L2 report vol. 20

Published in
13 min readMay 1, 2023

A biweekly update on Layer 2 protocols, 17th April — 1st May



  • The sum of all funds locked on Ethereum converted to USD is $9.31 B at the time of writing.

How much does it cost to use Layer 2?


Optimistic rollups


Arbitrum One

  • Validator Performance Tracking: The Arbitrum team explains in detail the different components that make up an Ethereum validator’s reward. They describe common situations that make stakers miss some of these rewards and show how to diagnose the — typically uncommon — scenarios in which there are actual problems with the software and action is required.
  • The Weekly Arbinaut.
  • Twitter Space: Arbitrum x Radiant x Chainlink.
  • Yesterday both Arbitrum One (1.26m) and Arbitrum Nova (1.18m) processed more transactions than Ethereum (939k).
  • Last week the team hosted their Players Gonna Play series with Zeeverse.
  • The full distribution of the DAO airdrop took place with those that have confirmed receiving the test transaction that was sent earlier last week.
  • AltLayer was just announced as the first Rollups-as-a-Service provider to support ArbitrumOrbit.

🚀Live on Arbitrum:

  • DGG Network is launching on Arbitrum.
  • Vertex is now live on the Arbitrum mainnet.
  • A3S Protocol is launching on Arbitrum.
  • Symbiosis just integrated Arbitrum.

Projects based on Optimism’s codebase


  • OP Labs announced the Superchain Token List, a unified token list for application developers and consumers to use when bridging tokens from Ethereum to OP Mainnet, Base, and all future OP chains in the Superchain.
  • On April 27th, Bedrock entered consensus + feature freeze. The team is committed to achieving 2 weeks of code stability before announcing the date for OP Mainnet’s upgrade to Bedrock. For the most up-to-date info on Bedrock, see Mission Control.
  • Karl Floersch steps into the role of CEO at OP Labs. Under Karl’s visionary leadership, the team at Labs is primed to drive the protocol into its next phase of technical growth.
  • In the Optimism Gov world, Special Voting Cycle 12a, which approves some exciting new Season 4 initiatives, is live through May 10th.
  • Client diversity coming with Optimism’s Bedrock upgrade:

-Magi, a16z’s Optimism client in rust.

-OP-Erigon, a fork of Erigon for Optimism.

  • Hundred hacked for 7.4m on Optimism, due to poorly deployed fork of compound v2.

🚀Live on Optimism:

Metis Andromeda

Boba Network

🚀Live on Boba Network:

Zero-knowledge rollups



  • The second wave of Aztec grants is now live.
  • Noxx announced that they are a recipient of an Aaztec network grant.
  • Reminder that users affected by the Euler finance exploit can now redeem funds deposited on Aztec Connect. Aztec engineers have been hard at work building a custom withdrawal solution for affected users. Here’s how to withdraw.
  • Aztec first progress report w/ Aragonzk on Nouns Private Voting Research Sprint is out.
  • Episode 273: History of Plonk, Noir, and the building of Aztec 3: In this episode, host Anna Rose sits down with Zac Williamson, the CEO of Aztec. Anna and Zac dive deep into the history of Plonk, one of the most important proving systems to emerge in the last 5 years. Zac explains how the initial ideas came to be, how it was developed with co-author Ariel Gabizon, and how the system has evolved over time, branching out into many different iterations of Plonk, leading up to his recent work on Goblin Plonk. The conversation also touches on Aztec’s cutting-edge technology stack, including their Noir zkDSL and their planned private programmable L2, Aztec 3. Zac shares his insights on the state of ZK applications and folding schemes, and provides a glimpse into the future of the ZK space.



🚀Live on Polygon:


  • Minor infra updates: Scroll upgraded apps to etherjs v6 for better error handling and made minor improvements to the user-facing side.
  • Last week Scroll participated in multiple events at HK web3 festival: Here’s a small recap.
  • On the ZK side, the team has made some progress on HyperZexe, the recursive HyperPlonk implementation — more details soon. They are also working on supporting the Shanghai EIPs.
  • Some more bounties up for grabs.
  • Symbiosis is integrating Scroll into Symbiosis testnet.


🚀Powered by StarkWare:


🚀Live on zkSync


ZKSpace in April:

Projects built using StarkEx




Projects build using StarkEx

Rhino.fi (previously DeversiFi)

Immutable X


That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let us know what you think about the format & content.

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