DAOs: MakerDAO forms strategic alliance with GnosisDAO, Uniswap proposes changes to its governance process, Optimism votes on key changes for its upcoming season, ENS votes on stewards for 3 working groups, StarkNet’s Governance 1st phase launches, Lido introduces ‘VaNOM’, Aave’s Receipt of Gauntlet Insolvency Fund proposal approved, and more!

23 min readDec 23, 2022


Biweekly report on decentralized autonomous organizations vol.37, 8th December — 23rd December


  • Uniswap Foundation proposes changes to crypto DEX’s governance, voting processes: The proposal aims to reduce friction in governance by reframing the steps that bring proposals to votes
  • MakerDAO passed a proposal to form a strategic alliance with GnosisDAO. MakerDAO’s Gasless Poll Voting introduced
  • GnosisDAO’s GIP 74: Allow sGNO holders to vote and be included in the upcoming airdrops is live. The zodiac governor mod introduced
  • Gitcoin announced the results of its first-ever quadratically elected DAO Stewards Council. The newly elected council will serve until June 2023
  • Aave’s [ARFC] Receipt of Gauntlet Insolvency Fund proposal looks to confirm the transfer of Gauntlet’s Insolvency Fund over to the Aave Ecosystem Reserve. Proposal to launch Aave v3 on Celo is under discussion
  • IdleDAO announces the adoption of the new ERC-4626 standard, expanding composability on Ethereum
  • Compound’s proposals 138–140 passed. Compound Extensions are now live
  • Lido introduces ‘VaNOM’ — Validator & Node Operator metrics for Lido on Ethereum. Lido observing cross-chain incentives
  • Synthetix SCCP-265: Update ETH Wrapper Parameters is active. V2 Staking App is live
  • PoolTogether’s Protocol Constitution proposal is live
  • CFTC again labeled Ether as a commodity. While the SEC chairman, Gary Gensler, previously suggested Ether was a security after its ICO
  • Optimism begins voting on key changes for its upcoming season: The proposal outlines the creation of a delegation program within Optimism’s Token House. Optimism awards badges to ten delegates
  • StarkNet announces the initial phase of its governance process
  • NounsDAO votes to continue funding Prop House
  • ENS kicks off Stewards Elections: The stewards will be responsible for the Meta-Governance, ENS ecosystem, and the Public Goods working groups for 2023
  • dYdX’s Operations subDAO proposal aims to launch the Operations Trust
  • Paladin DAO’sTreasury Management #2 proposal looks to transfer a select number of assets from the DAO treasury over to a separate community multisig
  • Hop DAO discusses the future of the Bridge Protocol
  • Element DAO publishes a draft of its governance process
  • SafeDAO’s EIP 35 aims to claim SAFE tokens from the recent SafeDAO airdrop
  • BanklessDAO explores implementing shielded voting. Delegate DAO SAFE tokens to DAOstewards.eth proposal
  • SushiSwap: Sushi Vesting Merkle Tree Clawback proposal
  • 1inch Staking Pods proposal is live
  • Inspired by ConstitutionDAO’s attempt last year, the unaffiliated ConstitutionDAO2 received $34,000 in public contributions on its first day
  • Active proposals: Aave, GnosisDAO, LidoDAO, PoolTogether, Synthetix
  • New & ongoing discussions: Compound, GitcoinDAO, Uniswap, MakerDAO, Curve, Idle, GitcoinDAO, Uniswap
  • Podcasts on DAOs
  • And more!


Blockchain technology is already radically transforming the financial system. However, properties such as trustlessness and immutability aren’t only useful in monetary applications. Another potential application is governance. Blockchains could enable entirely new types of organizations that can run autonomously without the need for coordination by a central entity.

“Instead of a hierarchical structure managed by a set of humans interacting in person and controlling property via the legal system, a decentralized organization involves a set of humans interacting with each other according to a protocol specified in code, and enforced on the blockchain.”Vitalik Buterin

DAO stands for “decentralized autonomous organization” and can be described as an open-source blockchain protocol governed by a set of rules, created by its elected members, that automatically execute certain actions without the need for intermediaries.

In simple terms, a DAO is an organization that is governed by computer code and programs. As such, it has the ability to function autonomously, without the need for a central authority.

Like how DeFi is programmable money and how NFTs are programmable media, DAOs are programmable organizations of people.

DAOs Ecosystem Statistics


Top DAOs

Like two weeks ago, the rating is headed by Uniswap and BitDAO.


