Dragonchain: Startup pitch bracket and voting system based on DDSS, Partnership with a major textile recycling company Yok Impex, How to improve supply chain management services with Dragonchain

Published in
19 min readApr 4, 2019

Biweekly update 21st March — 4th April

This is not financial advice.

During the last two weeks, Dragonchain made a presence at several domestic and international events. The team kicked off partnerships, gave presentations and offered their mentorship to other projects in the space. The project was awarded the “Small Business of the Year” at the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce’s 30th annual Eastside Business Awards. The Dragonchain team traveled to Singapore for Money 20/20 Asia. Within the 3-day event, they made three exciting announcements: a partnership with M2030 and new tokenization plans for Dragonchain Academy and Dragon Den. Registration for Dragonchain Academy’s first developer course and certification is still open. Dragon Den expects to see a full public release in Q3 2019. At the Dubai Future Blockchain Summit on April 3rd, 2019 Dragonchain announced the partnership with Yok Impex, a major textile recycling company, to eliminate overstock and increase sustainability in the fashion industry, while also supporting the M2030 initiative. The team published a blog post on how Dragonchain pushes the capabilities of supply chain even further, with Dragon Factor solutions built to verify each step of the process, offering solutions to traceability, validated identity and provenance problems. They also unveiled Dragonscale’s new business model which includes a startup pitch bracket and voting system based on DDSS Devotion. This system introduces a major outlet for the Dragonchain community to use their DDSS. Development is still in progress mostly in private repositories and the community continues to grow. The time is ripe for Dragonchain!


GitHub metrics

Also there are private repositories (~100 private repositories on commercial GitHub).

Dragonchain CEO Joe Roets in Official Telegram group:
Dragonchain, Inc. began in 2017 and has been developing the enterprise and scalable platform on multiple private and proprietary repositories.
We’ve stated from the beginning that we intend to make the open source codebase network compatible with the commercial platform. We expect to do that sometime in 2019, and will involve an update to the open source codebase.

Developer activity (from Coinlib.io)

How Dragonchain Blockchain Can Improve Supply Chain Management Services and Ensure Trust:

Supply chain management utilizes a wide range of tools with the goal of coordinating all parts of the supply chain, from supplying raw materials to delivering products, to controlling associated business processes.

The intended goal is to minimize costs and prepare for all possible events and factors that might disrupt a supply chain. This includes managing potential conflicts between different parties within a supply chain’s ecosystem, such as partners and vendors.

One such conflict can occur between a company sales department and warehouse stakeholders, which may have different objectives. One party may want to hold more inventory to meet demand, while another may opt for less inventory to reduce holding costs.

The organizations that manage these different departments are incentivized to improve the trust and collaboration between supply chain participants, which in return improves inventory visibility and movement speed.

Dragonchain’s expert team and technology offerings can help buyers leveraging blockchain technology in addressing these challenges, and clear paths to even more intelligent data use. This article describes how.



The ability to track and trace a product’s position on the supply chain is critical to business operations. Limited item visibility can result in over-ordering or, conversely, a shortage of product and the inability to meet demand. Delivery products late can lead to significant losses, especially in the case of perishable goods.


Dragonchain technology can directly assist supply chain management, providing traceability, data accuracy, and security throughout the supply chain process. A distributor that handles perishable items can use blockchain technology to create a secure, immutable and interactive supply chain application that streamlines business and reduces operating costs.

Every container can be issued a QR code that contains the associated details of the package. By scanning the QR code, a customer can connect directly to the producer and instantly receive information like when a coffee plant was grown, the provenance of specific coffee beans, and more. With the information being recorded on the blockchain, you can track every process within a supply chain system and have confidence in the fact that it has not been tampered with or falsified. Information on a blockchain cannot be modified or updated without network consensus, meaning that the validity of data is based on a cryptographic mathematical truth, as opposed to a centralized truth that can be subject to tampering and outside market forces. As a business owner using blockchain, you can now control an entire supply chain and can create a sustainable ecosystem with data that is trustless.

Validated Identity


The growth of supply chain has been met with substantial implementation in agriculture, but is also seeing its share of issues, as with any new technology. As the amount of retrievable data continues to compile, it becomes increasingly important to separate the portions of that data that are actually of value to a business.


Dragonchain eliminates these issues through Dragon Factor, a self-managed, validated identity solution. Dragon Factor provides secure, decentralized authentication and access to blockchain applications. Unlike federated identity solutions, Dragon Factor gives users complete control of their data and who has permission to access, all without compromising on security and privacy.

