Aragon: Q3 Transparency report, Development and Nest updates, AGP-1 has been approved by ANT voters

Published in
8 min readNov 20, 2018

Biweekly update 6th November — 20th November


GitHub metrics
Developer activity (from

Aragon Q3 Development Update: Progress of development from the third quarter of 2018.

Aragon Q3 2018 Transparency Report: A recap of what has been going on with Aragon during Q3 2018.

New version of the Aragon User Guide published in the Aragon Wiki.

AGP-1 has been approved by ANT voters.

Final tally:

  • Yes: 1040515.47716 ANT
  • No: 359.81674 ANT

See the final vote on Aragon here.

Source: @AragonProject.

Evaluating the AGP-1 voting results makes me think we need an Aragon Community Token (ACT) by Yalda Mousavinia.

Trust Minimized Governance Tokens: In this blog post about Trust Minimized Governance Tokens Luke Duncan (Research at Aragon One) proposes two potential mechanisms that would help minimize the trust required to use governance tokens.

Actor app, arbitrary actions from DAOs by Jorge Izquierdo, CTO at Aragon One.

Updates from Aragon chat (6th November — 20th November):

@luis (Luis Cuende, CEO at Aragon One Team):

- Onboarding a new team member! (soon to be announced)
- Participated in CV Summit event in Zug
- Work on Flock

- Made progress with Aragon Desktop!
- Set up our A1 DAO for ops
- Helped with Aracon
- Got the keys for our new office!
- Podcast with Enigma

@jorge (Jorge Izquierdo, CTO at Aragon One):
- Improved deployment flow to minimize downtime and deployed 0.6 hot-fix to all environments
- After devcon planning and catch up
- Onboarded secret new team member #hype
- Brought back aragen builds to the CLI (and released up to date build)

- Actor app, spec and WIP implementation
- CLI support for app installs and upgrades on live DAOs (they work! use this branch
- Research: Minime-less voting and action relaying architectures (posts coming to the forum soon I guess)
- Helping out finish Aracon’s agenda

@lkngtn (Luke Duncan, Research at Aragon One):

- Worked on improving product planning, prioritization, and roadmapping processes for Aragon One

- Participated in several in depth discussions related to bonding curves.

- Edited and published post on Trust Minimized Governance Tokens

@light (John Light, Community at Aragon One):
- AraCon planning tasks

- Wrote the DevCon4 recap

- Wrote the final details post for the upcoming AGP-1 vote (post coming soon!)

- AGP-1 livestream Q+A

- Helped with the AGP-1 vote
- AraCon planning
- Planning for other events and community development in 2019

@tatu (Tatu Kärki, Communications at Aragon One):

- Was sick for the beginning of the week
- Reviewed, edited and merged the Aragon 0.6 User Guide by @light
- Worked on two upcoming blog posts
- Reviewed and published Aragon @ DevCon4 Recap by @light
- Announced more speakers for AraCon,

- Created and sent out three different email newsletters
- Reviewed, edited & published Aragon Q3 Development Update by @sohkai
- Created and published the Aragon Q3 Transparency Update,
- Reviewed, edited and published Trust Minimized Governance Tokens post by @lkngtn
- Helped @kris a bit on Aragon Monthly Issue 09

@bingen (Bingen Eguzkitza, Solidity Engineer):

- dao-kits: finish and merge PR#40
- Payroll: review PR by Protofire
- Nest: review some milestones
- Staking v2: start development
- AGP-1: template implementation

- Implement, deploy in Rinkeby and test AGP-1 template
- Nest milestone review
- Labs: MiniMe-less voting review
- Little help with hiring
- Staking v2 development

@sohkai (Brett Sun, Lead Developer at Aragon One):

- Help test and deploy 0.6 hotfix for Aragon (@bpierre fixed the annoying onboarding crash 🎉!)
- Unblock a few projects working concurrently with us: Payroll and a nest team, That Planning Suite
- Writing Q3 dev update blog post

- Supporting AGP-1 deployment and fixes
- Finishing Q3 update
- Optimize events fetching, so the Token Holder doesn’t take _forever_ to load on the first landing 🙂

@alexa (Alexa Weaver, Operations Assistant):

- Money Stuff Ξ₿⬙ : October monthly accounting wrap-up & reporting, payments to service providers, Nest Payments.
- Ops: Starting pushing Nextcloud set up, Offsite #4 preparation, A1 vs. AA Transition tasks, Travel and Trial weeks, Office supplies.

@bpierre (Pierre Bertet, UI & Interaction Developer):

- Aragon UI: move to react-spring 6
- Aragon UI: got Popover and TransactionProgress (made by @deam 🙏) merged
- Aragon: worked on a new UI concept about how we manage screens

- Aragon: support the react-motion to react-spring PR (+ refined some transitions)
- Aragon: fixes related to AGP-1
- Aragon UI: keep preparing the move to Lorikeet (styled v4, remove <AragonApp /> from our apps)
- Progress on the new Aragon window concept (almost done!)

