DAOs: Aave’s business license vote, BadgerDAO’s restitution plan, Compound’s auditing proposals, Yam’s possible governance attack, Fei<>Rari merger passes, Uniswap v3 on Polygon, SushiSwap at a crossroads, CityDAO, and more!

Published in
29 min readDec 26, 2021


Biweekly report on decentralized autonomous organizations vol.15, 11th December — 26th December


  • Fei<>Rari merger passes
  • Following in Uniswap’s footsteps, the Aave community voted to adopt a business license for Aave V3. A proposal in discussions to list the first regulated bank as a whitelister into the Aave Arc market
  • Compound considered 3 governance proposals associated with enlisting the help of different code-auditing service providers. OpenZeppelin prevails in the vote. Coinbase launches Compound integration
  • Uniswap team deploys Uniswap v3 to Polygon sidechain following successful governance vote
  • The BadgerDAO community voted on the restitution plan. Badger smart contracts have been reactivated. BIP 82 is live on the forum for signal voting
  • The Commons Stack announces Augmented Bonded Curve (ABC), allow for the commons based projects to be stored, measured, rewarded and grown
  • Yam Finance rallies against unannounced governance proposal: The incident demonstrates the need for vigilance
  • GnosisDAO’s GIP-18: TickDAO investment is live for voting. GIP-17 approved
  • The first primary proposal of the API3 DAO has passed
  • The proposal to upgrade Curve DAO to allow optional fractional votes is live. This opens a road to cross-chain voting and more fair voting by aggregators
  • mStable and Balancer DAO announce treasury swap. Balancer launches boosted pools to increase LP yields
  • MakerDAO deposit module to Compound
  • CityDAO takes next steps: The DAO Council would be elected by Citizen NFT holders and take over responsibility from the existing core team
  • Colony introduces points in its discord community
  • Kleros’s KIP-46 approved
  • Yearn Finance’s YIP-65: Evolving YFI Tokenomics is live
  • Index Coop’s IIP-118: Priority Hiring Guidelines and directional commitment to the DSM & Airdrop passed. YIP-65: Evolving YFI Tokenomics is live
  • PoolTogether’s PTIPs 50 & 51: FEI & Avalanche approved
  • Terra Ecosystem’s Mirror protocol faces possibly malicious self-dealing proposal
  • Debt DAO seeks partnership with OlympusDAO to help launch their DAO financing protocol
  • Crypto asset manager Bitwise launched NFT index fund
  • Ethereum Foundation announced huge funding allocations to client teams
  • SushiSwap at a crossroads. New SUSHI governance votes
  • Active proposals: Index Coop, LidoDAO, Synthetix, Badger DAO, GnosisDAO, Yearn Finance
  • New & ongoing discussions: Aave, Balancer, GitcoinDAO, PieDAO, Uniswap, Compound, mStable, MakerDAO, Yam Finance, Curve, Nexus Mutual, BancorDAO, Akropolis, PoolTogether, API3, Idle, KyberDAO, Kleros
  • DAOs: Social networks that can rewire the world
  • DAOs are the future of work
  • Aragon 2021 retrospective
  • Podcasts on DAOs
  • And more!


Blockchain technology is already radically transforming the financial system. However, properties such as trustlessness and immutability aren’t only useful in monetary applications. Another potential application is governance. Blockchains could enable entirely new types of organizations that can run autonomously without the need for coordination by a central entity.

“Instead of a hierarchical structure managed by a set of humans interacting in person and controlling property via the legal system, a decentralized organization involves a set of humans interacting with each other according to a protocol specified in code, and enforced on the blockchain.”Vitalik Buterin

DAO stands for “decentralized autonomous organization” and can be described as an open-source blockchain protocol governed by a set of rules, created by its elected members, that automatically execute certain actions without the need for intermediaries.

In simple terms, a DAO is an organization that is governed by computer code and programs. As such, it has the ability to function autonomously, without the need for a central authority.

Like how DeFi is programmable money and how NFTs are programmable media, DAOs are programmable organizations of people.

DAOs Ecosystem Statistics

Top DAOs

Like two weeks ago, the rating is headed by Uniswap and BitDAO.

  • Top active organizations this week sorted by decisions:
  • Top active organizations this week sorted by discussions:

Read & Listen



2021 = 2020¹⁰: an overview of what the Aragon core team and community have been up to and why they all are so excited about 2022!