Compliance with global privacy laws like GDPR requires solutions to respect data subject rights and data storage limitation principles. To help customers be compliant with GDPR, Dragon Factor can help:

  • Comply with “requests to be forgotten” by allowing underlying sensitive data to be stored “off-chain”, while also maintaining a secure reference to said data with an obscured hash “on-chain”. This allows for sensitive data to be deleted or “forgotten”.
  • Keep data private and ensure it never leaves a private blockchain unless access is explicitly granted.
  • Determine where data will be stored, including the geographic region, and enable granular control over jurisdictions where nodes are operated.
  • Filter access control to applications, thereby providing selective exposure of specific factors.
  • Reduce liabilities tied to retaining PII or other sensitive data.

Through blockchain, supply chain participants can be incentivized to aid in the success of a supply chain ecosystem.



There are some potential blockchain users that treat it as just a digital ledger, a digitized record of whatever data is added by its members, with no ability to verify the accuracy of the underlying data itself. Because the truth of that data isn’t actually evaluated, there’s no aspect of blockchain technology that can prove an egg really is or isn’t cage-free or that a piece of lettuce is actually free of contamination.


By using a tokenized ecosystem, it is possible to create marketplace conditions that reward honest acting within a system through the use of incentives. Dragonchain can help you design an ecosystem around any desired outcome.

In the case of a food-based supply chain, you can support a customer that wishes to control or track their supply, production, or shipping. Their payment would be used to mint the tokens from which value and rewards are sourced. Margins can be considered and funds can be extracted after periods of audit without fraud.

Tokens can establish value in a number of ways, and support corporate sourced, open source and public economies. A portion of the funds are placed into a system, valued with guaranteed payout/exchange, retained at certain margins, and held for a certain expiration period. The value needed to incentivize reporting or other activity would of course depend on the system, industry, and outside economy. For example, if the system has international exposure, a reasonably small amount of value is enough to incentivize actors to find and report dishonesty.

If you are interested in starting your own supply chain solution with Dragonchain, contact the team.

If you want to see what Dragonchain can do for other industries, be sure to check out Dragonchain use cases.

Everything You Need to Know About Dragonscale:

The whitepaper describes the Dragonscale Competition model, voting system based on DDSS Devotion and the rewards enabled through the Quipu scoring system and the use of Scale Coupons. It also identifies the different Dragonscale user roles and provides information on how they can interact with the competition. This document is a working draft and still subject to change; the team welcomes community feedback to make improvements.

Dragonscale (originally the Dragonchain Incubator) was created to drive entrepreneurial adoption of the Dragonchain Platform and technology. Its vision is to use “information market” or “prediction market” mechanics to improve the selection of projects for funding and acceleration. One of the major issues with venture and angel funding models is the limited information with which a VC team must make a decision. These teams are typically limited in number, geographically centralized, and culturally homogeneous. This often leads to an echo chamber effect, wherein the team may not recognize valuable opportunities. Venture and angel funding models are also not scalable; as such, a team can only process and analyze a small number of projects every year.

Through Dragonscale, the Dragonchain community will be able to vote on a steady stream of projects at regular intervals throughout the year. Dragonscale will maintain this stream of high quality startups and ideas by engaging with Dragonchain Academy graduates and the wider blockchain community. Each year, dozens of projects will be awarded with development resources, which in turn will give Dragonscale and external investors access to a large and diversified portfolio of blockchain assets.

Dragonscale leverages the same mechanics used to great effect in information and prediction markets — the “wisdom of the crowd”, to greatly expand the information available to signal the evaluation of projects. The ability to scale the acceleration process is of particular importance to Dragonscale. For this express purpose, the team presents the Dragonscale Competition Model described herein.


Scarcity of Time

The crypto community’s participation as “signalers” in the selection process requires an element of scarcity to be applied to their participation in order to make it meaningful. To create this scarcity, and to protect against some potential attacks (e.g. bots), Dragonscale will use time as captured in the Dragon Days of Slumber Score or DDSS.


DDSS takes into account both the Dragon balance and length of time each Dragon is held, serving as a measure of captured time. Created in late 2017 by Joe Roets and the Dragonchain team, DDSS was made to incentivize users to follow security best practices and move their tokens from an exchange into a local wallet where they actually control, hold, and own the keys. Dragonchain also uses DDSS as a blockchain-based, transparent, and flexible loyalty program, wherein users can get exclusive or discounted access to many features and services. At present, there are over 36,000 Dragon holders that accrue DDSS on a daily basis. DDSS accumulates at a steady pace (one DDSS per Dragon per day), and there is no way to accelerate that process.


