Aragon: Nest update, the first draft of AGP-1, a deprecation notice for v0.5 Rinkeby DAOs, more research articles and new bug bounty program

Published in
8 min readOct 24, 2018

Biweekly update 9th October — 23rd October


GitHub metrics
Developer activity (from

What does governance mean in Aragon blog: In this intro to the principles of governance, Luke Duncan, Research at Aragon One describes a framework for thinking about the power dynamics associated with governance processes, and explores why it’s important to decentralize governance.

Why Autonomy Matters by Luke Duncan, Research at Aragon One. This post is in response to Vlad Zamfir’s recent posts on blockchain governance which describe what he believes are likely outcomes and which of those outcomes he intends to support. In this post Luke Duncan explains why he advocates for autonomous blockchain goverance.

Exploring alternatives to Liquid Democracy by Luke Duncan, Research at Aragon One.

An agent based simulation and analysis of Aragon’s Court mechanism by Luke Duncan, Research at Aragon One. This post serves as an introduction to Aragon effort to simulate the economic mechanism used to organize jurors in a decentralized court. This model is relatively naive, it makes several assumptions about juror behavior in order to create a baseline model for analysis.

[Request For Comment] AGP-1: The Aragon Governance Proposal Process by John Light, Community at Aragon One: the first draft of AGP-1: The Aragon Governance Proposal Process.

Deprecation notice for v0.5 Rinkeby DAOs: Existing test organizations deployed on Rinkeby to be deprecated after Oct. 28th.

Development update (from Aragon chat, 9th October — 23rd October):

@luis (Luis Cuende, CEO at Aragon One):

- @delfi onboarding!

- Work on product, mainly and

- Brainstorm about branding and Aragon websites

- Work on the Aragon One proposal to the Aragon Association

- Help with Nest

- Kickstarted the website re-design! (very hyped about it)
- Worked on hiring
- Worked on legal

@tatu (Tatu Kärki, Communications at Aragon One):

- Worked on the new version of the wiki

- Prepared, edited & published the Prysmatic Labs Nest Team Interview,

- Reviewed, edited & published the Aragon Nest Update post,

- Continued some work on AraCon and some other events

- Working also on the website re-design, copy side of things with @luis
- Worked with @sohkai and the dev team to coordinate the v0.5 deprecation warning, focusing on the blog and socials,
- Did reviewing and minor editing on the post by @lkngtn on What does governance mean, and unfortunately was traveling as it got published by a timed publishing that didn’t actually work too well
- Continued a bit to work on the wiki refresh

@chris-remus (Chris Remus, Product Manager):

-Track, manage and derisk current sprint progress and roadmap timeline
- Product planning: Develop user stories, plan future roadmap, have product vision call with @luis. Finalize current user stories, plan future user stories, prepare for and have product vision call with @luis
- Lead weekly product call and sprint check-in’s, participate in other team calls
- Coordinate DevOps support and infrastructure deployments with @sohkai and @jorge
- Complete Q3 goals reviews with product team
- Monitor infrastructure deployments and audit report responses (Feeling particularly inspired by the audit report results response!)
- Add detail to the Q4 goals @jorge and @luis assigned to me

@bingen (Bingen Eguzkitza, Solidity Engineer):

- DAO-kits: Update to aragonOS 4 and some fixes
- Nest Review and support several projects
- Labs: follow-up with Enigma secret voting

- aragonOS: review and address audit report from WHG
- aragon-apps: review and help merge PRs #434 and #473
- Nest: review LevelK Futarchy application, review milestones and support for several projects
- Labs: iterate over Staking v2 specs
- Labs: Enigma secret voting Aragon app follow-up
(wow, what a nice synesthesic effect here with PR numbers and hex colors! haha)

@jorge (Jorge Izquierdo, CTO at Aragon One):
- Final audits coordination
- aragonOS 4 deployment planning
- PR reviews
- AGP-1 review, amazing work being done by @light

Mostly focused on deployment related tasks this week:

- We froze smart contracts (fixing minor issues from audit report received last weekend) and kicked off The Final Audit™️

- Launched bug bounty program!

- Coordinated new infrastructure provisioning

- Deployed Aragon Core v0.5.4 at

- Improvements in aragonOS and the CLI for better deployment documentation and verification

- CLI releases (v5.1.0 and v5.1.1) with a lot of open source contributors 💞

Non-deployment related:

- Prototype for meta txs (and multi txs) in Aragon apps

@sohkai (Brett Sun, Lead Developer at Aragon One):

- Lots of reviews catching up from my holidays! A lot of progress getting made on our mainnet roadmap!
- Contribute a number of PRs related to the current sprint, focused on mainnet tasks
- Some fixes to the Permissions app, after noticing them with @light

Last week in a picture:

Escape velocity towards mainnet.

Thanks to excellent work from @bpierre, @bingen, and @jorge!

