Æternity: The aeternity Testnet Was Successfully Upgraded, The Mainnet Hardfork Is Scheduled For 30th October, Version 0.9.13 Of StateChannels Payment Æpp, Miner Signalled Consensus Upgrade, Æternity Payment Application Roadmap

Published in
18 min readOct 22, 2019

Biweekly update 8th October — 22nd October

Hey, æternists! We are delighted to provide you with all the recent news happening on the development and social side of æternity. The past two weeks were especially eventful, as all the dev teams have been working hard while moving forward on “the road to Lima.” Their focus last week was on the upcoming token migration. Thus, the solution is developed and is currently tested on the testnet with no issues occurred. They also managed to make some improvements to the existing tools like æproject, Contracts æpp, and Playground. New versions with Lima support are available for all tools; æproject version 1.0.3 is released. The team has provided fixes to some community issues that were reported in the forum and GitHub. Importantly, the support for the Lima hardfork was provided. Other milestones include local node version being updated to 5.0.0-rc5, new local compiler version 4.0.0, JsSDk upgraded to 6.0.0 version, and new contracts æpp version released. Moreover, the new State Channels bi-weekly development update featured State Channel UAT test suite, integration test improvements, a port of æUniverse demo changes to master, and system test hardening. The AirGap team published an update on the Wallet, Coin Library and Vault, where they worked on a bug that prevented Base æpp — AirGap Vault interaction. Python and JS SDK 6.0.0 for aeternity are now out.

Another essential aspect of ælife is a social activity. The team and the community are still reflecting on amazing æternity Universe One, that “was a kickoff one would never forget’’, with its brilliant presentations and panels; find all the recordings of the fantastic talks and summaries in the update. In addition, don’t miss out on cool short interviews by Caribbean Blockchain Network and Pablo Coirolo talking about the future of æternity in the Americas, including the collaboration with the CIE ORT University and the introduction of real-world use cases of the technology. The community and the number of subscribers in social networks tend to increase. Some astonishing news from æventures as a conclusion: Startups from more than 100 cities around the world applied for Starfleet 3! Let the æcosystem grow! Stay tuned!


Aeternity GitHub metrics
Developer activity (from Aeternity Coinlib.io)

“The signalling using the key block header field info is backward compatible, as the meaning of the value of such field is not under consensus. The activation of the new consensus protocol based on miner signalling is meant to be a temporary measure during the time interval when the new protocol may be activated on the network while the node is running. Once the network reasonably settles on whether to activate the new consensus protocol, the user is meant to enforce such decision on the eventual node restart either by configuration or by upgrading the node to a new version.”

  1. Working New version of contracts æpp with Lima support
  2. Working New version of playground with Lima support
  3. Aeproject issue with .gitignore is fixed
  4. Aeproject issue with return code 0 for test commands and CI tools fixed
  5. Allow spend with the deployer
  6. Fixed issue with interruption when calling aeproject init command
  7. Issue with travis builds were fixed


  1. Fixes unsupported node version 5.0.0-rc4 (#159)
  2. Language names written in full (#145)
  3. UI fixes (#157)
  4. Add deployed token to Token Registry (#153)
  5. Ask user to add token in the registry (#154)

Off-chain pinned environment

Design: PR #406

Implementation: PR #2746

This change provides SC participants with the possiblitity to pin the on-chain environment in their requests to the off-chain updates execution. It is an instrumental tool to manage rise and ensure expectations are met when performing updates.

State cache encryption

Design: PR #396

Implementation: PR #2630, PR #2803

This change adds on-disk encryption of the state cache which prevents certain attacks on untrusted SC nodes. While the code of the functionality is kept, the feature has been disabled for 5.0.0-rc.3 to allow an improved version to be released as part of 5.1.0.

Making client reconnect more flexible

Implementation: PR #2785, PR #2790

The various options for re-connecting to a running channel have been consolidated to reduce the complexity for the client and improve reliability of the implementation.