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Recent blog posts and news

Chaos Labs Proposes Expanding its Engagement with Aave: The Aave community is currently voting on whether to expand the scope of Chaos Labs’s engagement with the DeFi protocol. In October, the risk analysis and management provider entered into a 12-month agreement with the protocol to service all Aave v3 markets. As a result of recent market volatility and exploit attempts on the Aave protocol, Chaos Labs has introduced a new proposal to extend their coverage to include risk management for v2 markets. This coverage involves updating parameters, protecting user funds, and mitigating potential risk factors on v2. An additional $250K is requested to cover the increased scope and responsibilities. Chaos Labs aims to support Aave’s transition to its new and improved protocol version, Aave v3. Voting on the proposal concludes on December 24th.


Receipt of Gauntlet Insolvency Fund: This proposal looks to confirm the transfer of Gauntlet’s Insolvency Fund over to the Aave Ecosystem Reserve. The Gauntlet Insolvency Fund is a special-purpose pool of funds created to act as a risk management backstop in the event Aave incurs losses during its engagement with the risk management platform. Following the accrual of CRV bad debt in November, this proposal formally requests this pool of funds be unstaked and transferred back to the DAO. In addition, a separate proposal at Aave has been created to confirm alignment on how to best pay down the existing CRV bad debt. [91% voting ‘YAE’ / discussion]

Launch Aave v3 on Celo: This proposal aims to integrate Aave v3 on the Celo blockchain network. Celo is a “mobile-first, carbon-negative, EVM-compatible blockchain.” The proposal states its motivation is to bring the borrowing and lending protocol to the Celo platform to compliments its growing DeFi ecosystem with a blue-chip capital-efficient liquidity protocol. To incentivize the growth of Aave on the Celo network, a rewards program will be established using 0.5% of CELO’s circulating supply of tokens. Celo has also recently integrated Curve and Uniswap v3 onto its platform.

👻 Aave Improvement Proposals:

  • Freeze Aave V1 (129). [failed to reach quorum]
  • Set LDO, stMATIC, MaticX and SD Emission_Admin for Polygon v3 Liquidity Pool (128). [failed to reach quorum]
  • Aave StarkNet Phase I — Aave <> StarkNet Bridge deployment/activation by Aave governance (127). [passed with nearly 100% voting “YAE”]

Active proposals

Closed proposals

New and ongoing discussions

Latest governance topics on governance forum.



Recent blog posts


There were no active proposals these weeks.

To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.


MakerDAO Partners with Gnosis DAO: MakerDAO passed an on-chain proposal to form a strategic alliance with GnosisDAO. The Executive proposal, which consists of a bundle of previously passed polling proposals, was executed on Tuesday. Among the proposals in the bundle was one to formally add GnosisDAO’s native token, GNO, to the stablecoin protocol. GnosisDAO first applied to be added as collateral in August. Its proposal follows MakerDAO’s collateral onboarding application process, which provides a standardized way for third parties to be added as collateral to the Maker protocol. This process requires projects to fully outline the risks and benefits of being added to the Maker protocol. The proposal to onboard GNO had previously passed several polling votes within Maker’s governance process before clearing this final hurdle. Parameters for the newly approved GNO vault include a maximum debt ceiling of 5M DAI and a debt floor of 100K DAI.

According to Stefan George, the Founder of Gnosis, the DAI generated by the newly formed vault will “help boost the development of the Gnosis Chain ecosystem by expanding its protocol, improving its infrastructure, and keeping gas fees low.” The project’s application states that it hopes to generate at least 30M DAI within the first year. Maker often looks to onboard new assets as accepted collateral types in order to increase market usage and demand for DAI, mitigate risk, and enable further scaling. Other changes in the proposal bundle include monthly payments to each of Maker’s 20 recognized delegates, the onboarding of additional RWA vaults, an increase to the DAI savings rate, the offboarding of renBTC as collateral, and more.

MakerDAO: “Gasless Poll Voting”

Ended Polls (5 Polls — ended Dec 15)


New and ongoing discussions

Read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision.

Governance and Risk | Ep. 219:



Closed proposals


To read more about the different proposals and take part in the decision, check out the governance forum.


StarkNet Launches the First Phase of its Governance Process: The StarkNet Foundation has announced the first phase of its decentralization process for the StarkNet protocol. In this initial phase, a governance process is introduced that allows STRK tokenholders, delegates, and a Builders’ Council committee to participate in proposed changes to the layer 2 protocol. Voting on changes will take place over a six-day period, followed by a 24-hour timelock if the proposal is approved. A simple majority will be required to pass a proposal, and there will be no minimum quorum. The Builders’ Council will be a 17-person committee appointed by the Foundation to facilitate the governance process during this phase. Additional information regarding the Council will be provided in a separate blog post. In November, the StarkNet Foundation was introduced as an independent community structure helping steward the StarkNet project alongside StarkWare, the core team building the protocol. Those who wish to become a StarkNet delegate are now able to submit a delegate profile on the forums. The StarkNet Foundation plans to begin voting shortly after the testnet release of the protocol which will concern a version upgrade to the protocol.

