Polkadot: The second day of Polkadot Decoded 2022 is in full swing, Totem got the 20th parachain slot on Polkadot, Imbue will be onboarded as Kusama’s 39th parachain, Interlay plans to launch iBTC, Darwinia and SubWallet are now integrated, Band Protocol price feeds now live on CLV, Moonbeam introduced Harvest Moon, Celer is partnering with Gnosis chain, and more!

Published in
13 min readJun 30, 2022

Biweekly update on the Polkadot ecosystem vol. 40, 16th June — 30th June


  • Polkadot Decoded is back on June 29th-30th. There are various in-person events (in Berlin, Buenos Aires, Hangzhou, and New York City) and online streams.
  • You can see all of the HRMP channels between parachains (on either Polkadot or Kusama) using the “Dotsama Channels” app.
  • Congratulations to Totem on winning Polkadot’s 20th parachain auction! Totem is building the world’s first peer-to-peer accounting consensus protocol in the Polkadot ecosystem, and over 800 network stakeholders locked up DOT in favor.
  • Previously, Kapex won Polkadot parachain slot auction.
  • Referendum 64, funding a Treasury Proposal to reimburse various teams for their work at Davos, has passed.
  • Referendum 67, upgrading the Polkadot runtime to v9230, has passed and been executed.
  • Imbue will be onboarded as Kusama’s 39th parachain (plus Statemine & Encointer) after winning an auction.
  • Amplitude is currently in the lead of the current parachain slot auction, but InvArch Tinkernet has also been in the lead during the Ending Period.
  • Referendum 210, upgrading Statemine to runtime v9230, has passed and executed.
  • Bifrost SALP has been successfully upgraded to SALP 2.0. Any vsBond can be traded for vsKSM immediately, no need to wait for a long-pending order time. Back to Asgard: the first NFT collection launched by Bifrost.
  • An update on redemption requests on Tinlake.
  • Darwinia and SubWallet are now integrated. Darwinia integrates with Talisman.
  • Interlay plans to launch iBTC in the next few weeks (testnet is already live). The Interlay community has voted for fast-tracking runtime upgrades, including polkadot-v0.9.24 and bugfixes. Interlay recently launched its Innovator Programme focused on education, research, and innovation.
  • Band Protocol price feeds now live on CLV. Vefi ecosystem is joining CLV for cross-chain integration. Standard Protocol is bringing its Web3.0 stablecoin, USM to CLV.
  • Edgeware financial working group shares their EDG analysis of the past weeks. That includes the EDG Performance and Technical Analysis, Comparative Analysis, and Treasury Spendings.
  • Moonbeam has introduced a new initiative called Harvest Moon. Parallel’s native token PARA is now available on Moonbeam as xcPARA for use across Moonbeam’s DeFi ecosystem via XCM integration. Talisman has added support for Moonbeam and Moonriver networks.
  • Details for Event 3 of Astar Dot Fest are finally out. Zenlink’s builders program application on Astar has been approved.
  • Celer is participating in The Arbitrum Odyssey with Celer cBridge as an Arbitrum third-party cross-chain bridge. Celer is partnering with Gnosis chain to support the bridging of GNO. cBridge now supports Liquity Protocol’s LUSD via our xLiquidity model. Kava partners with Celer cBridge.
  • Pendulum and Amplitude integrate with Acala to bring aUSD to the Polkadot and Kusama-based parachains.
  • Check out a follow-up article on Apollo, the MEV-resistant oracle built into the runtime of Picasso.
  • Equilibrium Offering Roadmap (Reg S) is out. The recap of the 19th Community Call has arrived.
  • Parallel announced the launch of Liquidation Free Loans.
  • The SORA community has sent an open letter to the people of Sri Lanka to use the SORA (XOR) token as a legal tender.
  • EVM compatible Humanode Testnet v3 Ramiel’s 125 validators mark crossed. Ramiel is ready for the public. Apply now.
  • Phala will be present in 4 cities for Polkadot Decoded. Phala Runtime Bridge (prb) v2.3.0 upgrade is out.
  • Calamari and Phala networks have been working hard to get Khala & Calamari connected through XCM.
  • Ocean Data Farming DF1 completed, DF2 started. OceanDAO Round 19 is live.
  • In the latest Chainlink Economics 2.0 update, the team defines the key growth strategies that will help Chainlink capture value in this new expanding economy.
  • Join the Enjin Wallet 2.0 Beta tester program.
  • Litentry introduced MyCryptoProfile v2.0.
  • Crust Network partners with Cube Chain to introduce decentralized storage solutions.
  • And more!

Latest Polkadot News

  • Congratulations to Totem on winning Polkadot’s 20th parachain auction! Totem is building the world’s first peer-to-peer accounting consensus protocol in the Polkadot ecosystem, and over 800 network stakeholders locked up DOT in favor.
  • Previously, Kapex won Polkadot parachain slot auction.
  • ink! 3.3.0 has been released. This restores SemVer compatibility in the 3.x series of releases, along with compatibility with v0.13.0 of substrate-contracts-node.
  • You can see all of the HRMP channels between parachains (on either Polkadot or Kusama) using the “Dotsama Channels” app.
  • Only on Kusama & Polkadot it is possible to swap parachain slots with no downtime, no vulnerabilities, and no loss in security — even for a second. Congratulations to Shiden for being the first to extend their slot using XCM, without governance.
  • Referendum 64, funding a Treasury Proposal to reimburse various teams for their work at Davos, has passed.
  • Referendum 67, upgrading the Polkadot runtime to v9230, has passed and been executed.
  • The staking rate on Polkadot has not changed much recently, and is currently at 51.9%.