Participants from the crypto community will create a “devotion” of their captured time by sending a specific number of Dragons to themselves, thus intentionally sacrificing a portion of their DDSS. This process will allow the user to select an amount of DDSS to “devote” to a Dragonscale project, and will automatically calculate the number of Dragons that must be moved to commit the intended amount of DDSS. This pledge will be recorded on Dragonscale’s blockchain. The user may then send the appropriate and matching number of Dragons as part of the devotion action. DDSS lost in the devotion process is lost forever, just as sending Dragons in any other situation results in a permanent loss of DDSS. The actual devotion process requires the user to move the specified number of Dragons on the Ethereum blockchain out of their wallet and back. Thus the user is not spending Dragons, but only moving them to signal devotion by sacrificing DDSS.

Separation of Concerns

The team proposes to separate the communities concerned with the success of a project.

(1) Those in the “crypto community” that are interested in the technological value of a project and its resultant utility

(2) Those in the traditional finance or funding community interested in the investment in quality projects for an equity stake

(3) Those creating value in new projects and companies.

They intend to allow each of these communities to have a major role in the Dragonscale system that will provide unique and real value.

Crypto Community

The crypto community will signal value based upon a fundamental analysis of the technology, team, and market potential. Participants from the community will use DDSS devotion, which creates a level of scarcity and prevents the transfer of funds or valued assets to the project. This system protects participants from being classified as an investor in any way, and thus does not not require any regulated interactions.

Participants will be incentivized to find projects with fundamental value and devote DDSS to those projects. No money, tokens, Dragons, or other value will be given to the project. Participants will be incentivized to devote more DDSS to the projects they think will produce more utility value, as they will be rewarded for their evaluation and devotion with a score (Quipu) which will be paid based on the measured success of the project.

Traditional Investors

Traditional investors that participate in Dragonscale can use the information gathered from the outcomes of one or more competitions to invest in selected (signaled) companies. These investors will have the option to configure criteria to limit which projects are suitable to their strategy (e.g. limit by geographic region, class of project, industry, etc.). Investors have the opportunity to take an equity stake in a wider array of projects and gain exposure to signaling information from a much larger and more diverse community than otherwise possible. It is left to participating projects to determine requirements for acceptance of any traditional funding.


Projects will get access to funding in a blended approach that may see funding from seed, angel, or VC investors in a rapid and competitive process. They will receive extensive feedback from the community, and develop a community of their own in the process.



Schedule: March 2019


● White paper draft and feedback period

● Project application and registration interface available

● Project initial objective evaluation and updates

Proof of Concept

Schedule: Summer 2019


● Limited contest (16 or 32)

● No equity stake taken in participating projects

● DRGN only funding


Schedule: Quarterly competitions


● New parameters or criteria available for all roles as available (identity, etc.)

● Expected integration of Dragon Factor for identity of all roles

● New funding sources as available and enrolled

● New evaluation methods as determined by metrics and findings

More information on DDSS:


●https://dragonchain.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/115000925031-Dragon-Days-of-Sluber -Score-DDSS-


Dragon Den Uses Blockchain Tech to Battle Fake News and Reward Quality Content in Social Media:

Dragonchain has announced the public beta launch of Dragon Den, its blockchain based social networking application.

In the current environment, social networks have no established way to verify users and content published. As a result, popular content end up littered with spam, trolls, scams, and fake news. Data ownership on these platforms is limited, therefore content creators aren’t rewarded for high-quality content produced, and risk their work being plagiarized. Verifying content published on these platforms is not only difficult to do, but can become very costly.

Dragon Den, a tokenized community platform built on Dragonchain, incentivizes the creation and evaluation of quality content on a blockchain. Dragon Den’s reward model focuses on evaluating content within individual communities, grouped by a common topic or area of interest. Each community decides whether content has merit.

“Dragon Den was designed around core principles to resist spam, trolls, and purveyors of fake news by rewarding users for creating and evaluating quality content in a community,” said Joe Roets, CEO and founder of Dragonchain. “It utilizes tokenization and the capabilities of the Dragonchain Platform to combat the prevailing issues seen across all major social networks.”

Dragon Den expects to see a full public release in Q3 2019. If you are interested in being a part of the public beta program, please apply for access.

