Cøsmos Network: The GoZ winners, ‘Cosmos Unchained’ virtual meetups, ‘Code with Us’ online workshops, Band Protocol mainnet launch, Kava’s DeFi Lending Platform is live featuring BNB and USDX rewards, IRISnet collaboration with Kava

Published in
18 min readJun 16, 2020

Biweekly update on Cosmos ecosystem vol. 24, 2nd June — 16th June

Welcome Cosmonauts to the mid-June edition of Cøsmos biweekly! Today we cover the ecosystem events, progress of existing projects and governance conversations.

There was a lot of news these weeks! Game of Zones Phase 3 ended on Friday, June 6th, and the GoZ Team announced the amazing winners of the Game! Check them below.

‘Cosmos Unchained: Cosmos vs Tezos’ live meetup took place: Chjango Unchained, Sunny Aggarwal, Arthur Breitman and Kathleen Breitman discussed the differences between Cosmos and Tezos. Join ‘Cosmos Unchained: Cosmos vs Ethereum 2.0’ later today. In this live meetup Chjango Unchained, Sunny Aggarwal, and Danny Ryan will discuss the differences between Cosmos and Ethereum 2.0. Do not miss it!

As you know, this month, Cosmos launched the ‘Code with Us’ — a live, interactive workshop program designed to educate and provide real-time practice to developers. The program aims to provide everyone with access to the information and resources needed to use the Cosmos stack. If you are looking for a quick and fun introduction to Cosmos’ tech, this is the perfect way to get started! Check out the upcoming workshops schedule in our report!

Cosmos ecosystem moves fast! A lot has happened over these two weeks! Band Protocol’s public Wenchang Mainnet launch went live on June 10th. The Kava’s DeFi Lending Platform is now live featuring BNB collateral, USDX loans, and minting rewards. IRISnet team announced that they have established a partnership with Kava Labs to bring Kava’s DeFi services to IRISnet’s internet of blockchains to provide a technology foundation for facilitating the construction of distributed business applications. Moreover, the token burn and rewards release have been completed by the IRIS Foundation at the beginning of June 2020. IRITA, the first enterprise consortium chain product in Cosmos is going to be used by BSN to support interchain interoperability. Total accounts on CHAI, Terra’s popular payments app, just passed 1.5 million. Furthermore, CHAI Integrated with Interpark. An overview of the revised LOOM tokenomics on Basechain was published. Agoric CEO Dean Tribble spoke at the BiTA Symposium on interoperability innovations. Episode 15th of ‘Planetary Regeneration Podcast’ is now out. Also, blockchain community liaison Adriana Mihai hosed a Regen Network AMA on Telegram. The BitSong team is testing the first implementations of the new collaboration between OkChain and BitSong. This month they will publish the full implementations of the BitSong Web Player, and the DEX demo. The Commercio.network team has updated the Open Source version of the Dart Flutter cryptographic library that allows you to easily prepare, sign and send transactions to any blockchain based on the Tendermint Cosmos standard and, in the future, IBC. Cyber’s incentivized test network grows to over 1 million blocks, more validators join, more participants of the Game of Links, over 300 thousand links submitted. Moreover, there are over 7 new translations of the Cyber WP, including Chinese and Hindi. The Akash team had a time of milestones: they completed Phase 1 of The Akashian Challenge, their incentivized testnet, and sold out their Superminis for launch. The first FOAM Zone for Proof of Location is being installed at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The PersistenceOne team published the fourth article in their “GoZ Updates” Series covering the highlights and developments from Phase 3 of GoZ. They will be releasing the final article in the series later this week summarising the Game of Zones and the way forward for IBC Protocol. Round-0 of Desmos Token DSM will be re-opened very soon. And much more!

See you in two weeks with more exciting Cosmos updates!


Github metrics:

The IBC demo is up-and-running with real light clients, real proofs, end-to-end handshakes and working token transfers.