DAO Global Hackathon — Final Event:


Recent blog posts

The Commons Stack

The Augmented Bonding Curve, Part 1: A Web3 Way to Fund Public Goods: The Augmented Bonding Curve (ABC) is designed to align the incentives of a community with support for a specific public good. In this new series of articles, we delve further into the “why”, “what” and “how” of the ABC.

Commons Stack Review: Sprint 28:

Kevin Owocki & Griff Green talk GIVeconomy:





Aave Votes for Business License for Aave v3 Codebase: Similar to Uniswap v3, a business license will restrict copied projects for several years before transitioning to open source. Aave is gearing up to launch the v3 upgrade of their core protocol. Some of the top features of Aave v3 include:

  • Efficiency mode: allowing much better capital efficiency while borrowing and lending similar assets such as stablecoins
  • Isolation mode: limits borrowing capacity for risky collaterals, which allows for onboarding more long tail assets
  • Exposure ceilings: similar to MakerDAO’s debt ceilings, limits total market exposure to selected assets to reduce tail risks

Altogether, these upgrades help address one of the most glaring shortcomings of defi money markets — traditionally money markets are only as strong as the weakest asset accepted as collateral. We’ve seen this with the recent Cream Finance hack, here an issue within a single collateral asset led to marketwide insolvency. Considering this important advantage, we could expect an array of forked/copied projects to emerge using the Aave v3 codebase if it was immediately released under an open source license.

The Aave community had been voting on license options via a Snapshot poll, with a business license considered against open source options of MIT or AGPL license. The MIT license option took an early lead, but in the end the business license option prevailed with strong support from defiactivist.eth, one of the largest AAVE token holders.

While some commentators were upset about the restrictive license choice, and outsize influence of a single large voter, participation took place in a gasless voting environment so any holders should have been free to participate if they favored a fully free and open source license.

Details are still being determined in a forum discussion, but it is expected that the business license would work similarly to Uniswap’s v3 license; reuse would be restricted for a period of 2–3 years, but governance would be able to grant exceptions to the license on a case by case basis. And the source code would be available for review from day 1, which allows for security review and responsible disclosures which are an important benefit of open source projects. [Aave’s License Vote]

Aave made waves earlier this year when it announced Aave Arc — a permissioned, KYC’d version of the Aave protocol for financial institutions. Now they’re considering another move related to adapting how open decentralized systems operate to business realities.

Following in Uniswap’s footsteps, the Aave community voted to adopt a business license for Aave V3 “where the code usage would be restricted for an initial amount of time (tentatively one year) before becoming free.” [View the (Close) Vote Results] According to the proposal:

The idea around the Business License is that the Aave Governance would keep the rights to authorize code forks even during the initial period with projects and teams that show great collaboration and participation in the Aave Ecosystem.


The proposal to renew Aave Grants passed an on-chain vote with unanimous support from the community. This increases funding to $2m for the next quarter to continue supporting teams, events, and other sponsorships that strengthen the Aave ecosystem.

Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

Latest governance topics on governance forum.

Badger DAO


Recent blog posts and news

BadgerDAO Restitution Plan: A massive DAO governance undertaking is happening in the BadgerDAO community in the aftermath of the nearly $120 million hack at the beginning of December 2021. Through a series of governance proposals, the community is working out what to do next.

This past week, the community voted on BIP-79 to restore the Badger governance tokens lost in the hack and BIP-81 to “use $10 million in stablecoin assets from the $17 million in BadgerDAO’s treasury to buy wBTC under $57k per token.” Both measures passed.

Now, the community is considering BIP-80 to complete the “restitution plan”. BIP-80 asks the community for feedback on three ideas:

  • What % of the proceeds from BIP-81 should go to those who suffered losses in the hack.
  • The amount of un-circulating BADGER held in BadgerDAO treasury that should be used in a restitution program
  • Whether additional funds be used in restitution in addition to the two sums selected above.

Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

Office Hours — Restitution Discussion — 12.21.21:



Compound’s Competing Audit Proposals: Following last month’s vote on OpenZeppelin’s auditing proposal, which was rejected at the last minute based on interest from competitors, Compound is again considering auditing service providers in the DAO ecosystem’s first competitive B2D (business to DAO) contracting process.

While Compound has contracted with outside organizations before (for example Gauntlet’s risk management program), previous vendors have been unopposed which left governance with a relatively simple yes or no decision. The current batch of votes involve separate organizations with different offerings and cost structures, which creates a significantly more complex choice for voters.

