State of Stake #10

Published in
25 min readDec 14, 2019

30 November — 14 December

“Good investments don’t need evangelists.”

— Downtown Josh Brown

Chairman of the Twitter Federal Reserve, star of CNBC’s The Halftime Report, CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management

Market overview


Current Value in Staking by Asset

  • Staking Yearly Yield is the annualized yield for staking at current supply levels, as calculated by
  • Real Staking Yield is the annual yield expected from staking, after accounting for the network’s inflation. Real Yield is calculated as the nominal staking yield adjusted for the inflation rate.
  • Token Staking is the number of tokens currently staking on the network, as reported by
  • Network % Staking is the % of current circulating supply that is currently staking, using data provided by
  • 5 Years Yield is counted like compound interest.

Think & Stake

Many exchanges have started to offer staking as a service or plan to do so in the near future. A short overview of the current staking landscape among centralized exchanges.

Comparison of staking annualized return rates of centralized exchanges. Keep in mind that some exchanges charge a service fee for staking, some of them offer fixed annualized rates while others stick to flexible rates.

  • Staking rewards published metrics to consider staking assets (in term of creation of their own rating):
  1. The annualized (non-compounded) Reward Rate where a higher reward improves the rating.
  2. The annualized (non-compounded) Reward Rate adjusted for Network Inflation whereas a higher adj. Reward improves the rating.
  3. The Lock-Up Period / Unstaking Period whereas a longer period diminishes the rating.
  4. The Minimum required Token Amount to participate whereas a higher USD value diminishes the rating.
  5. The Frequency with which rewards are distributed by the network or providers based on an investment equivalent of $1000.
  6. The Complexity to setup and maintain this reward option measured by a rating from our dedicated research team based on pre-defined criteria.
  7. The Risk that tokens are slashed or compromised measured by a rating from our dedicated research team based on pre-defined criteria.
  1. Validators need to offer value-added services on top of core validator operations. While there may be some exceptions on smaller scales, the panel agreed it’s necessary to offer value-added services on top of core validator operations to create sustainable business models.
  2. Validators are well-positioned in the emerging staking economy. There seemed to be a general agreement that validators play a pivotal role in the emerging staking economy and that value accrues to this role.
  3. Business models are in the experimentation stage. It felt like everyone is still experimenting with various business models. Nobody, big or small, has it all figured out yet.
  4. Despite the uncertainty, some investors are willing to invest at this stage. The panel agreed that a validator business is unlikely to generate VC-scale returns. That said, a validator business could be an attractive to investors seeking stable cash flows.

Microtick is an innovative protocol designed to foster global price agreement for any type of asset through an economic game between market makers providing quotes and traders placing bets. Microtick is a ShapeShift research project that is currently live in the form of a Cosmos SDK testnet. In this episode, Meher and Felix are joined by Mark and Kent, who are leading Microtick’s research and development. They dive into the background of Microtick and how the project developed inside of ShapeShift. Mark and Kent explain Schelling points, how the protocol works at a high-level, the notion of a short-term options market and Microtick’s use cases, which range from Microtick as a price oracle, over Microtick as a product to hedge price exposure, to Microtick as a tool to build synthetic assets.

In this episode Felix is joined by Illia to discuss NEAR’s economic model, its trade-offs and advantages. NEAR is a sharded blockchain with a unique economic model that seeks to unify gas cost across shards through load balancing. With this model, NEAR is able to significantly improve the user and developer experience for cross-shard applications. The episode walks through the founding story of NEAR, what dynamic sharding is and how it works and NEAR’s fee model for computation and state storage. Furthermore, Illia explains validator selection, incentives and penalties, including NEAR’s plans to incentivize smart contract developers by sharing a part of the generated gas fees.

