L2 report vol. 28

Published in
9 min readDec 11, 2023

A biweekly update on Layer 2 protocols, 27th November — 11th December



  • The sum of all funds locked on Ethereum converted to USD is $15.6 B at the time of writing.

How much does it cost to use Layer 2?


Optimistic rollups



Projects based on Optimism’s codebase


🚀Live on Optimism:


  • Base is bringing Art Week onchain: Base is helping bring onchain and real-world art to Art Basel in Miami Beach with Base Hunt and Base House from Dec 8–10. Base Hunt invites everyone to participate (either online or IRL) in a “treasure” hunt across Miami, highlighting art, culture, and media across the city. Base House is a physical interactive space at Ampersand Studios, weaving onchain art and culture into the fabric of the city.
  • Base Sepolia is now live on Alchemy: Get test tokens from the Base Sepolia faucet and start migrating to the Base Sepolia testnet.

🚀Live on Base:

  • Altura, innovative gaming infrastructure meets Web3’s most trusted purveyor of blockchain tools to be supporting Base.
  • IDriss is now live on Base.

Metis Andromeda

Boba Network

Zero-knowledge rollups



  • A new and improved Sandbox.
  • ‘Aztec Labs Developer Journeys Podcast introduced. Episode 1 — Tonk. A Nintendo emulator is being built with Noir: Dappicom by the Tonk team will allow you to play your favorite Nintendo games and prove gameplay outcomes on-chain.
  • As a reminder, http://zk.money users should withdraw any remaining funds as soon as possible. While Aztec Connect has been sunsetted, the team will process transactions and withdrawals of funds until March 31st, 2024.


  • Last week, Scroll published the post on EIP-4844, and held a Twitter Space with some of Scroll’s earliest ecosystem builders.


🚀Powered by StarkWare:


  • Enterprises, developers, and projects can easily launch, deploy, and test their own layer 2 hyperchains with ZK Stack — zkSync’s free, open-source modular framework for building sovereign hyperchains. Ankr, Luganodes, and Zeeve are the first wave of rollup-as-a-service providers immediately available to enable seamless hyperchain deployment. Learn more here.
  • zkSync is migrating to Sepolia: Sepolia will be the primary testnet. Support for Goerli stops Jan 2024.

Projects built using StarkEx


  • Trading and Launch Rewards are live on dYdX Chain: Trading Rewards are active and ~50,000 $DYDX per day is available to be earned by traders on the dYdX Chain. The dYdX Launch Incentives Program is live for the next six months as well, during which $20M of $DYDX in incentives will be distributed.
  • Total trading volume on dYdX Chain has passed $1B.
  • The frog has arrived on dYdX Chain: You can trade it now at http://dydx.trade
  • Launch Incentives, run by Chaos Labs, will distribute $20M to early traders on dYdX Chain.
  • Stay up to date with the latest governance conversations and participate in forum discussions.



Projects build using StarkEx

Rhino.fi (previously DeversiFi)

Immutable X


  • RollupCodes: opcodes, precompiles & system contracts for each rollup.
  • OP Wagmi: wagmi v2 style hooks to interact with OP Stack networks.
  • L2BEAT liveness dashboard adds intervals of proof submissions for zk rollups.

That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let us know what you think about the format & content.

Read the full report on Paradigm Platform.

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