Check out the code and try it out yourself here.

Cosmos Governance

Proposal 26 was rejected


cyber Congress (https://cybercongress.ai) developed Cyber (https://github.com/cybercongress/go-cyber): a software for replacing existing internet behemoth monopolies, such as Google, which exploited outdated internet protocols using the common patterns of our semantic interaction. These corps lock the information, produced by the users, from search, social and commercial knowledge graphs in private databases, and then sell this knowledge back as advertisement. They stand as an insurmountable wall between content creators and consumers extracting an overwhelming majority of the created value.

We propose ATOM holders to invest 10,000 ATOM from the community pool into the Takeoff of Cyber. In exchange, at the end of its donation round (https://cyber.page/gol/takeoff), and when an IBC connection will become possible, cyber Congress will transfer CYB tokens back to the community pool. Passing this proposal will transfer 10,000 ATOMs from the community pool to cyber Congress multisig (https://www.mintscan.io/account/cosmos1latzme6xf6s8tsrymuu6laf2ks2humqv2tkd9a).

Source: https://www.mintscan.io/proposals/26

Full Proposal-Manifest text: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUYDQt9tqLQJwxnUck7dQY3XmZA3tDtpFh3Hchkg7oH46 or at https://cyber.page/gol/takeoff

June 3 · Online Event: Cosmos Governance: How can the Cosmos Hub Evolve as a Living Organism?

Awareness and social encounters

No More Silos: Building for Interoperability in Web 3 — Diffusion Digital

Diffusion Digital is the ultimate Web 3 demo day, the pitches and progress from the latest Base Camp cohorts on how they are harnessing the power of converging emerging technologies in industries such as fintech, energy, insurance, industrial tech, and more.


  • Chris Goes — Research, Cosmos; Co-Founder, Cryptium Labs
  • Theo Turner — Blockchain & AI Developer, ZIP (part of Outlier Ventures)
  • Mark Miller — Chief Scientist, Agoric
  • Aron Van Ammers — CTO & Founding Partner, Outlier Ventures

Code With Us

Live online workshops by Cosmos

The team is launching “Code with us,” a live, interactive workshop program designed to educate and provide real-time practice to developers in the community.

The Cosmos ‘Code with Us’ program brings workshops from the home offices to yours. There couldn’t be a better time to invest in online learning, especially with so many people working from home.

This program aims to provide everyone with access to the information and resources they need to become familiar with the Cosmos stack. These seminars are small workshops led by expert mentors from Tendermint Inc, Interchain GmbH, Agoric, Band Protocol and others that will use their expertise to guide the community of developers from deploying a simple “Hello World” blockchain, to getting familiar with the Cosmos SDK architecture, running an IBC relayer, and much more.

Participants have the opportunity to access hands-on live lessons to code together in real-time with some of the community’s most respected contributors. Most of the workshops are structured in two-hour sessions with associated online materials or tutorials, and will take place roughly every two weeks. If you are looking for a quick and fun introduction to Cosmos’ tech, this is the perfect way to get started. To get started, make sure you sign up for “Code with Us” workshops.

The team has put together a list of future workshops designed to educate, guide and inspire the next generation of innovators. Bear in mind that this list is subject to change as more community members express their enthusiasm to participate in the program.

New to Cosmos? No worries! Come and join the workshops and pick up a new skill in just 2 hours! With so many interesting themes to choose from, you can pick your favorites and you’re all set to begin your journey into the vast universe of the Cosmos ecosystem

Sign up for the “Code with Us” workshop program. The team will send you a link to add the calendar, email reminders of the upcoming workshops and a list of documentation for each session.

Future workshops will be announced two weeks in advance and they will onboard future participants through the same registration process to make sure your virtual seat is covered.

June 2: Cosmos Unchained: Cosmos vs Tezos

In this live meetup join Chjango Unchained, Sunny Aggarwal, Arthur Breitman and Kathleen Breitman discussed the differences between Cosmos and Tezos.

