IOTA: Ict 0.6 and Bridge.ixi introduced, The Qubic Computation Model explained, INATBA joining, LEDGER support, Untangled episode on Smart Cities pt.2

Published in
25 min readApr 5, 2019

Biweekly update 22nd March — 5th April

This is not financial advice.

During the last two weeks, IOTA team made progress with development. They have released version 0.6.0 of Ict which introduces EEE (Environment Entity Effect), a new concept that does two things at once: minimizing IXI technically by replacing various specific infrastructures with a single general solution and extending IXI functionally by introducing Inter-IXI Communication. Until recently, modules for the Ict had to be written in the same language as its core. However, the vision of the IXI is to enable cross-language support. This is exactly what newly introduced Bridge.ixi has solved. By giving everyone the opportunity to participate with their desired programming language, Bridge.ixi will have positive impact on the overall development. Ever since the team revealed the Qubic protocol they have been asked to go into more detail about the inner workings of the Qubic Computation Model, so these weeks they started a series of blog posts, an attempt to do exactly that. In the first four parts, they discuss how Qubic programs are being executed using a structured functional dataflow language specification called Abra, examines Qupla, a Qubic Programming Language, which is the first implementation of the Abra specification, and examines the part of a Qubic-enabled node, Q-node. In the next part of this series, the team will put all the parts together in a few examples and discuss them in detail. They will also introduce a few more language features. Also, this week Qubic status update was published. IOTA Foundation announced it has joined the International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA) as a founding member. The initiative is an outgrowth of the EU Blockchain Industry Round Table, a European Commission-hosted group convened to identify the right conditions for DLT to flourish. The Association was legally formed in March with more than 100 founding members. Also, IOTA Foundation announced that it now supports LEDGER, a European Commission funded project, which is looking for people working on decentralized technologies. Selected teams will access their 12-month programme and gain up to €200k equity-free. The new episode of Untangled, the second of two, about the concept of Smart Cities and energy distribution’s upcoming transition was published as IOTA Smart Cities Webinar #2 in which IOTA’s Director of Ecosystem, Lewis Freiberg, explores the themes and possible submissions for them. As for social encounters, IOTA team attended several events, there were meetups in London, Berlin, and Milan. A few short interviews were given. There were a number of exhibitors at Hannover Messe, using IOTA’s technology. Next week IOTA team will travel to Oslo to speak about the potential of DLT across smart industries and smart nations and IOTA Co-Founder Dominik Schiener will be speaking at Paris Blockchain Week Summit. IOTA community and ecosystem are increasing in size and this is amazing. Stay tuned!


GitHub metrics

Development is ongoing. Commits on public GitHub appears regularly, several times a day.

Developer activity (from

Introducing Ict 0.6 and Bridge.ixi:

The team has released version 0.6.0 of Ict.

The major features are:

+ implement EEE (Environment Entity Effect) infrastructure to enable inter-ixi communication

+ translate gossip listeners and gossip preprocessors to EEE to simplify IXI

+ let modules offer their functionality through API (/getModuleResponse)

+ allow module developers to add modules to Ict from loaded classes instead of having to load from a separate .jar file -> simplifies module development and testing

+ increase efficiency by checking incoming bytes against known transactions to avoid decoding the same transaction multiple times (#51)

+ hash gui_password before storing it in ict.cfg (#59)

+ fix #53 (adding the same neighbor multiple times to ict.cfg)

+ 5s timeout after submitting wrong password to GUI to prevent brute-force attacks

Ict 0.6 introduces EEE (Environment Entity Effect), a new concept that does two things at once:

  • Minimizing IXI technically by replacing various specific infrastructures (addGossipListener, addGossipPreprocessor) with a single general solution (addListener)
  • Extending IXI functionally by introducing Inter-IXI Communication

EEE streamlines all kinds of event-based architectures on top of IXI. Entities such as IXI modules can subscribe to Environments and will be notified about all Effects published to those environments by other entities. This enables IXI modules to subscribe to each other and effectively work together.

Not only does 0.6 introduce a way for modules to make their functionality available to other modules via EEE but also through the Ict API. The API route “/getModuleResponse” allows to send API requests to any installed module directly. Modules will no longer have to run their own API. This will increase the user experience significantly since users won‘t have to open separate ports for IXI modules (CHAT.ixi will utilize this new feature soon).

Yet 0.6 hasn’t forgotten about the developer side of IXI and enables “virtual module loading”, a way for module owners to test their modules during runtime, without having to compile their module into a .jar first.