Improve and fix tests

Implementation: PR #2767, PR #2768, PR #2789, PR #2792

Various improvements to the SC integration tests and node system tests which involve SCs.

Other improvements

Implementation: PR #2757, PR #2759

Improved logging and refactoring of the aesc_offchain_update versioning.

State Channel UAT Test Suite

Implementation: PR #13, PR #14

The test suite has been heavily extended leading up to the AE Universe One Conference which helped identifying protocol issues and verifying the fixes which are part of the changes described above. New changes will involve moving towards a repeatable test setup which can be integrated into our CI.

Port of AE Universe Demo Changes to master

Implementation: PR #2801

The accumulated changes which were previously made to a dedicated branch have been ported to the master branch. Thus the next minor release v5.1.0 will include these changes. For more information on these changes take a look at the report from End of September 2019.

System Test Hardening

Implementation: PR #2832, PR #2865, PR #2905

The aeternity project runs a set of long-running system tests to stress test the latest master branch. They’ve identified a few bugs in the test setup as well as actual bugs in the implementation which have been dealt with. The result are more stable system tests which indicate a stabilized implementation.

Integration Test Improvements

Implementation: PR #2810, PR #2824, PR #2827, PR #2838, PR #2844, PR #2875

The integration tests are continuously being improved. More tests were added and existing tests modified to improve coverage and fix incorrect assumptions. Most changes have also led to simple bug-fixes in the process.

Refactor FSM message log and ensure early start of chain watcher

Implementation: PR #2872, PR #2879

The order of log messages has been fixed. Moreover, the requirement, that the chain watcher is started before performing actions which depend on it, is handled by providing a helper function to ensure the ordering. This prevents race conditions which were seen before.

Fix client re-establish notification when connecting to existing channel

Issue: #2854

Implementation: PR #2902

The channel_id was missing in the report which was confusing and required clients to wait longer for the id to be known. This has been fixed.

Unify the WS and FSM client messages

Implementation: PR #2833

This PR unifies the info reports sent from the WS client and the FSM.

This results in a reduction of the amount of data copied between processes when opening a channel and removes gproc from the FSM suite when opening a channel.

State Channel UAT Test Suite

Implementation: PR #15, PR #16, PR #18

The UAT has moved towards using the ExUnit testing framework which is a pre-requisite for setting up CI. The goal is to keep the UAT and feedback from it as close to the aeternity master branch as possible as well as offload

  • AEX-draft 12 off chain state. This expansion points out possibility of using blockchain for maintenance off chain state. You can use transaction payload to build off-chain state (most likely when it’s small). You can use it to validate off chain data using hash in payload. It does not enforce any communication protocol, besides:
  1. using specific zero spend transaction to yourself
  2. proposing to zip json payload of the transaction

It is probably one of the most common usages of blockchain, e.g. in Proof of Existence.

AEX standardizes way to emit data and reminds about this possibility, instead, growing on-chain state.

AirGap Wallet

Changed the date of the message when migrated tokens will be available to end of October.

AirGap Vault

Worked on a bug that prevented Base Aepp <=> AirGap Vault interaction

AirGap Coin Library

Worked on a new serializer that allows messages to be encoded in a more efficient way (eg. for QR codes)


Discussions surrounding the AEX proposals with other people in the AE community

AEX-7 will be removed because of the overlap with AEX-2. A new AEX will be created that builds upon AEX-2

  • SDK JS 6.0.0 for aeternity is out!

Change AENS TLD for Lima from .aet to .chain

nstall it with pnpm/yarn/npm install aeternity/aepp-sdk

NPM is here.

Release is here.

  • Python SDK 6.0.0 for aeternity is out! #æsdk

Change AENS TLD for Lima from .aet to .chain and much more

Install it with `pip install aepp-sdk==6.0.0`.

PyPI is here.

Release is here.


