Are Facing With Blockchain
  2. How Will Blockchain Technology Enter the Mainstream? | Writers Contest Winners [Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4]
  3. Could a Blockchain-Based Reputation System Prevent a Dystopian Future? in HackerNoon
  4. Advantages of Functional Programming for Blockchain Protocols in HackerNoon
  5. Can Blockchain Win? — Social Media Platforms 2.0 [Part 1]
  6. Can Blockchain Win? — Social Media Platforms 2.0 [Part 2]
  7. Facebook’s Blockchain Affair | Can Blockchain Win? — Social Media Platforms 2.0 [Part 3]
  8. The Future of Payment Gateways
  9. DAOs on æternity
  10. Introduction to æternity’s Bitcoin-NG Implementation
  11. Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake
  12. On (Decentralized) Governance
  13. Blockchain Must be Open Software
  14. The Digital Insurance Marketplace
  15. Trade Financing is Broken
  16. How Smart Contracts Might Change The Way We Live
  17. Blockchain Oracles
  18. Democratizing Blockchain Forks
  19. Building a Truly Decentralized Blockchain
  20. Re-Discovering Prediction Markets

Community Resources

  1. Coin Spotlight: æternity by Coinplan Insights
  2. Blockchain Scalability Solutions from æternity by
  3. æternity Review: What is AE, What are æpps, and What Makes It a Unique Token by BitBoy Crypto
  4. æternity: Scalable smart contracts interfacing with real-world data by Fujan Crypto Report
  5. Token Analysis: æternity (AE) by Edward Ward (Comprehensive)
  6. Coin of the week review by faast
  7. Comprehensive Wiki Guide to æternity by WikiCryptoCoins
  8. æternity (AE) Review: Building Scalable Smart Contracts by Coin Bureau
  9. æternity biweekly review by Paradigm Fund
  10. What is æternity? by ZebPay
  11. What is æternity? by
  12. What is æternity? by
  13. What is æternity? by
  14. æternity review by
  15. æternity — Ethereum 2.0? by The Crypto Lark
  16. æternity review — The Ultimate Money Guide to AE by Ultimate Money

This is not financial advice.

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