Besides these convenience features, the efficiency of Ict 0.6 was further increased by checking the encoded bytes of incoming transactions against those of already known transactions. This prevents Ict from unnecessarily decoding the same transaction into trytes over and over again, when received from multiple neighbors.

Security has also been improved. Passwords in Ict 0.6 will now be hashed, and no longer stored as plain text in ict.cfg. Additionally a short timeout has been introduced when connecting to the API with an incorrect password, to prevent brute-forcing passwords.


Until recently, modules for the Iota Controlled agenT (Ict) had to be written in the same language as its core. However, the vision of the IOTA eXtension Interface (IXI) is to enable cross-language support; everyone should be able to write modules in their desired programming language. This is exactly what Bridge.ixi has solved. By giving everyone the opportunity to participate with their desired programming language, Bridge.ixi will have positive impact on the overall development.

How does Bridge.ixi work?

Bridge.ixi provides a socket mechanism to allow external modules interact with IXI. By participating in the Environment-Entity-Effect (EEE) infrastructure, interaction between modules is possible. Regardless of whether it is a bridge module or not, all modules can participate in the same way. By acting like a proxy, Bridge.ixi will forward external requests and return internal responses. As a high-speed I/O engine it handles requests asynchronous.

Bridge.ixi makes use of protocol buffers, an efficient, language-neutral mechanism for serializing structured data. With protobuf3, the following languages are supported: Java, Python, Objective-C, C++, Dart, Go, Ruby, C# and JavaScript. Third-party implementations are also available for C, Rust, Elixir, Haskell, Swift and many more.

Get started

It’s pretty simple. After you have installed Bridge.ixi for your Ict, all you need to do is establish a tcp socket connection to the Bridge.ixi server running on port 7331. Once you have done this, you are able to send/receive protocol buffer messages. To get a better feeling for the protocol buffers, it is a good idea to take a look at the official protocol buffer guide and the available module example. If you need further assistance, we are happy to help you in the #ict-help section of Discord.


Explaining the Qubic Computation Model

Abra specifies an extremely minimal general instruction set that is designed to provide natural mapping of dataflow based functional programs to the wildly varying types of hardware run by IoT devices. That means it can be easily mapped to run on any device from CPUs, to GPUs, to FPGAs, to ASICs. However, Abra is primarily geared towards creating FPGA and ASIC circuitry. It is expected that in the future a large part of all IoT devices will be running on such hardware, and general-purpose CPU/GPU devices will mostly be used for PoC solutions and/or server solutions that target humans.

Abra is unique in that it employs trinary logic and directly supports wave-pipelining. These are two aspects that allow it to maximize the efficiency of the associated code, which is important for IoT devices due to their limited energy and processing resources. Wave-pipelining of combinatorial circuits has been shown to achieve clock rates of 2 to 7 times those possible for the same circuits with conventional pipelining. Additionally, using trinary-based circuits can result in up to 50% more energy-efficiency due to the denser representation of values. Note that such circuits can even be created with traditional binary NAND gates.

In this article the team discusses the basic concepts used in Abra:

  • Binary versus trinary code and data
  • Transformation through look-up tables
  • The Abra code unit layout
  • Anatomy of a branch
  • Anatomy of a branch
  • Abra’s merge instruction
  • Reactive dataflow in Abra
  • Abra pseudo-code

The Abra specification defines dataflow while staying largely agnostic of implementation by using a very limited set of building block instructions. Abra supports a cooperative multitasking mechanism. This mechanism works in conjunction with the Qubic Supervisor which the team discusses in Part 2. They described a pseudo-code notation for Abra instructions that will help the team get a feel for the Abra specification itself so that all parts will come together nicely. In the 2 part of this series the team delves deeper in the Qupla programming language, which implements the Abra specification.

In this part, the team uses the Abra specification to start implementing Qupla, a higher level programming language for Qubic.

Qupla is an acronym that stands for Qubic programming language. The goals the team is trying to achieve with Qupla are twofold:

  1. Provide a trinary data flow programming language according to the Abra specification that can function as a higher level programming language for Qubic.
  2. Lower the barrier for programmers to get started with Qubic programming by leveraging existing knowledge as much as possible. This means that we try to keep the language and its behavior as familiar as possible while still providing access to the new and unfamiliar functionality of the Qubic Computation Model.

At first glance, Qupla has a number of things in common with existing programming languages. Some concepts, entities and constructs will look very familiar to programmers, but there are also a few twists that will be completely new. The most obvious new twist, of course, is that Qupla is a trinary programming language.