Nouns DAO Votes to Continue Funding Prop House: Nouns DAO passed an on-chain vote to continue funding the development of Prop House, a core infrastructure that funds builders within the Nouns ecosystems. Prop House first launched in January 2022 with the aspiration to be “the seed to a crypto native Y Combinator model.” Hundreds of Prop House proposals and funding rounds later, the team behind the experiment is now requesting additional funding to continue developing the project into a full-fledged protocol. In the proposal, the Prop House core team requests 570 ETH to fund six months of development. Since development began on Prop House, a total of three proposals have funded the project with 695 ETH for operational expenses and an additional 555 ETH to fund projects who applied for grants. Proposal 183 specifies the team will focus on improving the product’s UX alongside additional steps needed in the development of the protocol. The Prop House protocol will use a “dual-chain architecture” powered by Ethereum and StarkNet. Currently, the protocol is deployed on testnets and remains in the testing phase. The team plans to deploy it on Ethereum mainnet by the end of Q1 2023.

Nouns DAO: Increase Voting Delay to 5 Days: The proposal extends the ‘Voting Delay’ parameter for proposals from 2 days to 5 days.

Hop DAO Discusses the Future of the Bridge Protocol: This week, Chris Winfrey, the founder of Hop Protocol, published three proposals on the Hop forums to discuss the future of the bridge protocol. In his first post, Winfrey proposes a new product roadmap that introduces Modules, which are applications that offer cross-chain functionality such as messaging, token transfers, NFT transfers, Omnichain tokens, and more. Authereum Labs, the centralized company building the protocol, aims to complete all four initial primitives by the end of Q3 2023. In the second proposal, Winfrey suggests that Authereum Labs enter into a formal service provider agreement with the DAO. This would further decentralize the protocol and reduce its reliance on centralized entities. The proposal requests a budget of $115K per month to cover the costs of providing R&D services for the protocol, running day-to-day operations & development of the frontend, and conducting open-ended research on trustless cross-chain infrastructure. The third proposal calls for introducing a protocol fee switch, which would be turned on in each Hop module to help cover some of the DAOs costs. In addition, a fraction of the generated fees would be diverted to fund public goods outside the Hop Ecosystem. The proposals are expected to be updated based on community feedback before being put to a vote.

Element DAO Publishes a Draft of its Governance Process: Element DAO, the community responsible for governing the Element protocol, has published an initial draft of its governance process. The draft document, co-authored by multiple contributors, provides a comprehensive guide to the different roles, rules, values, and processes the DAO will use to govern the protocol. At Element DAO there are four key roles: GSC member, Delegate, Delegators, and Contributors. These roles are expected to follow the Code of Conduct and contribute to the shared values and vision of the DAO. The governance process at Element DAO involves discussions in the forums and on Discord, as well as the implementation and voting on proposals. There are three initial types of proposals at the DAO: Social, Protocol, and Asset Onboarding. These proposal types distinguish the changes that may be made to the DAO, including the requirements for ratifying each proposal. To support this process, Metropolis Pods will be implemented as an optional governance building block available to the DAO that gives community members the ability to form units with a specific purpose. ELFI tokenholders can participate directly in voting or delegate away their voting power to the GSC or a delegate. Proposals will occur both on-chain and off-chain depending on the proposal type. Snapshot votes last 5 days, while on-chain votes last 3 days. A proposal must reach a minimum quorum of 1.1M ELFI to be successful. This initial draft serves as the foundation for the governance process of Element DAO and is expected to be periodically refined and improved based on feedback and changes.

Chaos Labs Proposes Expanding its Engagement with Aave: The Aave community is currently voting on whether to expand the scope of Chaos Labs’s engagement with the DeFi protocol. In October, the risk analysis and management provider entered into a 12-month agreement with the protocol to service all Aave v3 markets. As a result of recent market volatility and exploit attempts on the Aave protocol, Chaos Labs has introduced a new proposal to extend their coverage to include risk management for v2 markets. This coverage involves updating parameters, protecting user funds, and mitigating potential risk factors on v2. An additional $250K is requested to cover the increased scope and responsibilities. Chaos Labs aims to support Aave’s transition to its new and improved protocol version, Aave v3. Voting on the proposal concludes on December 24th.