@light (John Light, Community at Aragon One):
- Aragon party at DevCon (RSVP link coming soon)
- Review some Nest draft proposals

- Work on Aragon governance (AGP-1, Association ANT Policy)
- Launched RSVPs for the Aragon Dream DAO party at Devcon (already sold out!)
- Future planning for the Aragon community
- Testing and documentation for Aragon 0.6
- Routine community tasks

@maria (Maria Gomez, Strategy & Operations):

- Worked on nest: reviewed applications, continued the onboarding of the new teams, discussed with potential applicants
- Worked in a new program we are launching shortly regarding the Aragon ecosystem development
- Other tasks related to ecosystem development

@lkngtn (Luke Duncan, Research at Aragon One):

- Worked on adding juror strategies to the court sim, will push update soon.

- Wrote a post about my position on blockchain governance. “Why Autonomy Matters

- Reviewed and provided feedback on various proposals/drafts.

- Continued researching staking with @bingen and @jorge and the implementations impact on voting applications like Liquid Democracy and Aragon Agreements — follow along/get involved in this discussion here
- Related to the above wrote up a post exploring some more gas efficient alternatives to liquid democracy that offer some of the same benefits for representing passive stakeholders. see here
- Reviewed Futarchy nest application
- Reviewed how Uniswap might be useful for providing liquidity and price feeds for DAO tokens.
- Continued to work on user story documentation with @chris-remus

@alexa (Alexa Weaver, Operations Assistant):

- Logistics: travel, upcoming events, Offsite, and trial weeks
- Payments: Service Providers, AraCon, Nest, etc.
- Crypto Txns to Quickbooks integration
- Ops: Miscellaneous Banking and Legal help

- Payments: Aragon Party at DevCon, AraCon, Nest, Service Providers.
- Transparency update: Q3 txns (#180–185).
- Ops/Logistics for Prague Week: DevCon, Status Hackathon, ETHMagicians Council of Prague. Offsite, Trial Weeks, etc.
- Hardware purchases for Team
- Miscellaneous Legal and banking
- Still working on integrating Crypto Txns to Quickbooks, slow going.

Social encounters

Jorge Izquierdo at BBVA Open Summit (October 17th, 2018):

Source: @bbva.

Luis Iván Cuende at Web3 Summit (October 22, 2018):

Source:beltran‏ @lyricalpolymath.

Upcoming events:

Aragon Dream DAO Party (November 1st, 2018 in Prague).

DevCon4 prep reading series : Interview with John Light about AraCon, Privacy and Aragon Dream DAO pitch party.

Luis Iván Cuende at CV Summit (November 7th, 2018 in Zug).

Luke Duncan — research lead from the Aragon Project is the fourth adviser for the First Conference on Distributed Governance (Athenes, 7th — 9th of December 2018) alongside with Vlad Zamfir, Andy Tudhope from Status and Lane Rettig from the EIP0 initiative.

AraCon — The Aragon Conference (Berlin, Germany on January 29th-30th 2019).
The event has four distinctive themes:

  • Aragon
  • Web 3.0 / Ethereum
  • Decentralized Governance
  • DAOs

AraCon will present over 30 speakers passionate and deeply involved in creating this decentralized future.


Token holders and the number of transactions dynamics (from

Aragon Core smart contracts bug bounty: A bug bounty for the smart contracts in Aragon Core is now live.


The Network Release

  • Basic network-wide governance
    Which power the network will have over organizations, governance votings to decide on service providers, payouts functionality.
  • App center
    The App center will allow third party apps to be installed in Aragon in order to enable different organizations to address different needs. Any aragonOS-compatible app will be able to be installed, and recommendations will be given to users.
  • ANT token minting
    The network will be responsible for the minting policy of ANT, it will be decided through the governance of the network. Some of its responsibilities will be to decide the minting rate, the price and how companies pay for the subscription to the network.
  • Integrate upgradeability
    Provide upgradeability as a network service for all Aragon Network organizations.
  • Release Calendar
    Alpha: November 2018
    Bug bounty (mainnet): December 2018
    Production deploy (mainnet): January 2019

Partnerships and team members

Aragon Nest Update — Evolution of the grants program: How Aragon’s grants program is evolving.

Nest Team Interviews: Prysmatic Labs: The third of Aragon Nest Team Interviews is with Prysmatic Labs who are building an Ethereum sharding client.

‘Decentralise All The Things’: Griff Green, founder of, presented his thoughts on the idea of decentralisation and expounded on the immense value which it can contribute.

Open source collaboration in the blockchain era: EVM packages in ZappelinOS blog: update on ZappelinOS work on upgradeable on-chain packages, in collaboration with Aragon Project.

Editor: Compile Issue 09 of Aragon Monthly: This issue is for a community contributor to compile the whole issue of Aragon Monthly Issue 09 that encompasses the content from September of 2018 in MarkDown files in the given format and structure.

The AragonDAC is hiring.

The Nest team working on a decentralized version control system, Pando, is hiring.


No updates.

Social media activity

Social media activity

Twitter — average number of retweets is 10–15 for one post.

The number of Reddit threads’ comments are: 1–15.

There is a slight growth in Aragon community over time. The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Aragon Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. Aragon project has no Facebook page. The information is taken from

Aragon chat — active discussions on development and development help. is now This reflects how the forum has evolved beyond just being used for Aragon Network research to include other community and product discussions as well.

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Social media activity

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