Revised Near Protocol Paper — Economics in Sharded Blockchain

  • Brian Fabian Crain tweeted “This week a new validator “binance staking” appeared. Now they’re staking 5m cosmos ATOMs. No official announcement or possibility to stake ATOMs on Binance so far. Is Binance staking customer funds without informing them?”
  • Staking Spotlight — Waves Platform

Research Guide and everything you need to know about staking Waves. Waves Platform uses the Leased-Proof-of-Stake (LPoS) consensus algorithm, in which anyone can participate as a block generator if they hold a certain amount. The current reward is 6 WAVES for every generated block. Block generators’ annual revenue is calculated by the formula:

R (%) = (B * N * D) / G*100


  1. R is revenue (%)
  2. B is the number of blocks generated in 24 hours
  3. N is the block generation reward
  4. D is the number of days in a year
  5. G is a total generating balance
  • How DeFi cannibalizes PoS security — an article by Haseeb Qureshi. He brings the theoretical key takeaways from the recent paper “Competitive equilibria between staking and on-chain lending” by Tarun Chitra from Gauntlet, who got statistical confidence in how the network behaves under different scenarios by watching how the emergent system evolves (and replaying the experiment thousands of times with different parameters). Learn what does this mean for PoS and How can PoS systems defend against this.
  • Aion Validator Roundtable AMA is available via the link.
  • Whiteboard Series with NEAR | Ep: 31 Kevin Davis from Kava Labs — Kava Labs Lead Engineer Kevin Davis and NEAR Co-Founder, Illia Polosukhin do a deep dive on cross-chain DeFi, stablecoins, and how Kava’s technology works.
  • Cosmos [Proposal] [Draft] reduce governance voting period to 7 days — get a sneak peak about all the processes happening in Cosmos via their Forum.

Recent Staking Updates

  • Cosmos Hub 3 has launched: voters are more powerful than ever — The most apparent thing is that the community is growing–they’ll have some new validator operators, possibly up to 25 more. Cosmos Hub 3 also enables voters to have the power to change how the Hub works at a fundamental level without a hard fork. This is an immense amount of power since there are many kinds of potential parameter changes, each of which may be very impactful. It’s important to know that multiple parameter changes may happen from one single proposal.
  • 500,000 Tezos Deposited Into Binance: Staking or Dump Impending? — Around 500,000 Tezos (XTZ) was just deposited into Binance. The reason may be due to staking, which was released by Binance last week for Tezos. The deposit set off Whale Alert, which notified its followers of the transfer. However, if the deposit is not for staking and is just sold on Binance, it’s not enough to cause a significant price decline. These 500,000 XTZ is just a tiny fraction of the overall market.
  • BOSCore is preparing a project upgrade, these designs will be parts of BOSCore whitepaper. Boscore is no longer be a sister/side chain, BOS will be BOS — A DPoS blockchain which builds for support one billion users.
  1. Binance Staking — Binance is ramping up their staking offering and has announced support for Cosmos and 0% fee staking on Tezos. While many have been awaiting these types of moves, they are now quickly becoming a reality. Coinbase Custody quickly became the third biggest public validator on Tezos even with a 25% fee, their growth somewhat slowed down by Tezos’ bond requirement that Coinbase is posting themselves. It is currently unclear how Binance is approaching the potential of the slashing of customer funds. Token holder education and ways that enable non-custodial providers to compete with centralized, custodial players like exchanges (see e.g. Stake Capital DAO below) need to come into reality for Proof-of-Stake networks to achieve decentralization and avoid a Tron-like destiny:
Source: Brian Fabian Crain Twitter
  1. Staking VS Lending — A paper by Tarun Chitra modeling the impact of lending yields on staking participation in Proof-of-Stake networks. The basic conclusion is that a spike in lending rates could see stake migrating to higher yield lending protocols, potentially endangering the security of networks. Haseeb Qureshi wrote a post summarizing the results. While the core insight is relatively trivial, the paper formalizes factors impacting this equilibrium and uses agent-based simulations to visualize outcomes. The core takeaway is that network monetary policy needs to be flexible to account for this type of attack.
  2. Road to Mainnet
Source: Vitalik Buterin Twitter

Refresh your memory of the phases of Eth2.0 and learn about the distinction between nodes and clients, as well as the protocol’s design philosophies here.