The basic data type in Qupla is the trit vector. The team can create user-defined types for specific fixed-sized trit vectors and use constant values that will automatically convert to trit vectors. Another basic entity in Qupla is the look-up table, which is key to the inner working of many of Qupla’s concepts. In the 3 part of this series the team delves deeper into how these basic entities are used with Qupla programming language constructs.

This part introduces how the team can use functions and expressions to create Qupla programs.

The article includes:

  • Qupla functions
  • Expressions
  • Function declarations
  • Function type specifiers
  • Templates
  • Automatic template instantiation
  • Function body
  • Function state variables

Qupla functions are made up of one or more expressions. Functions can be analyzed as pure function even when they have state associated with them. Similar functions that operate on different types can be distinguished by using a type specifier, and templates remove the need for cloning functions for each of those different types.

This part shows what basic operations Qupla provides.

Qupla functions are made up of one or more expressions. There are 5 basic operations in Qupla: function call, vector concatenation, vector slicing, LUT look-up, and merge execution branches. The first 3 reduce to wiring-only on FPGA, while the other 2 are simply implemented as multiplexers. Functions are instantiated as they are called. On CPU there are reasonably efficient implementations for the 5 operations and the function instantiation can be mimicked. The team has also seen that decision logic can be implemented using a combination of LUT look-up and merge operations.

In the next part of this series the team will put all the parts together in a few examples and discuss them in detail. They will also introduce a few more language features.

March was an extremely busy month. The team managed to get yet another community member on board to help out the Omega team: say hi to ben75, our Qupla IntelliJ plug-in creator. Benoit will be working on IXI modules at first, while keeping the IntelliJ plug-in up-to-date as well.


The latest version is now the 0.6 release. Lukas introduced a first version of Economic Clustering (EC) in Ict to be able to test out some of the ideas around EC, and also added the Environment-Entity-Effect (EEE) message passing model that was spearheaded by the Qubic team, which is central to Abra and the Qubic Computation Model. As usual the community was enthusiastically involved and helped iron out bugs and discussed interesting ideas.


Benoit jumped right into the IXI world by getting acquainted with Ict/IXI and started working on the serialization.IXI, which will provide a simple way to store/exchange structured data on the tangle. Lukas started working on the report.IXI, that can report node information to external services. Samuel finalized the graph.IXI and the timestamping.IXI with some documentation, updated the PoC chat.IXI together with Lukas to allow it to work correctly with the latest version of Ict, and he is now working on the bridge.IXI, which allows modules written in any programming language to interact with Ict.


Donald has been deep into exams but still managed to find time to discuss some of the areas of the FPGA implementation that still need a good solution. But it looks like he will get some relief in the near future, because we found someone that has the right qualifications to help out with FPGA development. More about that next month, hopefully.


March was mostly spent creating a series of articles that explore the Qubic Computation Model (QCM). The team already released one article specifically about the Abra specification, and three more articles about that introduce the Qupla language, with even more articles to follow soon. While writing about Qupla and the QCM, they took the time to straighten out a few syntactical constructs to be more consistent, plus they finally added binary, trinary, and hex constant literals to the language.

The team also took the time to define a simple pseudo-code for Abra that allowed them to explain how certain Qupla language constructs are implemented in Abra. The latest version of the interpreter also includes an interesting new community contribution:

The community member lunfardo created a converter plug-in for the Qupla interpreter that can translate Qupla into YAML. He then proceeded to create his own version of a Qupla interpreter, complete with a Supervisor module in Go. It can take the YAML file and execute the code flawlessly. Check it out here. It will be interesting to see what execution speeds he can achieve.

IOTA Smart Cities Webinar #2 — Technical Deep Dive:

In this webinar, IOTA’s Director of Ecosystem, Lewis Freiberg, explores the themes and possible submissions for them. Additionally he walks through a code example that integrates IOTA onto a Raspberry Pi 3+.

Social encounters

The ninth episode of Untangled is the second of two about the concept of Smart Cities and energy distribution’s upcoming transition.

This episode focuses specifically on consumer centric solutions and how better sharing of knowledge and failures must be established to succeed with the goal.

The guests on the episode are the same as the previous one:

André Bryde Alnor, Market Developer at Energinet’s Digitalization Department, Danish operator of energy infrastructure and Patrick Driscoll, Project Developer at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim and Technical Manager of the EU-funded Smart City project, +CityxChange, plus Wilfried Pimenta, Business Development Manager in the IOTA Foundation.