  1. Documentation is updated, requirements added
  2. SDK version updated to 6.0.0
  3. Node version updated to 5.0.0rc.5
  4. Compiler version updated to 4.0.0


  1. Issues with e.address is not a func while starting local node fixed
  2. Issue with .gitignore missing while creating a new project (#232 )
  3. Issue with an unexpected interruption while calling aeproject init fixed (#210 )
  4. Issue with exit code 0, when running tests fixed (#204 )

Social encounters

  • Here are the recordings of the amazing talks at aeUni’s Developer Stage. Learn all about aeternity’s Consensus, Sophia, FATE, DevTools and so much more! Find the Day 1 Playlist.
  • Here is a collection of all talks at the aeUni’s Developer Stage is now available. Start with the opening speech by Pegah Ghojavand and Emin and then go through the whole second day. Learn all on GeneralizedAccounts, StateChannels, SDKs, AENS!
  • æternity crypto foundation graces æternity Universe One“The æternity Universe One conference was quite the adrenaline rush and we were absolutely thrilled to be part of it!”

Here is a quick summary of the presentations made by the æternity crypto foundation at the æternity Universe One Conference last Sept 20–21, held in La Fabrika and Paralelni Polis in Prague.

Marion Vogel, the President and one of æternity’s founding forces, opened the introduction panel with visionary words from cypherpunk legend Tim May and his crypto manifesto. Marion shared the leading principles and values we all commit to as part of the foundation. To sum up:

  1. The æternity Crypto Foundation commits to support open-source blockchain technology development, and continues to push for further decentralization.
  2. The æternity crypto foundation is an advocate of inclusion and expanding æternity’s developer force is one of the major priorities. Everyone is welcome to apply for a grant.
  3. The foundation supports and interacts proactively with the æternity ecosystem. Part of the foundation’s activities include engaging with Starfleet startups, and providing funding support for the aembassador program.

Check out Marions talk at the æternity Universe One Conference. — A friendly reminder about core values and introduction to the æternity Crypto Foundation.

In a panel moderated by Development and Technical Marketing Manager Pegah Ghojavand, the Board Members shared valuable insights about the foundation’s origin, their motivation to join the Board, and the foundation’s main priorities.

“Open-source blockchain technology is a public good that we continuously want to support and take care of,” Marion explains, asserting this as one of the reasons for establishing the foundation.

“We need to do it in a sustainable way,” adds Emin.

“Open-source development, as any software development, is an ongoing process. In order to be on the top of the industry and lead innovations, you need constant work and resources. The aeternity crypto foundation is doing its best to provide this sustainability. For example, with the BRI we can support developers in the long run. From the tech side, the open-source foundation is focusing on maintaining and improving the protocol and its features.”

Joel S. Telpner — Chair of FinTech and Blockchain and Partner at Sullivan & Worcester LLP, New York