Social encounters

The Dragonchain team traveled to Singapore for Money 20/20 Asia, where Hanwha hosted a booth for Dragonchain. Within the 3-day event, Dragonchain made three exciting announcements: A partnership with M2030 and new tokenization plans for Dragonchain Academy and Dragon Den.

Source: @dragonchaingang.

Dragonchain was a featured panelist at TF Blockchain, one of Seattle’s premier blockchain events. Joe Roets lent his insight on digital security and identity in the blockchain world as part of a panel with other distinguished blockchain companies.

Source: @RevInnovator.
  • 30th Annual Eastside Business Awards — Bellevue, WA.

To end the month, Dragonchain was awarded the “Small Business of the Year” at the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce’s 30th annual Eastside Business Awards. Dragonchain was proud to share a space with other major Seattle businesses and contribute to Bellevue’s community.

Source: Dragonchain blog.

Upcoming events:

  • April 4th-5th, 2019: 3rd Annual AUC Financial Literacy, Innovation, and Technology Conference, Clark State University.
  • April 6th, 2019: NABLive Show: New Revenue: Blockchain Pause & Purchase TV from 2:00–2:30 PM.
  • May 16th-18th, 2019:The Dragonchain team is heading to Paris for VivaTech, the world’s rendezvous for startups and leaders to celebrate innovation together.

Dragonchain Academy

Dragonchain announced at Money 20/20 Asia the launch of the Tokenized Knowledge Economy as part of Dragonchain Academy’s new tokenization model.

Dragonchain Academy is a tokenized education marketplace built on the Dragonchain Platform, utilizing blockchain to track and award certifications through Dragonchain’s Learning Management System, Lyceum. Its underlying technology and wide range of capabilities can be used to create a curriculum for virtually any subject, personalized to meet any organization’s training needs.

Completing any of Dragonchain Academy’s current courses rewards a user with an immutable and tamper-resistant certificate stored on the blockchain. Course completion is planned to be rewarded with the mining of KNOW, an ERC-20 token included in Dragonchain Academy’s new tokenization model. KNOW is used to access premium course material and acquire a provable Knowledge Score™. This Knowledge Score is representative of a user’s acquired knowledge and mastery in various subjects and is the basis for mining new KNOW tokens.

“We are excited to announce Dragonchain Academy’s new direction and Tokenized Knowledge Economy,” said Sieng Van Tran, president of the Dragonchain Academy. “As global financial conglomerates rush to tokenize assets, knowledge is the most valuable asset one could tokenize.”

“Delighted to share news about the launch of Dragonscale to our friends at Dubai Future Blockchain Summit. Funding pools in Singapore, Vietnam & Dubai in place. Get funded for the Blockchain. https://Dragonscale.io #DXBONTHEBLOCK #FBSummit2019 @dragonchaingang @DragonchainAca

Source: @sieng.
  • Malone’s UX Reviews: Dragonchain Academy on The Daily Chain.
  • Dragonchain Academy’s first developer course and certification released at the end of the February: Learn how to write and deploy smart contracts on the Dragonchain platform. Sign up to Daragonchain Academy mailing list to get first access to this course.


Token holders and the number of transactions dynamics (from Etherscan.io)

There is a slight decrease in the number of token holders last week.

Source: Dragonchain blog.
  • Dragonchain Wyrm Holes give you the ability to transfer tokens from one blockchain network to another. Learn more here.


The first installment of the Dragonchain 2019 Roadmap:


  • DragonScale — Publication of model
  • DragonScale — Competition launch
  • Academy — Additional courses
  • Academy — Productized LMS
  • Takara — Adoption metrics reporting
  • Privacy Products — whitepaper
  • Consulting services launch
  • Commercial platform — on premise capabilities
  • Commercial platform — sandbox (LAB)


  • Time Products — Marketplace listing
  • Marketplace — vendor enrollment features
  • DragonDen — launch
  • Patent — licensing standardization
  • Commercial Platform — expanded dashboard features
  • Privacy Products — Launch
  • Dragon Factor — expanded features
  • Commercial Platform — multi-cloud capabilities

Partnerships and team members

Dragonchain Works with Yok Impex to Improve Textile Recycling and Traceability:

Dragonchain signed an agreement with Yok Impex, a major textile recycling company, at the Dubai Future Blockchain Summit on April 3rd, 2019. Dragonchain will introduce Blockchain as a Service functionality to Yok Impex’s systems to assist in their digital transformation and support the M2030 initiative.