Listen to the episode here.

Provide your feedback here.

Untangled is available on a wide array of platforms; all listed below:

Transistor, iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Castro, Radio Public, TuneIn

Source: @ImpactDLT.


Recent events:

  • March 27th, 2019: Janna Zielinski and Regine Haschka-Helmer will be speaking at C3 Crypto Conference in Berlin.
Source: C3 Crypto Conference.

Upcoming events:


Information from (April 5th, 2019):



Research & Development Roadmap: Status of projects in progress at the IOTA Foundation.

Research: Projects still in the research phase

  • Coordicide

List and solve all the problems on the way to a Coo-less IOTA. This project is mostly theoretical, and includes threat analysis, mathematical modeling, simulation, and formalization of our consensus protocol.

  • Spam prevention and detection

IOTA is looking for creative ways of dealing with FPGAs and asymmetric PoW. They are examining various options, mostly around the idea of throttling noisy neighbors. Their aim is to isolate spammers and protect the rest of the network.

  • Automatic peer discovery

Given the community input and various ecosystem projects, IOTA is taking a closer look at the security implications of auto-peering.

  • Economic Incentives

The team is analyzing the IOTA incentive model using increasingly more realistic game theoretical models. This incentive analysis plays a fundamental role in understanding the Tangle behavior and its stability when deployed at scale.

  • Consensus Algorithm spec

IOTA is working on detailed spec of the Tangle consensus algorithm, building upon the foundation set by the white paper. The main purpose of this doc is allowing public peer review of the algorithm.

  • Cryptography spec

This spec details all the cryptographic elements of IOTA: the hash functions, signing schemes, and threat model assumptions. The purpose of this document is to provide a basis for a public peer review and audit.

  • Attack analysis

This project is related to the Coordicide efforts, and involves analytical and numerical analysis of various sorts of attacks, from the simplest side-chain double spend to the more complex thug, parasite chain, and splitting attacks.

Engineering: Projects under active development

  • Hub

Easy exchange integration.

  • IRI

The IOTA Reference Implementation is the de facto model for running an IOTA node.

  • Coo-free IRI

As it stands, IRI does not support the Tangle as described in the white paper. In order to support alternate consensus mechanisms, the current approach to consensus must be abstracted out so that it can later be replaced by a fully distributed mechanism.

  • Qubic

Enable smart contracts, oracles, and outsourced computation on the Tangle.

  • Trinity

With Trinity, IOTA brings a top quality user experience together with in-depth security audits, enabling more people to use IOTA easily and safely.

  • Local Snapshots & Permanodes

Allowing for local snapshots and permanodes are the ‘two sides of the same coin’ needed to allow for either permanent and selective storage as required for a particular use case.

  • C Client
  • MAM+

While MAM already exists, it is missing a few key features and documentation. A formal specification and improved version of MAM leveraging public-key encryption is currently being written by the experts.

  • Tanglescope

Performance and monitoring tools demonstrating the Tangle’s network capabilities.

  • PoWBox

The PoWBox provides an example of how PoW may simply be outsourced to a more powerful machine, and demonstrates the flexibility of the IOTA protocol.

  • iota.lib.js

The JavaScript client library is widely used for IOTA development, and serves as a reference point for client libraries in other languages.

  • Curl+

Since replacing Curl-P with the industry standard Keccak hash function, IOTA has enlisted the help of the renowned cryptography experts from CyberCrypt.

You can also follow the development on IOTA Official Discord.

Partnerships and team members

IOTA Becomes A Founding Member of New International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA):

Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and Director-General Roberto Viola to Host Digital Signing; IOTA’s Director of Social Impact and Public Regulatory Affairs Appointed to INATBA Board of Directors

On April 3rd, 2019 IOTA Foundation announced it has joined the International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA) as a founding member. INATBA’s core directive is to promote the use of DLT technology by developing a predictable, transparent and trust-based global framework. INATBA offers developers and users of DLT a global forum to interact with regulators and policymakers and bring DLT and blockchain technology to the next stage.

The initiative is an outgrowth of the EU Blockchain Industry Round Table, a European Commission-hosted group convened to identify the right conditions for DLT to flourish. The Association was legally formed in March with more than 100 founding members, including major DLT and blockchain providers, large-scale users, start-ups, and business and sectoral associations.