  • Imbue will be onboarded as Kusama’s 39th parachain (plus Statemine & Encointer) after winning an auction.
  • Amplitude is currently in the lead of the current parachain slot auction, but InvArch Tinkernet has also been in the lead during the Ending Period.
  • Referendum 210, upgrading Statemine to runtime v9230, has passed and executed.

Slot Auction Progress:

Awareness and Events

  • Interested in upgrading your Web3 developer skills? Register for Web3athon, a 3-month virtual event for developers & builders sponsored by Polkadot, and get a chance to win from a prize pool of $800k.
  • 6-week virtual hackathon from Polkadot and AngelHack is here:
  • W3F Technical Education Lead Radhakrishna Dasari will hold a Twitter Spaces AMA with Guarda Wallet on 30 June at 14.00 UTC.


Polkadot markets (information from Coingecko)

Polkadot Ecosystem Market Cap (information from Dotmarketcap)

Ecosystem Updates



Bifrost has developed an EOS network bridge that enables trustless cross-chain asset transfer by implementing on-chain light nodes with Merkle tree verification.


The ChainBridge allows Centrifuge to move fungible and NFTs between chains, enabling the financing of real-world assets in a variety of DeFi products.


ChainX, a crypto assets gateway, is planning bridges to several networks and has implemented a BTC to Substrate bridge.


Darwinia is building a permissionless non-custodial bridge protocol featuring efficient, low-cost decentralization of cross-chain tokens and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) transfers, as well as other cross-chain operations.


Interlay is building a trustless bridge from Bitcoin to Polkadot.

  • Interlay plans to launch iBTC in the next few weeks (testnet is already live). The first collateral asset will be DOT, shortly followed by INTR once listed on markets and exchanges. After that, USD stablecoin, liquid staking assets, and more. Check out this post if you are interested in running an IBTC Vault.
  • The Interlay community has voted for fast-tracking runtime upgrades, including polkadot-v0.9.24 and bugfixes.
  • Interlay recently launched their Innovator Programme focused on education, research, and innovation. You can see its treasury bounties here.

Smart Contracts

CLV (Previously Clover)



  • Parallel’s native token PARA is now available on Moonbeam as xcPARA for use across Moonbeam’s DeFi ecosystem via XCM integration. GLMR can also be used in Parallel’s single-platform DeFi functionalities.
  • Talisman has added support for Moonbeam and Moonriver networks. Users can now connect to & move between any dApp on a talisman-supported network that uses MetaMask & manage all Ethereum-compatible assets from one place. See the announcement to learn more.
  • Introducing Harvest Moon: A Moonbeam DeFi Campaign: Moonbeam has introduced a new initiative called Harvest Moon. This is a campaign designed to spark DeFi activity and attract the next wave of cross-chain connected applications.
  • 2022 Moonriver Grant Hackathon Winners


Astar Network (previously Plasm Network)




Composable Finance


Parallel Finance


  • The SORA community has sent an open letter to the people of Sri Lanka to use the SORA (XOR) token as a legal tender.

Manta Network

  • Calamari and Phala networks have been working hard to get Khala & Calamari connected through XCM. The Phala team has submitted a corresponding proposal to the forum, review it here.
  • There are now 20 active community collators operating in 10 different countries. Calamari will be increasing this number by another 15 collators throughout the 3rd quarter of this year.


Crust Network

Kylin Network




  • EVM compatible Humanode Testnet v3 Ramiel’s 125 validators mark crossed. Ramiel is ready for public. Apply now!
  • Humanode Dev Report 26: The Humanode teams shared some bullet points to shine some light on the exciting advancements that they have been working on.
  • Blockchain Lacks True Decentralization — Victor Smirnov, Co Founder Humanode: Read this latest interview with Humanode’s Co-Founder, Victor on HackerNoon. Know more about his entrepreneurial journey and see how his belief in True Decentralization lead to the creation of Humanode.
  • Sybil Resistance With Biometrics: Interview with Paradigm and Humanode Co-founder Dato Kavazi : The interview begins with an overview of Humanode, and how it solves the problem of Sybil attacks, before digging into how biometrics and liveness detection work in its system. The conversation goes on to recap the recently concluded Humanode conference which set the stage for the ‘Hack the Sybil’ Hackathon currently underway with over $30,000 in prizes up for grabs.
  • Breakdown of Chainalysis Recent report:


  • A tab for Evrloot genesis souls has been added on Singular and you can now filter Tarot cards based on their soul types. Evrloot Tarot Cards are available in 3 different rarities and will be redeemable for a total of 1000 souls.
  • The Pallet (Rust) and EVM implementations of RMRK standards are now available in BETA.


  • A new project, Polkawatch, was recently introduced. It provides decentralization analytics for Polkadot.

Social Media Metrics

Social media activity:

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Polkadot Twitter followers and Reddit subscribers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com

Polkadot Social Channels:








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