June 1–3 · Online Event: Mainnet by Messari

June 15 · Online event: Debug a Cosmos-SDK application: first steps (GDB, Delve, GDBGui, gdlv)

June 16 · Cosmos Unchained: Cosmos vs Ethereum 2.0

In this live meetup join Chjango Unchained, Sunny Aggarwal, and Danny Ryan to discuss the differences between Cosmos and Ethereum 2.0.

Upcoming events:

June 29 · Online event: Custom tokens with CosmWasm

IBC and Game of Zones

Phase 3 ended on Friday, June 6th. Shortly after, the GoZ Team announced the outstanding winners of the competition!

Check out the thread with winners below:

Game Of Zones Closing Ceremonies

In this video Zaki Manian, Jack Zampolin, and Jessy Irwin go over the winners of Game of Zones. Mira from Ztake and Vasilly also join in.

Game of Zones Phase 2 Recap

In this video Jack, Jessy, and Zaki go over Game of Zones Phase 2.

Learn more on GoZ here.

You can also join the related channel on the Cosmos Discord server.

A tale of Game of Zones: IRISnet: The IRISnet team’s story of hustle, dedication, and community.

A Deep Audit of Events on the Road to IBC: Game of Zones.


Cosmos validators


Information from Mintscan.io:

Top 10 validators:

Cosmos Markets

Information from Coinmarketcap.com:

Information from Coinlib.io:


Tendermint 2020 Roadmap:

The Tendermint Core team has decided to share their goals and roadmap for 2020. What follows is a list of their objectives for the year, organized around four high-level goals, which are themselves ordered by approximate priority. However, the team plans to tackle pieces of each of these goals concurrently.

This list is ambitious: It is possible, even likely, that there’s more outlined here than they can achieve in a year. If you are interested in helping the team reach these goals, they’ll be opening up a few new positions soon.

Goal 1: Increase the number of people who can make substantive contributions to Tendermint Core

Goal 2: Ship features and fixes which help Tendermint Core retain its market-leading position

Goal 3: Improve the developer- and user-experience for projects that use Tendermint Core

Goal 4: Expand and curate the number of technologies that can be integrated with Tendermint Core

If you have questions, ideas, or would like to contribute, please open an issue or join Tendermint developer forum.

Cosmos Hub Roadmap:

Governance Milestones

The following milestones will require voting by on-chain governance.

Proposal: Atom Transfers

2019–04–10 An upgrade proposal may be created on the Cosmos Hub to allow ATOM to be transferred to other Cosmos addresses. Read more »

Proposal Passed: Atom Transfers

2019–04–17 Success! The proposal to allow ATOM to be transferred to other Cosmos addresses passes.

Proposal: IBC future TBD

An upgrade proposal may be created on the Cosmos Hub to add support for IBC, the Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol. IBC will allow other Cosmos SDK-based blockchains to connect to the Hub. Read more »

Proposal Passed: IBC future TBD

Success! The Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol is now supported by the Cosmos Hub. The IBC standard will allow blockchains that support it to connect.

Community Governance future TBD

At this point, the critical features of the Cosmos Hub has been activated by the community of Atom holders. Further governance of the network and upgrades to the software or blockchain state are left to the community. Read more »

IBC Implementation

Due by June 19, 2020 78% complete

IBC v1.0.0 issues left to be implemented.

Ecosystem updates

Akash Network:

The Unstoppable Update: June 2020: The Akash team had a month of milestones! They completed Phase 1 of The Akashian Challenge, their incentivized testnet, and sold out their Superminis for launch!