Digital Signing at the European Commission Headquarters

The digital signing of the INATBA Charter at the European Commission headquarters will be hosted by European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, who will give a keynote speech, and Director-General Roberto Viola. The digital signatures will be hashed on IOTA’s Tangle network, in addition to other DLTs, to create an immutable audit trail of the signing. In connection with the founding of the Association, Julie Maupin, IOTA’s Director of Social Impact and Public Regulatory Affairs, was elected to serve on the INATBA board of directors.

“Developing a regulatory framework around distributed ledger and blockchain technologies is essential to their widespread adoption and growth. We have established our own Public Regulatory Affairs team to lead this effort and are excited to be one of the founding members of INATBA. The strength and size of this association, as well as the support of the European Commission and other governments, only further shows the future limitless potential for Distributed Ledger Technologies,” said Dominik Schiener, co-founder and co-chair of IOTA Foundation.

The organizations named in the article have committed to INATBA’s goals of developing interoperability guidelines and standards, transparent and inclusive governance, and ongoing constructive dialogue with authorities and regulators. The organization believes this approach will be a significant driver of distributed ledger technology innovation and uptake.

As part of this collaborative approach, INATBA’s founders enshrined four goals:

  1. Maintain a permanent and constructive dialogue with public authorities and regulators that will contribute to the convergence of regulatory approaches to blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies globally.
  2. Promote an open, transparent and inclusive global model of governance for blockchain and other distributed ledger technology infrastructures and applications — a model that reflects the shared interests of stakeholders from industry, start-ups and SMEs, civil society organisations, governments and international organisations.
  3. Support the development and adoption of interoperability guidelines, specifications and global standards, to enhance trusted, traceable, user-centric digital services and uphold an open, transparent and inclusive method of multi-stakeholder cooperation.
  4. Develop sector-specific guidelines and specifications for the development and acceleration of trusted sectorial blockchain and DLT applications in specific sectors (i.e. financial services, health, supply chain, energy and financial inclusion).

IOTA Foundation supports LEDGER venture builders to foster human centric DLT solutions:

€200,000 equity-free funding and 12-month programme available to IOTA and DLT development ecosystem

The IOTA Foundation is proud to support LEDGER, an European Commission funded project, which is looking for people working on decentralized technologies. Selected teams will access their 12-month programme and gain up to €200k equity-free.

LEDGER is looking for enterprise ideas that respect data sovereignty and operate in alternative space to the concentration of data in a few proprietary platforms. The EU will invest in this by accelerating 32 teams into companies with a solid human centric values business model.

LEDGER is part of the Next Generation Internet initiative from the EC, and aligns with the objectives of the European Blockchain Partnership signed on April 2018. From the total amount granted, €5.6 million will be distributed in cash to teams using decentralized technologies for data governance. The deadline for the first open call is the 30th April.

So far, the European Commission has invested more than €80 million in blockchain projects for societal use. By 2020, the European Commission expects to allocate around €300 million to blockchain initiatives like LEDGER.

The IOTA Foundation is excited to support the LEDGER initiative due to its citizen centric focus. The shift away from external ownership of personal data to a human-centred model is a focus of the Foundation. As such, the IOTA protocol has been designed to empower individuals, alongside IoT, to engage with their surroundings in a decentralised manner.

LEDGER represents an opportunity for the members of the IOTA ecosystem to build ventures that empower individuals and transform digital governance through the use of Distributed Ledger Technologies.

The team encourages the IOTA community to apply before the deadline of April 30th. For more information and to apply for funding follow the link.

More on LEDGER:

LEDGER is a consortium led by FundingBox (Poland, Spain and Denmark) in partnership with Dyne (Holland) and BLUMORPHO (France and Germany).

This alphabetical list references sources to 344 unique entities with a known interest in IOTA, including 63 official partnerships/collaborators, 77 Data Marketplace participants, 50 entities that built one or more IOTA-based proof-of-concepts and 48 academic references.


Hannover Messe is one of the most exciting global exhibitions showcasing the latest news, stories and trends of the industrial world.

The IOTA protocol is maturing towards production through its technological developments, as well as through standardization, partnerships, startups support and our open-ecosystem engagements. They are excited to see an accelerating number of exhibitors at Hannover Messe, using IOTA’s open and free technology to demonstrate the benefits of distributed ledger technology.

ecl@ss (hall 8, C14)

eCl@ss is one of the global leaders for standardization, with over 3000 corporates working with the eCl@ss catalogue. Neoception and the IOTA Foundation have extended the current proof-of-concept towards a real-world implementation.

