DAOs: Juno Chain proposal to confiscate funds passed, Aave V3 launched, Uniswap & Curve communities considering deployment on Celo, BadgerDAO’s BIP 87 moved to snapshot for voting, Synthetix’s SIP-207 approved, Idle’s IIP-19 succeeded, and more!

21 min readMar 19, 2022


Biweekly report on decentralized autonomous organizations vol.21, 5th March — 19th March


  • Aave V3 is live across 6 different networks
  • Cosmos based Juno Network voted on a historic proposal to confiscate funds from an address, mirroring the response to Ethereum’s DAO hack
  • Compound proposal 090 is live, proposals 091, 089 & 086 failed, 089 passed
  • BadgerDAO’s BIP 87: bveCVX Restructure has reached quorum and has been moved to snapshot for voting
  • The Uniswap community considering deployment Uniswap V3 on Celo
  • GnosisDAO GIP-24 & 28 are live on snapshot, GIP-30 is live on the forum. Gnosis chain and GnosisDAO to explore ways to enhance giving-based applications, socially-minded DAOs
  • Nexus Mutual joins 30+ DAOs adopting Bancor’s DAO treasury management solution
  • The Curve community votes on the proposal to launch Curve on Celo
  • Balancer marketing subDAO shared their outlook. Messari will publish financial data on the Balancer protocol
  • The Idle community voted on IIP-19: Refund treasury (IDLE) and update IdleController
  • Gitcoin Grants round 13 live till March 24
  • Lido’s proposal to create a Committee for hiring approved
  • Index Coop votes on IIP-141: Launch the interest compounding ETH index, and IIP-139: Season 1 budget approval
  • mStable TDP 34 & TDP 35 passed
  • PieDAO’s proposal to NFT Index Creation is live. [Epoch-5] approved
  • Synthetix’s approved SIP-207 introduces the V3GM election module, which replaces the existing snapshot election process. Synthetix perpetual futures launched
  • PoolTogether PTIP-62: Grants Committee funding (Q4) passed
  • API3 integrates with Milkomeda. CRD Network is partnering with API3
  • New MolochDAO grantee interview series
  • Yearn has launched on Arbitrum, its first Ethereum L2. YIP-67 approved
  • Coinlist to support Snapshot voting from their exchange accounts
  • Ethereum Gas Limit (EGL) project closed over concerns about negative Ethereum governance impacts
  • Polygon recovers from unscheduled downtime
  • Convex Finance sees mass token unlock due to bug in rewards distribution mechanism
  • Osmosis sees a significant share of empty (0 transaction) blocks due to lack of coordination between wallets and validators
  • Arca and Polychain face criticism over Anchor proposal for deposit limits, with additional concern over suspicious trading activity by the proposer wallet
  • New project (DAO,DAO) draws skepticism from the wider DAO community
  • OnlyFans donated 500 ETH to DAO supporting Ukraine
  • DAO creation platform Upstream raises 12.5M and launches publicly
  • EmpireDAO is building a WeWork for Web 3
  • AssangeDAO raised 56M and quickly split up
  • Active proposals: Aave, Badger DAO, Compound, Curve, GitcoinDAO, GnosisDAO, Idle, LidoDAO, Index Coop, MakerDAO, PieDAO, Uniswap
  • New & ongoing discussions: Balancer, Synthetix, mStable, Yam Finance, Yearn Finance, Nexus Mutual, BancorDAO, Akropolis, PoolTogether, API3, KyberDAO, Kleros
  • And more!


Blockchain technology is already radically transforming the financial system. However, properties such as trustlessness and immutability aren’t only useful in monetary applications. Another potential application is governance. Blockchains could enable entirely new types of organizations that can run autonomously without the need for coordination by a central entity.

“Instead of a hierarchical structure managed by a set of humans interacting in person and controlling property via the legal system, a decentralized organization involves a set of humans interacting with each other according to a protocol specified in code, and enforced on the blockchain.”Vitalik Buterin

DAO stands for “decentralized autonomous organization” and can be described as an open-source blockchain protocol governed by a set of rules, created by its elected members, that automatically execute certain actions without the need for intermediaries.

In simple terms, a DAO is an organization that is governed by computer code and programs. As such, it has the ability to function autonomously, without the need for a central authority.

Like how DeFi is programmable money and how NFTs are programmable media, DAOs are programmable organizations of people.

DAOs Ecosystem Statistics


Top DAOs

Like two weeks ago, the rating is headed by Uniswap and BitDAO.


Global stats


Leading DAOs




Recent blog posts

Bribe Protocol roadmap

The Commons Stack

Commons Stack Review: Sprint 34:

Trusted Seed Spotlight: Michel Bauwens, P2P Foundation:


Recent blog posts

How to build a DAOhaus Boost — Tutorial Part 1:




Recent blog posts

There were no active proposals these weeks.

Latest governance topics on governance forum.

Badger DAO


Active proposals

New and ongoing discussions: Badger Discord

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

How to Become a Web 3 Developer Fast (PLUS: Badger’s Gitcoin Bounties are LIVE):

Index Coop


Active proposals

Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

Find latest Index Coop proposals here.