Many testnet competitions are in progress with the goal to test protocol software and to get validators ready for mainnet:

  1. Cardano published details on the Shelley incentivized testnet economic model.
  2. Celo Great Stake Off: the competition launched on Dec 4th. Details here.
  3. Elrond Battle of Nodes is about to end with the final attack phase titled Shadowshards.
  4. Matic Counter-Stake: node setup guide is live and stage 0 started.
  5. Oasis Quest: Oasis published detailed rules for the first phase of their incentivized testnet.
  6. Polkadot’s testbed Kusama has enabled transfers and decentralized governance.
  1. Of the proposals introduced by Istanbul, EIP-2028 has received the bulk of recent attention. The code change intends to reduce the gas fees for Calldata operations by a 75%, from 68 down to 16 gas per byte. This improvement directly benefits layer-2 scaling solutions of the zero-knowledge variety looking to interact with the Ethereum network. In response (whether intentional or not), IDEX and Matter Labs each released prototypes of their optimistic rollup-powered, performance-friendly sidechains within the last week. Thanks to Istanbul, 2020 could finally be the year a significant percentage of transaction volume trickles up the stack while base chains like Ethereum assume a greater role as settlement layers.
  2. Istanbul’s later-than-expected launch should not have any impact on Ethereum 2.0 development. Serenity and Ethereum 1.x are two separate efforts conducted in parallel by a variety of (often) non-overlapping teams. In fact, Serenity development reached a new milestone yesterday as a second client added support for the live Ethereum 2.0 Sapphire testnet. A multi-client testnet more closely resembles a mainnet environment and should accelerate testing efforts. As a result, Serenity Phase 0 (the launch of the Beacon Chain) could hit its target release date of early next year.
  1. Revamp reaping rules (#4371): When reaping a proposal preimage, it is now possible for the original submitter of the preimage to reap (i.e. to remove the preimage and have their deposit returned) before the public at large get a chance to claim the deposit.
  2. Allow referendums to begin out of order (#4345): It was not possible to place a referendum to end before any pre-existing referendum, thereby severely reducing the utility of the fast-track rescue feature.
  3. Including runners-up in check for defunct Phragmen voter (#4349): A simple bug fix; runners-up in the council were identified as being defunct, when they should have been considered still active.
  4. More comprehensive identity system (#4326): The Nicks identity system is rather problematic. This introduces a standardized and federated system for identity attestations, allowing for anyone to submit their identity information and pay one or more registrars to verify and attest to its legitimacy.
  1. Unprecedented voter participation for Prop19–check out the stats
  2. Upgrade will enable parameter changes & community pool spending
  3. IBC’s incentivized testnet Game of Zones launching in Jan 2020
  4. “Ethereum” Cosmos zone? Ethermint development underway
  5. Community fund has over 235k ATOMs
  6. 7.31% inflation and rewards rate ~9.71% (know the difference!)
  7. The bottom 90 validators gained 3% more voting power over the Hub
  8. The top 10 validators have minority control of the Cosmos Hub for the first time


  1. Aion announces a 3-year partnership with UWaterloo Stratford to improve privacy in Open Apps on Blockchain.
  2. OpenAppNetwork releases the Privacy Test Network Tetryon.
  3. This week the Aion Community AMA featured Karim Zeine, Product Manager at Open App Network.
  4. Launch day for VelociaRewards, open Open App built on The OpenAppNetwork. Check a stream of the event here.
  5. Over 70 million $AION Staked so far! On the road to 100+!
  6. The OpenAppNetwork and Aion’s November monthly update by Matthew Spoke.
  7. Virgin Trains & Go Brightline are partnering with Velocia Rewards.
  8. The AION Black Metal Wallet is here! A limited release of 100, dedicated to collectible lovers. More info here.