Optimism: Badgeholder Nomination Votin: This proposal is to distribute voting badges to ten Token House delegates through a nomination process. Any previous delegate with over 0.5% of voting power was eligible to nominate two Token House delegates to be considered for this proposal. The 10 delegates who receive the most votes will be rewarded with voting badges. These voting badges are a new governance mechanism introduced within Optimism Citizens’ House to identify individuals responsible for RetroPGF2. [discussion]

Optimism: Protocol Delegation Program: This proposal outlines the creation of a delegation program within Optimism’s Token House for the upcoming Season. Here, 5M idle OP within the Governance Fund will be delegated across as many as 23 protocols. A total of 18 protocols will receive delegation based on the following criteria: total gas fees generated on Optimism during the proceeding Season. In addition to these protocols, 8 protocols will be voted in through a nomination process during Special Voting Cycle #9b. Participating protocols must abide by the Delegate Code of Conduct and must maintain a high participation rate to be eligible for renewal the following season. The maximum amount of OP a protocol can be delegated is 2 million. The proposal describes itself as a more incentive-aligned way for protocols to participate in Optimism’s governance as the self-delegation of grant rewards was previously discouraged. [98% voting ‘For’ / discussion]

dYdX DAO: dYdX Operations subDAO: This proposal aims to launch an operations subDAO for the dYdX DAO, called the Operations Trust. This subDAO would be set up as a Guernsey Purpose Trust and be responsible for publishing a DAO Playbook, managing communications, and opening a fiat bank account on behalf of the DAO. Here, Reverie requests $360K in DYDX tokens be transferred to a newly formed multisig to fund 6-months of operations at the subDAO. This is an on-chain vote to ratify the proposed changes as it previously passed a Snapshot vote. [100% voting ‘Yes’ / discussion]

SushiSwap: Sushi Vesting Merkle Tree Clawback: This proposal aims to signal alignment on whether to claw back 8M SUSHI tokens from an old Sushi smart contract. These tokens represent unclaimed funds from a previous Sushi LP campaign that have been available to claim for an extended period of time but have not been claimed by anyone. Should the proposal pass, a detailed plan for the retrieval process will be developed to return them to the Sushi treasury. [100% voting ‘Yay’/ discussion]

Paladin DAO: Treasury Management #2: This proposal looks to transfer a select number of assets from the Paladin DAO treasury over to a separate community multisig. The following strategic assets are included in this transfer: CRV, CVX, BAL, and AURA. The proposal is considered a step in preparation for ‘Warlord’ an upcoming subDAO at Paladin. [100% voting ‘For’/ discussion]

SafeDAO: EIP 35: Claiming SAFE Airdrop: This proposal aims to claim SAFE tokens from the recent SafeDAO airdrop before the December 27th deadline. Euler Finance’s multi-sig treasury qualifies the protocol for an allocation of 7,972 SAFE tokens. If the proposal passes, the protocol will claim the entire amount and self-delegate the allocated tokens to the multi-sig wallet. A previous proposal at Euler to claim and delegate the SAFE tokens to the DAOplomats failed to pass. The Euler community plans to run a separate proposal to decide on a viable delegate for the SAFE tokens. [100% voting ‘Claims and self-delegate $SAFE’/ discussion]

ENS Opens Nominations for its Next Cohort of Stewards: The naming service kicked off elections this week to appoint the next batch of ENS DAO Stewards. ENS Working Group Stewards are elected community members that are in charge of managing operations within the DAO’s three working groups: MetaGovernance, ENS Ecosystem, and Public Goods. A total of 9 Steward positions are up for grabs as each working group is assigned 3 Stewards. Community members are encouraged to self-nominate in the appropriate forum threads. Formal elections of the nominees will last from December 10th through the 15th. The three nominees with the highest vote count in each Working Group proposal will be confirmed as the next batch of ENS Stewards for the ‘First Term’ of 2023 (Q1 & Q2).

BanklessDAO: Delegate DAO SAFE tokens to DAOstewards.eth: Delegates SAFE tokens allocated to Bankless DAO to DAOstewards, a group that supports governance in the BanklessDAO and other communities. DAOstewards is committed to positive engagement, decentralization, supporting the adoption of internet-native digital organizations, and quality participation in decision-making processes.

1inch: 1inch Staking Pods: The proposal introduces Staking Pod, a staking mechanism for the 1inch token that provides depositors with boosted governance voting power, a split of protocol revenue, and the ability to deploy permissionless delegation pods.

CFTC declares Ether as a commodity again in court filing: The community is hopeful that the assertion by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission will put to bed claims that staked coins are securities according to the Howey Test.

Ethereum Name Service DAO Votes on Stewards for Three Working Groups: The stewards will be responsible for the Meta-Governance, ENS ecosystem, and the Public Goods working groups for 2023.

‘Do You Believe In Second Chances?’ Another DAO Is Raising Funds to Buy a Copy of the US Constitution: Inspired by ConstitutionDAO’s attempt last year, the unaffiliated ConstitutionDAO2 received $34,000 in public contributions on its first day.

2023: The Year DAOs Follow the Law? Decentralized autonomous organizations should make the necessary handshake with the existing legal system in order to mature and integrate with the rest of the global economy.

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That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated!👥