Phase 1 of The Akashian Challenge, the results:

  • 211 Teams
  • 99 Active Validators (for 64 spots at Mainnet)
  • #2 Largest Testnet in the Cosmos Hub (after Game of Stakes)
  • #2 Largest Testnet after Ethereum 2.0

Dawn Protocol:

IRIS Network:

IRISnet and Kava Plan to Integrate to Enable Greater DeFi Services for Interchain Ecosystem: IRISnet team announced that they have established a partnership with Kava Labs, the creators of the Kava DeFi platform, to bring Kava’s DeFi services to IRISnet’s internet of blockchains to provide a technology foundation for facilitating the construction of distributed business applications.

IRISnet will fully integrate Kava’s DeFi lending platform and stablecoin into IRISnet. With the cross-chain DeFi platform, IRISnet plans to use Kava to provide its ecosystem with stable, secure, high-performance, and sustainably scalable DeFi applications. IRISnet plans to provide Kava with iService and Coinswap applications to improve liquidity. Additionally, through the IBC protocol (Interblockchain Communication Protocol), Kava and IRISnet hope to further promote DeFi application development on each other’s networks as well as the whole ecosystem of Cosmos.

The Second Implementation of the Community-centric Delegation Campaign & the Second One-year Token Burn Plan. In April 2020, the IRIS Foundation Rolled Out a Community-Centric Delegation Campaign & the Second One-Year Token Burn Plan started on April 1st, 2020. Both plans involve the expansion and optimization of the utilization of Eco-development funds. The token burn and rewards release have been completed by the IRIS Foundation at the beginning of June 2020: All delegators received IRIS tokens as direct deposits in an amount equal to their delegation reward earnings in May; the application form of validators rewards continues to be available; the token burn in May was completed to maintain a zero percent inflation rate monthly.

IRISnet Bi-weekly Report (2020.5.18~5.31):

  • IRISnet Dev Team fixed the bug of Cosmos SDK; Rainbow wallet released new versions; IRISplorer released two new versions
  • IRISnet and OKChain collaborate to develop DeFi application as well as Interchain Ecosystem
  • Harriet, IRISnet co-founder, commented on 《Alibaba Claims Patented Cross-Chain System Is Better Than Cosmos》
  • The Challenge Reward and The GoZ Liveness Reward for Phase 1 were announced, and IRISnet Dev Team were in both lists
  • IRISnet Core Dev Team Bianjie collaborates with One Identity Express
  • Ecosystem partners Cypher Core、Paradigm mentioned IRISnet in their weekly reports

IRITA, the first enterprise consortium chain product in Cosmos is going to be used by BSN to support interchain interoperability:

Regen Network:

A Time for Listening, Reflecting, and Acting.

Planetary Regeneration Podcast | Episode 15: Coronavirus Special.

GoZ phase-3: Invalidate REAL tokens by minting fake tokens.

Blockchain Community Liason Adriana Mihai, was hosting a Regen Network AMA on Telegram.



The first FOAM Zone for Proof of Location is being installed at the Brooklyn Navy Yard:

Desmos Network:

Round-0 of Desmos Token DSM will be re-opened very soon:


Kava’s DeFi Lending Platform is Now Live Featuring BNB and USDX Rewards. The Kava’s DeFi Lending Platform is now live featuring BNB collateral, USDX loans, and minting rewards. With this successful launch, Kava opened the doors of DeFi to the BNB community and soon it will do the same for the greater crypto space.

The BNB Specifics Behind Minting USDX.

USDX Minting Rewards Explained: Kava’s DeFi lending platform is offering users who use BNB and other major crypto assets as collateral millions of dollars in rewards.

SNZ Joins Kava as Chainlink Node Operator to Provide Data to Kava and the Cosmos Ecosystem. SNZ is joining the ranks as a Chainlink node operator on Kava responsible for posting price reference data to Kava’s price feed module.


Total accounts on CHAI, Terra’s popular payments app, just passed 1.5 million:

CHAI Integrates with Interpark:


The PersistenceOne team published the fourth article in their “GoZ Updates” Series covering the highlights and developments from Phase 3 of GoZ. They will be releasing the final article in the series later this week summarising the Game of Zones and the way forward for IBC Protocol.