As DAO’s begin to contract more with outside service providers, it could become very difficult for individual voters to make informed decisions. But the alternative option of leaving contracting to a centralized committee or core team risks creating a non-competitive environment with higher costs and possibility of self-dealing.

Competitive bidding also raises important issues about the Compound Governor framework; namely Compound style governance is not well suited for multiple choice proposals. Each compound proposal allows for yes, no, and abstain votes, and includes a single set of executable instructions (eg funds transfers). With no ability for proposals to directly count against each other, there’s a possibility that COMP voters could inadvertently approve multiple competing proposals with overlapping budgets and deliverables.

In this case, it looks like OpenZeppelin’s resubmitted proposal is out to an early lead, having already received 900,000 votes (over twice the minimum 400,000 quorum of votes required to pass a proposal). Relatively close coordination between large Compound voters and investors may have helped avoid disorderly approval of multiple vendors. But this case still points to the need for more sophisticated DAO contract tendering processes.

Compound 75/76/77: In the aftermath of their $50m bug a couple months ago, Compound is considering three governance proposals associated with enlisting the help of different code-auditing service providers.

The process started in November when Larry Sukernik — Compound contributor via his firm Reverie — shepherded a proposal to enlist OpenZeppelin to “implement Security Solutions to prevent and mitigate loss of funds resulting from security risks introduced by community-proposed upgrades to the Compound protocol.”

That proposal — Compound #70 — was voted down in order for the community to consider competing bids from other service providers. After receiving a number of bids, the selection has now been narrowed to three possible firms — OpenZeppelin, Trail of Bits, and ChainSecurity.

This process has been a really cool case study of the future of “B2DAO” business and how firms can compete for contracts with decentralized organizations.

However, another interesting aspect of this process is the potential to modify aspects of Compound governance (on which many DAOs base their own governance) to accommodate for the different type of vote this necessitates; specifically, solving for the need to have three separate proposals. Check out this interesting response for more on that.


Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

Latest governance topics on governance forum.


Voting power:


New and ongoing discussions

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the forum.

The Future of DeFi Fireside Chat — #1 Michael Egorov:

Index Coop


Recent blog posts


Active proposals

Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

Find latest Index Coop proposals here.

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.



Closed proposals


To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

Yam Finance

Yam Finance Rallies Against Unannounced Governance Proposal: This incident demonstrates the need for vigilance, particularly for smaller projects with significant assets.

In an unexpected turn of events, Yam Finance recently saw an unannounced proposal submitted to their governance contract. While it may end up representing harmless spam, the proposal effects are unknown and several factors point to a potential governance attack seeking to strip the Yam treasury’s assets.

Yam Discord

The offending proposal was input without any text explanation (simply repeating “merry christmas” to the limit of proposal text strings), but it does include an unknown execution payload that could transfer out assets or make unapproved changes to the YAM token. We can also see the proposer’s wallet was also funded through Tornado Cash, which is indicative of potential malicious intent.

Yam Governance

Swift reactions by large holders and the Yam team have largely neutralized the threat, with the proposal currently failing by a nearly 3 to 1 ratio. Yam also has a guardian multisig that may be able to cancel the transaction before execution in case it retakes the lead. But the brief spike in YAM price shows the relative ease with which this attack can be staged, and with a liquid treasury worth nearly twice Yam’s market capitalization, the incentive for takeovers or asset stipping are fairly strong.


Existing YAM token holders can set up delegation or vote against this proposal on the Yam Finance site here.

There were no active proposals these weeks.

New and ongoing discussions

Check out the latest YIPs discussions here.

Yearn Finance


Active proposals


Check out the latest YIPs discussions here.


SushiSwap at a Crossroads

SushiSwap has had an eventful couple of weeks as internal strife continues to spill out into the open, sparking calls for major changes at the popular DEX. As such, SushiSwap finds itself at a crossroads. There are three big questions left to be answered:

  1. What the **** happened?
  2. Where does Sushi go from here?
  3. What are the takeaways and lessons from this debacle?

A handful of forum posts have appeared urging an answer to the first question, see this post from SushiSquad and this proposal by Shipyard Software, creators of the Clipper DEX.

With regard to the second question, several prominent stakeholders have offered answers which are being considered by the community:

  1. Alex Woodard of Arca and Dean Eigenmann of Dialectic put forth this proposal to restructure Sushi DAO, which includes:
  • Establishing a legal entity for SushiSwap.
  • Creating a community-selected council to replace Sushi’s previous “benevolent dictator” model.
  • Formalizing product, operations and development teams and an open source contributor model across Sushi’s product lines.
  1. Daniele Sesta of the Abracadabra/Popsicle Finance/Wonderland ecosystem introduced a “DAO to DAO” proposal to effectively integrate SushiSwap with “Frog Nation.”