Yok Impex owns 80% of the textile recycling market share in Singapore and is using its resources to end the long-standing problem of overstock in the fashion industry. Dragonchain will support Yok Impex with blockchain-based services and the capabilities of its platform, adding transparency and traceability to the textile recycling process.

Yok Impex is also one of the partners supporting the M2030 initiative by committing a percentage of its revenue to eliminate malaria. Dragonchain will track these donations via blockchain, allowing M2030 partners to see how their contributions are used and ensure that funds reach their intended recipients.

“Our family-owned business has operated in Singapore and other parts of Asia for a long time. We believe that working with Dragonchain will allow us to do good and become more profitable through digital transformation,” said Sikwee Peh, director of Yok Impex. “Our goal is to expand into the UAE and Africa. Dubai Future Blockchain Summit has opened our eyes to the adoption of blockchain across all industries here in the UAE.”

“We are excited to work with Yok Impex to eliminate the problems tied to excess manufacturing, while also supporting M2030 initiative. This partnership will showcase blockchain’s unique capability to improve traceability and handle complex global issues.”

Shirly Roets, President of Dragonchain Foundation.

About Yok Impex

Yok Impex is a leading company for textile recycling in the Asia Pacific Region. First founded in the 1970s, the company has grown from strength to strength. Amongst textile recycling concerns it is currently ranked 1st in Southeast Asia in terms of tonnage processed. From its headquarters in Singapore, Yok Impex’s logistic chain draws used textiles from up to 20 countries across Asia and Africa, then repurposes and recycles those materials for the fashion / consumer market.

Now in 2019, the company is leveraging on cutting edge technology to create a bespoke recycling service catered to the needs of fashion houses. Fabric quantity, composition, and trim details of all clothes processed are recorded and tracked on the Company’s database, and that same database is then shared with manufacturers looking to manufacture clothing using recycled materials and on a “just-in-time” basis.

About M2030

M2030 is incorporated in Singapore. M2030 is both a brand and movement. M2030 corporate partners can use the M2030 brand for awareness raising campaigns or for branding select products and services. In return, they pledge funds to fight malaria in the countries where the money was raised, working with the Global Fund, or directly with reputable NGOs. 100 percent of all funds donated by companies go directly to programs. Learn more about M2030

Dragonchain Partners with M2030 to Defeat Malaria with Blockchain:

Dragonchain announced their partnership with M2030, a humanitarian organization dedicated to fighting malaria, created by Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA).

M2030 brings together businesses, consumers and health organizations in a unique partnership to eliminate malaria in Asia by 2030. When M2030 branded products or services are purchased, 100% of the contribution goes directly to malaria programs that save lives in Asia.

As M2030’s technology partner, Dragonchain will provide blockchain-based services and the capabilities of the Dragonchain Platform, starting with Vietnam. These will facilitate the donation process and increase the transparency of contributions. Blockchain functionality will help create an immutable and transparent record of donations, while also allowing organizations to track the use of contributions by implementing partners.

“We are excited to partner with Dragonchain in Vietnam. By using their services and capabilities, we can enhance the trust in M2030,” said Patrik Silborn, co-founder of M2030. “By working with Dragonchain, we will be able to onboard some of the best businesses in Vietnam, and ultimately end malaria once and for all,” added Gerard Teoh, co-founder of M2030.

“Dragonchain’s mission is to empower everyone to overcome global challenges with blockchain,” said Shirly Roets, president of Dragonchain Foundation. “This partnership will eliminate barriers commonly faced by humanitarian groups and leverage blockchain’s unique functionality to support M2030’s goal.”

About M2030

M2030 is incorporated in Singapore. M2030 is both a brand and movement. M2030 corporate partners can use the M2030 brand for awareness raising campaigns or for branding select products and services. In return, they pledge funds to fight malaria in the countries where the money was raised, working with the Global Fund, or directly with reputable NGOs. 100 percent of all funds donated by companies go directly to programs.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

Dragonchain community continues to grow. Despite the fact of growth in other social media, there is a slight decrease in the number of subscribers of Dragonchain Telegram channels these weeks.

Facebook — Announcements, publications with 25–50 likes, 5–10 shares.

Twitter — Average number of retweets is 50–100 for one post.

New media:

Bitcointalk.org: since August 17th, 2017. Discussion on latest news, price, etc. Last post — on April 4th, 2019.

Dragonchain also has Kakao talk for koreans.

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Dragonchain Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com.

This is not financial advice.

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