@delfi (Delfina Polito, Web Development):
- New sections on Lorikeet website
- AraCon website copy changes and new speakers
- Aragon One blog redesign (final changes)

@aquigorka (Gorka Ludlow, Frontend Developer)

- Continued with my onboarding
- Started doing code reviews on PRs
- Fixed and merged a couple of minor issues
- Worked on PropTypes for Aragon (still open PR)
- Worked on creating our own eslint config repo (WIP)
- Worked on Moving Modal to Aragon UI (WIP)

@griff (Griff Green, Governance Circle Lead at Giveth)

-Hiring: interviewed 3 people, the UX team lead has made it to the next step, onboarding a part time UI dev, promoted job openings on CryptoTips
-Bonding Curve & Curation Market design research with Jeff Emmett, Amir Takki, and pretty much anyone that will listen to me.
-Reopened the discussion about building the LiquidPledging App with RJ and Quazia

@kris (Kris Decoodt, Communication Circle Lead at Giveth)

last week and the week before: reviewing & syncing on the aragon monthly with r33pich33p, this week tatu was sick — hope it will go out next week! 🤞🏼 and next one soon after

@cjyabraham (Chris Abraham)
- ongoing work on the new Aragon dev tutorial ( and

- overseeing Josh’s writing of article “Boardroom to Blockchain…”

- planning for future improvements for

Social encounters

Luis Iván Cuende at CV Summit (November 7th, 2018 in Zug):

“Number of decentralized organisations founded on Aragon is higher than number of businesses founded in Malta & Luxembourg during the same time period”.

Source: @CVS_Network.

Aragon @ DevCon4 Recap:

“Overall, DevCon4 and the “Prague Blockchain Week” festivities that came with it were a ton of fun and hugely impactful for the Aragon team and our community at the conference. We launched Aragon 0.6 on mainnet, got creative with anti-propaganda, bonded with the Aragon community at the Dream DAO party, and connected with developers and designers at DevCon4, along with tons of other amazing and unforgettable moments in between.”

Aragon Monthly Issue 09: The latest issue of the community curated digital newspaper about DAOs, decentralized governance and the Aragon ecosystem covering September 2018.


Aragon Dream DAO Pitch Contest 2018: The first Aragon Dream DAO Pitch Contest at Aragon’s DevCon4 Day 2 afterparty.

November 9th, 2018 — AGP-1 Q&A with John Light (video). [Request For Comment] AGP-1: The Aragon Governance Proposal Process tread.

Upcoming events:

Ethereum Madrid is hosting a workshop on aragonPM on 22nd November, 2018. Learn how to build upgradeable, truly decentralized apps.

AraCon — The Aragon Conference (Berlin, Germany on January 29th-30th 2019).

The scholarship applications for AraCon 2019 close in one week, on November 23rd.

More speakers have been confirmed for AraCon2019: Jouni Helminen, Kenny Rowe, Laura Kalbag, Meltem Demirors, Yalda Mousavinia & Yondon Fu.

Source: @AragonProject.

Luke Duncan — research lead from the Aragon Project is the fourth adviser for the First Conference on Distributed Governance alongside with Vlad Zamfir, Andy Tudhope from Status and Lane Rettig from the EIP0 initiative. Conference planned for December 7th-9th in Athens will be postponed to June 2019.


Token holders and the number of transactions dynamics (from


The Network Release

  • Basic network-wide governance
    Which power the network will have over organizations, governance votings to decide on service providers, payouts functionality.
  • App center
    The App center will allow third party apps to be installed in Aragon in order to enable different organizations to address different needs. Any aragonOS-compatible app will be able to be installed, and recommendations will be given to users.
  • ANT token minting
    The network will be responsible for the minting policy of ANT, it will be decided through the governance of the network. Some of its responsibilities will be to decide the minting rate, the price and how companies pay for the subscription to the network.
  • Integrate upgradeability
    Provide upgradeability as a network service for all Aragon Network organizations.
  • Release Calendar
    Alpha: November 2018
    Bug bounty (mainnet): December 2018
    Production deploy (mainnet): January 2019

Partnerships and team members

Walking the Talk on Transparent, Decentralized Governance: Announcing Luis Cuende as an Advisor to Ocean Protocol.

Aragon Nest Q3 Updates: updates from six teams working on the Aragon and Ethereum ecosystems. As part of their milestones, the grantees will provide the community with quarterly updates on their project’s progress.

  • DAppNode
  • Espresso Team
  • Frame
  • Pando
  • Prysmatic Labs
  • That Planning Suite

You can also learn more about the program on the Aragon Nest Update — Evolution of the grants program post.

The AragonDAC is hiring.

Espresso — September, October Update: Progress update by the Nest grantee Espresso team on their encrypted datastore app.


Monti ⚡️‏ @Monti23: The DAO’s world are growing in mainnet thank to @AragonProject.

New Aragon DAOs Deployed per day. Source.

Daolist: A list of all Aragon DAOs on mainnet. 20th November, 2018:

15th November, 2018: 100 DAOs in 16 days.

A Guide to Aragon: The Project that Lets You Build Unstoppable Organisations by Ankit Kumar Singh.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

Twitter — average number of retweets is 10–15 for one post.

The number of Reddit threads’ comments are: 1–15.

There is a slight growth in Aragon community over time. The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Aragon Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. Aragon project has no Facebook page. The information is taken from

Aragon chat — active discussions on development and development help. — Popular topics:

Subscribe on detailed companies’ updates by Paradigm! Medium. Twitter.