Furthermore, Comdex, the first application in the PersistenceOne ecosystem, wrote a detailed article on how they are enabling commodity traders to beat the challenges posed by CoVID-19 using PersistenceOne (Blockchain).

Persistence is supporting the Cosmos India Ambassador program. And in its continual efforts to educate the Indian Blockchain ecosystem about Cosmos ecosystem, PersistenceOne will be hosting a community event “Introduction to Terra” in collaboration with Cosmos India:

Band Protocol:

BandChain Phase 0 Mainnet Genesis Ceremony: Stage 1 Completed: Band Protocol’s public Wenchang Mainnet launch went live on June 10, 2020.

Guide to Stake BAND on BandChain Wenchang Mainnet.

BAND Staking Guide on IBC (Cosmostation)Wallet For iOS/Android/Web.

Leading DeFi & Staking App Frontier Wallet Partners With Band Protocol: Band Protocol has strategically partnered with Frontier Wallet, the first mobile DeFi wallet to integrate the top cryptoasset wallets such as Coinbase Wallet, Metamask, Trust Wallet, imToken, Portis and Fortmatic to access and store DeFi tokens and stake directly from within a mobile-native interface.

Loom Network:

LOOM Tokenomics Revamp: An overview of the revised LOOM tokenomics on Basechain.



Althea Network:

Going Where Others Cannot: Althea’s core premise is its “neighbour to neighbour, pay-per-forward” model. A model that revolutionizes how internet service is owned, provided and paid for. Why did they reinvent the wheel? What can Althea do that traditional ISPs cannot?

Press Release: Enfield, NC.

Althea Network is growing fast!


Agoric CEO Dean Tribble spoke at the BiTA Symposium on Interoperability Innovations: Addressing the Cross-chain Challenge. Discussing interoperability, supply chain use cases and IBC.

Oasis Labs:


Cyber’s incentivized test network grows to over 1 million blocks, more validators join, more participants of the Game of Links, over 300 thousand links submitted!

- Ho to make a cyber wallet, how to get test tokens on cyber, etc. Updated docs from the team

- Over 7 new translations of the Cyber WP, including Chinese, Hindi, etc

- A new release of cyb~Virus, a community-supported Firefox extension to communicate with the Cyber protocol.


Commercio.network team has updated the Open Source version of the Dart Flutter cryptographic library that allows you to easily prepare, sign and send transactions to any blockchain based on the Tendermint Cosmos standard and, in the future, IBC:

Idena Network:


The BitSong team is testing the first implementations of the new collaboration between OkChain and BitSong. This month they will publish the full implementations of the BitSong Web Player, and the DEX demo.



Weekly Dev Update #46: THORChain Weekly Dev Update for Week 01–08 June 2020.

THORChain release public testnet: THORChain’s first public testnet — BEPSwap is live for the community.

Monthly Treasury Report — May: THORChain Budget and Runway Report for May 2020.

RUNE Distribution Update — May: RUNE Distribution Analysis for May 2020.


Built with the Cosmos SDK

Projects that are actively building on the Cosmos ecosystem

Band Protocol — Band Protocol provides a secure and scalable decentralized oracle for Web 3. Announcement » Infrastructure

Binance Chain — Binance Chain is developed by Binance and its community as the basis for a decentralized exchange. Binance is considered the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the world in terms of trading volume. Announcement » DEX

e-Money — e-Money is the leading European provider of currency-backed stablecoins. The stablecoins are interest bearing and protected by an insolvency fund, which makes them unique in today’s market. Infrastructure Enterprise Stablecoin

IOV — IOV a universal protocol between blockchains and wallet users, is making it possible to send, receive and exchange any cryptocurrency from a single address of value. Wallet Name Service

IRISnet — IRISnet is designed to be the foundation for next generation distributed business applications. It is a BPoS blockchain, built with Cosmos-SDK, that enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model. Announcement » Enterprise