The eCl@ss demonstrator is a set of precise sensors. One of them measuring the distance to an object and categorized through a specific, unique, standardized ID. Any measured distance is being immutably recorded as a data point on the Tangle. From that point, it is easily audible and can be purchased through a micro transaction.

Try it out: as long as the demonstrator is powered, its measurements can be bought through a pre-funded wallet under.

eCl@ss booth at Hannover Messe 2019. Source: IOTA blog.

Topocare (hall 16, A04)

Topocare’s deployable flood protection system was one of the first grantees of the IOTA EDF. Topocare shows how creative thinking and always challenging the status quo can lead to humanitarian improvements and catastrophe remediation or even prevention. This is all while utilizing a modern pay-as-you-use model for financial settlements.

Watch Machine Payment per Use — IOTA PoC Hannover Messe 2019 video.

e-shelter and IAMPASS (hall 6, B53)

e-shelter develops and runs high availability data centers, and is a strong promoter of innovation. This mindset is in deep consensus with IAMPASS, which is providing identity and access management services on top of IOTA’s Tangle.

With access control being a critical part of today’s security management, IAMPASS technology utilizes Fujitsu’s palm vein scanner and the Tangle to store anonymized and encrypted access logs about approved and denied requests.

The smart combination of both technologies ensures that only authorized persons can enter restricted areas and that access logs are 100% immutable and tamper proof.

Watch Iampass live prototype presentation video.

Fujitsu (hall 7, E16)

Fujitsu is showing the latest version of its Industry 4.0 showcase, to demonstrate how component tracking and processing of data as part of supply chain management can be combined with distributed ledger technology. From the Fujitsu website:

“We demonstrate how IOTA can be used to track component and process data as part of supply chain management and how it can be stored unalterably in the IOTA Tangle — for example, as proof of original components or for warranty management.”

Fujitsu is also offering a series of expert talks to provide additional insight.

The DLT based showcase is enhanced through Digital Annealer, which solves large-scale combinatorial optimization problems which are unsolvable using today’s classical computers.

For the Dubai Future Blockchain Summit 2019 — StartUp Challenge there were 700 Applications > 20 invited to Dubai > 3 winners.

AKITA made it into the Top 20 and presented “Smart Machine Agents” (SMA) live on stage. In the UAE region IOTA is not very well known yet and they were happy to not only introduce people to IOTA and the Tangle, but even showing them a live demo with M2M prototypes. AKITA next challenge is to implement SMAs into real life size cars, parking spots, charging stations and test the actual implementation of a M2M IOTA based economy. The team cannot do this alone and believe they have found some potential partners, they need the support of the community and make this vision a reality together.

Nino Ulrich — Co-Founder of AKITA in Dubai. Source: IOTA subreddit.

New Advisory Board — Current Work: “Tangle Meets User“: The Tangle Universe Project currently has more than 70 Listing-Partner from all over the world. These Listing-Partner come from the areas: Applications, Exchanges, Events, Developers, Projects & Services and Supporters.

Promotion-Partners are welcome — Concept update of Tangle Universe: You can already find Projects, Services & Friends of the Tangle in the Tangle Universe project. With the future BETA 2.0 Version it will be like a Virtual Fair, a Match Point of IOT, DLT and IOTA where supply meets demand. The team is currently working on BETA 2.0, but they need a financial basis for the final realization. That is why they are looking for Promotion-Partners.

Drag & drop any IOTA software code blocks and/or functional elements into the SonicCELL and instantly test and verify the output.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics

IOTA community continues to grow, there is a constant increase in the number of subscribers of IOTA social media channels. However the number of subscribers of IOTA official Telegram chats slightly decreased these weeks.

Twitter — Official announcements channel. Average number of retweets is 50–100 for one post. Publications with 250–350 likes.

There is also a dedicated Engineering Twitter. 7002

Facebook — Not active since 2019. 50–100 likes per publication, 5–10 shares.

Reddit — Threads with 10–30 comments, 50–100 upvotes.

IOTA Support — Subreddit for all IOTA related problems. 546

IOTA Markets — Subreddit for price speculation.

IOTA Stack Exchange — For the really tough questions.

IOTA since October 21st, 2015. Discussions on latest updates, price, social encounters etc. Last publication — on April 3rd, 2019.

IOTA Family website — Basic knowledge for IOTA beginners such as: what is IOTA, how is it organized, how you can contribute, where you can buy $MIOTA on a onepager website, etc.

See also and IOTA forum.

Top publications:

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of IOTA Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from

This is not financial advice.

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