Thomas Nägele — Managing Partner and Attorney at Nägele Law

Matthias Langer — Tax Consultant and Partner at Actus AG

Anja Blaj — Legal Expert in the blockchain space, Slovenia

  • aeternity Universe One — Consulting & Business Uses of æternity blockchain by Helmut Müller. Helmut presents the different approaches to achieving æternity’s primary goal of mass adoption. He talks about æternity Consulting, which helps entrepreneurs and businesses understand the advantages of blockchain technology and what are the best ways to incorporate it. Helmut also mentions a few promising use cases that could help it achieve mass adoption.
  • Sascha Hanse from aeternity giving a time-honoured definition of a protocol at DevCon.
  • Two “Community Nodes” of Caribbean Block were at aeternity Universe One in Prague. They managed to document a lot of what was going on at Paralelni Polis. Check out the first part of their aeUni summary.
  • Altcoin Magazin shared another amazing summary, because æternity Universe One was a kickoff one would never forget.
  • aeternity’s Starfleeter Abend has had their first Alpha test at a concert recently. They’re about to test their wristband solution soon, so stay tuned. Watch video of their Alpha Test 1.
  • Caribbean Blockchain Network x CryptoTask — Borderless work opportunities. Caribbean Blockchain Network holds a short interview with Vedran Kajic from CryptoTask about freelancing & the future of work. CryptoTask is a decentralized freelancing market where you can post, find or review freelancing jobs. Learn how Vedran got involved with blockchain, how he thought of using it to optimize freelancing and why he decided to switch from ETH to aeternity.
  • Caribbean Blockchain Network x AE Americas — Growing the Aeternity ecosystem. Caribbean Blockchain Network holds an interview with the CEO of Aeternity Americas, Pablo Coirolo. He strongly believes in the power of decentralized systems and their potential to advance all aspects of human interaction. The core of his work is based on applying his diverse business experience background to the new Blockchain revolution and helping startups develop sustainable, legally compliant and viable Blockchain projects. Aeternity Americas is focused on the developments of the Aeternity ecosystem within the Americas (South, Central). Aeternity Americas is currently working on liquid democracy & a cannabis supply chain provenance projects.
  • Caribbean Blockchain Network x RideSafe — Disrupting the emergency response sector. Caribbean Blockchain Network held a short interview with the co-founder & CEO of RideSafe, Benson Asiimwe, Aeternity Universe One conference. RideSafe is an emergency response platform for motorbike drivers in Kenya. Asiimwe talkes about the problems that are currently being experienced in the emergency response sector and how Ridesafe can be a, if not “the” solution.
  • aeternity’s Starfleeter UTU_trust is inventing the new trust infrastructure of Internet. By combining blockchain and AI, they will replace the existing anonymous star ratings, reviews, and scores. Meet the team and chat with them in the Forum.
  • The following StartupBattle winner is CoinStats! They obtained 100 000 IBM cloud credit from SmartGateVC and 100 000 USD investment opportunity at Starfleet Accelerator from aeventures.
  • aeternity’s Pablo Coirolo and his team rocked the stage at aeUni. Pablo talks about the future of æternity in the Americas, including the collaboration with the CIE ORT University and the introduction of real-world use cases of the technology. Learn more about AE’s collaborations and partnerships in Uruguay. Including real-life use-cases in cannabis supply chain and Liquid Democracy.
  • Aeternity Blockchain Will Be Used to Track Cannabis in Uruguay. Decentralized application (DApp)-focused blockchain Aeternity will be used to track the supply chain of Montevideo-based medical and recreational cannabis producer Uruguay Can. Aeternity announced in a press release published on Sept. 25 that it is creating a supply chain management platform for the partner combining the Internet of Things and DApps.

Upcoming events:

  1. Developing æpps on æternity Blockchain using Sophia Language Workshop — November 11–13, 2019 | Berlin


  1. The next scheduled hardfork of the æternity protocol will happen in September with the Lima Release (The Mainnet is coming on 30th of October)
  2. Lima will introduce the Fast æternity Transaction Engine (FATE), æternity’s customized virtual machine.
  3. A governance mechanism based on a Sophia smart contract will be introduced and will make it easier for the community to launch governance votes. Delegated voting and a signaling mechanism for hardfork activation will become available. A governance æpp will be launched.
  4. IMPORTANT: All AE tokens users must migrate their AE tokens to the Mainnet before September 2 when the smart contract that manages all Ethereum AE tokens will expire.
  5. Auctions for renting names in the æternity Naming System (AENS) will be launched with Lima.
  6. A mobile æpp that enables state channel payments will be available during the æternity Universe One conference that will take place in Prague, Bohemia on September 20–21, 2019.

Here is the draft timeline for the Lima Release, token migration and the September hardfork.

The roadmap is divided in the following three (3) Sprints.