Kava — Kava is the first cross-blockchain DeFi platform that enables traders to leverage their assets and hedge using a multi-collateral CDP system and collateral-backed stablecoin (USDX). Announcement » Stablecoin Infrastructure

Persistence — Persistence is creating the most effective tools for enterprise blockchain solutions, built on Cosmos technology and powered by Tendermint. Announcement » Enterprise

Playlist — Playlist is a project aimed at tokenizing the music industry with their PLAY Protocol. Social

Regen Network — Regen Network is a global community and platform focused on ecological monitoring and regeneration. Announcement » Agriculture

Sentinel — Sentinel Network is a network layer that enables a true p2p and decentralized Applications & Resources marketplace. Announcement » Infrastructure

Terra — A price-stable cryptocurrency designed for mass adoption. We are building financial infrastructure for the next generation of decentralized applications. Announcement » Stablecoin Infrastructure

Check out the Full list of projects in Cosmos & Tendermint Ecosystem.

Interchain Foundation 2020

Introducing Interchain GmbH and a new ICF Funding Program

This may Interchain Foundation announced the Interchain Foundation Funding Program is re-opening after implementing a new organizational structure to streamline application review and project administration. The two entities who will be supporting this restructured program are Informal Systems, recently spun-out from the Research and Development group at the ICF, and Interchain GmbH, a new fully-owned subsidiary of the ICF.

Interchain GmbH (IG)

In March 2020, Interchain GmbH was founded in Berlin, Germany. The new home for a group of former All In Bits (d.b.a Tendermint Inc.) employees, where these specialist engineers and protocol architects could focus on the core technologies driving a fast expanding Interchain ecosystem. As maintainers of Tendermint Core, lead architects of the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) Protocol, and contributors to the Cosmos SDK, they envision a more connected, open, and self-sovereign world, made possible through the Cosmos Network. Keep an eye out for our upcoming post introducing members of the new team!

New Funding Program

In collaboration with Informal Systems, the new Interchain GmbH has been busy implementing a multi-stakeholder organizational structure, while catching up on funding applicants from the end of 2019. The result is a new, plaintext-enabled funding pipeline that opens today! Changes to the program include a simplified application form, improved review process, and VCS contract automation tools created by Informal Systems. Make your submission today at apply.interchain.io!

From this point forward, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed quarterly by the Foundation Council. The first two months of each quarter will be receiving periods, while the third month will be dedicated to completing reviews and performing follow-up interviews before final decisions are made at the end of each quarter.

The team will continue accepting requests for funding in the form of grants, service agreements, and investments from the following categories: Engineering/Product, Research and Community/Social Good. They anticipate funding amounts to range from under $10k to over $100k, depending on the scope of the project. For more detailed information about how the program works take a look at the program website and github repository.

Partnerships and team members

Cosmos is hiring! See the latest job openings here.


Social media metrics

Social media activity:

Social media dynamics:

Cosmos community continues to grow! There is a stable increase in the number of subscribers of Cosmos social media channels these weeks.

See also Cosmos forum.

Check out Interchain Foundation Twitter.

There are also Community-managed Channels. These channels are managed entirely by members of the Cosmos community and do not represent official Cosmos or ICF announcements.


Cosmos Validator Working Group

Twitter Cosmos China

Twitter Cosmos Korea

Twitter Cosmos Japan

Cosmos India Telegram

Cosmos Singapore Telegram

RIOT channels moved to Discord:

This is not financial advice.

Subscribe to detailed companies’ updates by Paradigm!

Medium. Twitter. Telegram. Reddit.

Main sources

Cosmos blog

Cosmos Twitter page

Cosmos subreddit

Cosmos Youtube channel

Interchain Foundation Twitter

Ecosystem projects’ social media

Today in Cosmos by Adriana | KalpaTech