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.



Recent blog posts


There were no active KIPs these weeks.

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.


Active Polls (9 Polls Ending Mar 28)

Closed Polls (1 Poll Ended Mar 07)


New and ongoing discussions

and many more!

Read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision.

Governance Portal, Governance Forum

Quarterly Strategy Review — Q4 2021:



Recent blog topics and news


Closed proposals

  • SIP-207: V3GM Election Module
  • SIP-210: Create Dai Wrapper and Adjust Wrapper Parameters
  • SCCP-169: Update Parameters of Dynamic fees
  • SIP-212: Add commodity synths on Optimism
  • SIP-148: Upgrade Liquidation Mechanism V2

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.

Yam Finance


There were no active proposals these weeks.

Check out the latest YIPs discussions here.

Yearn Finance


Closed proposals

Check out the latest YIPs discussions here.


Juno Chain Votes on Historic Proposal to Confiscate Funds

After the initial airdrop distribution was gamed by a single party to evade per address limits, the Juno community is considering removing most of their funds retroactively.

The Cosmos SDK based Juno Network is currently voting on a historic and high stakes proposal that could have lasting impact on their chain and community. We dig into the details of what could amount to Cosmos’ “The DAO” incident below.

First, some background. Cosmos chains offer programmability and enable complex coordination mechanisms similar to Ethereum. Juno Network in particular leads the way here, being the first chain to enable CosmWasm smart contracts which can be used to implement anything from tokens to decentralized exchanges to DAOs. We’ve already seen a growing wave of Juno based DAOs, primarily launched on the upstart DAODAO platform (not to be confused with the recently launched “DAO, DAO” fundraising scheme launching on the controversial DeSo blockchain). But unlike Ethereum and most other smart contract chains to date, Cosmos SDK chains are themselves a DAO of sorts. On-chain governance gives token stakers wide ranging powers over the platform, including the ability to alter arbitrary balances or make other extra-protocol changes. Where Ethereum needed to coordinate via rough consensus and off chain governance to rectify the DAO hack incident, in Juno’s case this could be solved through a routine governance proposal.

This is exactly what we’re seeing now, with Proposal 16 attempting to remove funds from a large holder who seems to have sybil attacked the initial JUNO airdrop. While Juno’s airdrop included a 50,000 ATOM maximum cap to help improve network decentralization, shortly after genesis the offending user consolidated proceeds from 52 wallets into a single account — indicating a single entity had split funds among many different wallets. This now presents serious risks to the project, with the 3 million JUNO tokens (worth $120 million at time of writing) able to drain existing liquidity pools and also over 50% of the voting power required to meet quorum for governance proposals. Crypto pseudonymity makes attribution difficult, but on-chain records seem to indicate a connection with an old Cosmos based MLM scheme (which could help explain the high number of wallets involved), as well as relations with a particular validator.At present, the vote seems to be falling in favor of confiscating the majority of funds and sending them back to the community pool, reducing the wallets balance back to the intended limit. But not everyone is happy with this outcome, as it contradicts widely held views that transactions and balances should be largely self sovereign and immutable. It also remains possible (although unlikely) that this was not a sybil attack but represents pooled balances from multiple users or even OTC trading activity.

This also brings up interesting questions about “double jeopardy”, as a similar proposal for confiscation was rejected shortly after the chain’s genesis (proposal 4). Nothing in Cosmos code can prevent resubmitted proposals, funds confiscation, or other controversial governance measures. This indicates social consensus on ground rules and legitimate scope of chain governance — among both token holders and validators — will play an important role in the Cosmos ecosystem going forward.

And the likely outcome of removing funds also opens the way to potential fork based governance. The Juno whale owner and other disaffected parties can respond by launching a new chain that restores the revoked balances from the Juno chain, while also potentially burning balances of those voting for funds removal. This creates interesting dynamics where the dominant strategy for voters is abstention or voting against, unless there is a strong and pressing need to move forward with the action on the original chain; this could serve as a critical counterweight to governance overreach on Cosmos chains.

This episode could also force future projects away from the popular Cosmos ecosystem trend of “fairdrops” that are partially weighted per wallet, rather than strictly linear based on proof of capital. And even the concept of airdrops may face challenges, as they provide limited utility for the underlying network. Voting passed on March 15.

  • Coinlist to support Snapshot voting from their exchange accounts:
  • Ethereum Gas Limit (EGL) project closed over concerns about negative Ethereum governance impacts:
  • Polygon recovers from unscheduled downtime:
  • Convex Finance sees mass token unlock due to bug in rewards distribution mechanism:
  • Osmosis sees a significant share of empty (0 transaction) blocks due to lack of coordination between wallets and validators:
  • Arca and Polychain face criticism over Anchor proposal for deposit limits (which could be circumvented by splitting wallets), with additional concern over suspicious trading activity by the proposer wallet:
  • New project (DAO,DAO) draws skepticism from the wider DAO community:

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That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated!👥