SPRINT 1 (2 Weeks)

  1. Solve the issue where merchant payment notifications may get lost
  2. Implement support for reconnection so the user does not need to keep the application open at channel creation stage. This applies also to onchain TXs where the user must wait a number of confirmations such as withdraw, deposit, and channel close (*)
  3. Restore Withdraw/Deposit functionality. This was broken some time ago (**).

SPRINT 2 (2 Weeks)

  1. Finish clearance mechanism to distribute funds to seller
  2. Properly handle all “user cancel transaction” scenarios (*)

SPRINT 3 (2 Weeks)

  1. Write final documentation.
  2. Solve all current UI issues, especially getting proper display on all common form factors

(*) Features depends on aeternity node-sdk features availability

(**) Channel die immediately after deposit


  1. Unify Merchant/Customer roles in one application.
  2. v1.0 UI Should offer information such as current version, license information, minimal help and settings screen.

Partnerships and team members

This is once again a testament to our global effort in gathering talent and ideas from all four corners of the world! Stay tuned for info on the selected teams!


  • Code BEAM thanked aeternity for their Silver sponsorship of CBLBerlin.


  • Interesting designs and proposals and first implementations on æternity blockchain by Milen Radkov, Philipp Piwowarsky, Hans Svensson, Erik Stenman and Tobias Lindahl. Join the discussion via the link.
  • Dev Blog #1: Introducing the Idea. Learn how they’ve combined card games and blockchain to create truly immutable and non-fungible digital assets.

“With Cryptic Legends, we wanted to make a game that will entail what we love about card games and RPGs: collecting assets, trading and hunting for rarities to improve your tactics.”

“We are going for a turn based approach, but fully automated, with heroes taking turns every millisecond. Each turn, each hero goes through a decision-making tree.”

  • The aeternity project is currently in need of a Chief Marketing Officer. Join a vibrant community of change-makers and work with teams across the globe. Check out details about the job offer here.
  • Emin Mahrt built a little trivia game with Fire Editor on aeternity during a 2 days hackathon. https://aepp.earlycrypto.com (use it with the BASE WALLET AEPP for iOS or Android on Testnet or Mainnet).

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Aeternity Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from coingecko.com.

Here you can find all kinds of resources to get acquainted with aeternity! The Getting Started page is being constantly updated to help you get quickly acquainted with aeternity: It’s a rich collection of all kinds of articles, video reviews and guides, and interviews that will introduce you to the AE universe.

Mainnet Launch

  1. Introducing Roma: The First Live Implementation of the æternity Blockchain
  2. æternity’s Roma Release is Here

Protocol Upgrades

  1. The Minerva Release is Out!
  2. The Majority of Mining Power Adopted Fortuna


  1. æternity Development Roadmap Update

Getting Started with æternity Blockchain

  1. Tutorials and Guides (for developers and miners)
  2. Documentation Hub (very useful!)
  3. æternity protocol at GitHub
  4. Oracles at GitHub
  5. State Channels at GitHub
  6. Smart Contracts at GitHub
  7. Sophia — Smart Contract Language at GitHub
  8. Naming System at GitHub
  9. Governance at GitHub
  10. Bitcoin-NG at GitHub
  11. Forum (the best place to get support)
  12. æternity Development 101 (free course at dacade.org)
  13. æternity page at BitcoinWiki
  14. General FAQ
  15. Technical FAQ
  16. Mainnet FAQ
  17. Website
  18. Bug Bounty at HackerOne
  19. Bounty for Fixing Outdated Tutorials
  20. Mining AE tokens (Video by SavageMine)
  21. 2018: A Year in Review

æternity Ventures

  1. Starfleet 2019
  2. Æternity Launches Starfleet Incubator for Blockchain Innovation by Bitcoin Magazine
  3. æternity Ventures Website
  4. æternity Ventures Blog
  5. Twitter Account

æternity Crypto Foundation

  1. 1000 AE for Telegram Tipping
  2. Announcing a Donation to the AEKnow.org Project
  3. æternity Crypto Foundation Blog
  4. Twitter Account

This is not financial advice.

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