The move to align Sushi and Frog Nation would be a massive win.The synergies between the Frog Nation projects and Sushi are incredibly complementary. Sushi needs to get back to where it started. Which was being the DEX for everyone, the one that people choose to use. With Popsicle Finance being a liquidity manager, with Abracadabra offering the MIM stablecoin, lending and leverage, and with Wonderland striving to be the biggest DAO that exists. Sushi can gain the mandate it needs to thrive and become the biggest DEX on all chains.

  1. Community member hhk posted “SGP-0: Sushi ORGv2” with the following motivations:
  • Create a life cycle process for future proposals in order to clarify and simplify the governance.
  • Implementation of SafeSnap to allow on-chain execution of off-chain votes from Snapshot.
  • Creation of a delegates board to improve transparency and internal governance.
  • Creation of a code of conduct.

The third question above — lessons from this debacle — has been subject to much discussion on Twitter and elsewhere.

The main takeaway is: governance, and especially decentralized governance, is messy. However, this ordeal with Sushi has put into perspective the importance of organizational structure and transparency in the context of a DAO.

As Adam Cochran points out, Sushi is a case study in why DAOs need to build out processes related to transferring power without creating risks of total chaos. Second, as Orca Protocol points out, DAOs need to be deliberate about structuring themselves to handle growth.

Fei and Rari Capital Merge Following Successful Governance Votes

Conversion of RGT to TRIBE is now open, and a “ragequit” mechanism to allow tribe to be converted to FEI stablecoin at a fixed price is live through.

With successful governance votes from both the Fei and Rari communities, the FeiRari merger is finally taking effect. For token holders in the newly combined organization, there are some key actions and decisions to address in the coming days.

Holders can visit jointhetribe.xyz to begin the conversion process for RGT to TRIBE, but there’s no rush as currently the conversion process does not have a planned expiration date. However, Fei protocol is also offering TRIBE holders a “ragequit” option to redeem their tribe for $1.07 in FEI stablecoins, valid only for the next few days through December 26.

While the TRIBE price was below the redemption price up until the merger took effect, Fei’s team multisig quickly closed the gap by redeeming 10 million TRIBE tokens and immediately repurchasing 10.5 million TRIBE with the received FEI. This prompt action helped save the protocol from paying out roughly ~$500,000 in arbitrage profits unnecessarily.


According to Alex Kroger’s handy dune dashboard, slightly more than 6% of the fully diluted tribe supply has been redeemed through the ragequit function (roughly 12% of circulating supply). Providing easily accessible exit liquidity could help ease potential for internal tensions among those unhappy with the merger. For projects with significant liquid assets or equity, this ragequit mechanism has a lot of promise for making mergers and acquisitions more palatable to target communities.

Rari<>Fei Merger Passes: The much-discussed merger Rari Capital and Fei Protocol is proceeding! Twin proposals in the two communities passed with flying colors — 93% to 1% among RGT holders and 90% to 0% among TRIBE holders. Fei Vote, Rari Vote


Back in July, Scott Fitsimones tweeted on starting a DAO to buy and tokenize land in Wyoming and now there is a DAO with $7 million in its treasury and 40 acres of land in Wyoming. If you aren’t familiar with the CityDAO story: Read This Recap

This week, CityDAO is taking another step forward with the proposed CityDAO Council. As one might expect, owning and tokenizing ownership of land is fraught with legal challenges and now that CityDAO has begun to seriously scale, the community is looking to formalize things to ensure their experiment can continue to thrive.

The CityDAO Council would be elected by Citizen NFT holders and take over responsibility from the existing “core team,” starting with a focus on ratifying the CityDAO Charter and implementing the DAO LLC Operating Agreement. Read this for more detail: The Foundation of CityDAO

And, next month, the first plots of CityDAO land go up for sale

  • Terra Ecosystem’s Mirror protocol faces possibly malicious self-dealing proposal:
  • Debt DAO seeks partnership with OlympusDAO to help launch their DAO financing protocol:
  • Ethereum Foundation announces huge funding allocations to client teams:
  • Myanmar’s democratic government in exile recognizes USDT as official currency:
  • Crypto asset manager Bitwise launches NFT index fund:

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That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated!👥