{Akash Network}

  1. The referral program has been launched for Akash Network.
  2. is the first to unlock the reward: Complete 10 Leases.
  3. Sunny Aggarwal, Tendermint & #3 Cosmos Validator with Sikka, joined Akash as Advisor.
  4. Road to Las Vegas — IFX: ready for a Greg Osuri talk hosted by Packet? A preview of the topics here.
  5. KysenPool November Update: highlight the team participation to Akash Network’s Founding Member Challenge.
  6. During his speech at #IFX2019, Greg Osuri, the Akash network CEO, presented “SuperMini”, a slick new portable server. Preorder available.
  7. Greg Osuri, Akash network’s CEO, in his talk at #IFX2019.
  8. Cypher Core’s latest Project Spotlight by Andy Boyan, Ph.D. is out! This time the focus is on Akash Network!


  1. Check out all the details about Algorand 2.0 on their official website.
  2. Ambassador Mohammed Naquibullah’s latest blog discusses what Algorand 2.0 means for Layer-1 DApps.
  3. cointelegraph‘s Ana Alexandre about Algorand’s protocol upgrade.
  4. Stonize announces new uses cases for democratized finance with Algorand 2.0.
  5. Algorand team’s Workshop at Future Blockchain Competition.
  6. Algorand’s Ambassador Gonzalo Martinez Mosquera in his newest article for El Economista.
  7. “Algorand Standard Assets” by Liz Baran is published in #Devrel Blog.
  8. Crypto Globe Info’s Siamak Masnavi talks about Algorand 2.0.
  9. Blockchain announced the Algo will be available on the blockchainPIT, along with future wallet integration and support for Algorand 2.0’s ASAs.
  10. Have a tech or a developer-related question on Algorand? This is the right place to submit it.
  11. Proofplum is the first live application on Algorand 2.0.
  12. DevRel blog: Russell Fustino walks through the most important concepts for developers who plan to work with Atomic Transfers.
  13. Relay Node runners approve a new long term Vesting Plan.
  14. SIAE will be creating new solutions for copyright management on blockchain.
  15. Algorand’s Head of Engineering Research Naveed Ihsanullah held a Telegram AMA in Pramod’s Global Crypto Community.
  16. cointelegraph on Italian Copyright Authority, Algorand Blockchain Development, and copyright management.


  1. Aragon has announced the Aragon Association team.
  2. Aragon Network DAO and ANJ, the native token of Aragon Court, are now live on Ethereum.
  3. AragonOneTeam and Scout are collaborating to celebrate the one year anniversary of Aragon’s mainnet launch.
  4. Stage V of Aragon Network Vote #5 has started.
  5. Facu Spagnuolo‘s new post explains the technical details of the Aragon Court v1 and how it works.
  6. 3 years ago, Jorge Izquierdo and Luis Cuende first outlined their vision of the Aragon Network. Today Aragon Court is live.
  7. Jorge Izquierdo’s post about native Reddit + Aragon integration by Carl Larson and the r/ethtrader community.
  8. The Decentraland community will soon vote on implementation & governance for the LAND token.
  9. Aragon activa protocolo para resolución de conflictos” by CriptoNoticias.
  10. A recording of Jorge Izquierdo, CEO of AragonOneTeam, talk at ETHBuenosAires is available.
  11. La gobernanza ocurre mucho antes que los votos” a CriptoNoticias’s podcast with Jorge Izquierdo, AragonOneTeam CEO.
  12. ¿Qué son las DAOs y cómo pueden utilizarse?“ meetup happened at Montevideo on Dec 4th.
  13. Maria P. Gomez Gelvez and Monica Zeng’s pic from their talks at yesterday’s Aragon ProjectAragonOneTeam Meetup in Montevideo.
  14. Aragon 0.8.5 is now live on ethereum mainnet! Try the release now.
  15. The streaming (in Spanish) of yesterday’s meetup in Santo Domingo with Jorge Izquierdo.
  16. Governance Proposal: “Final details for Aragon Network Vote #5
  17. Aragon as the WordPress of DAOs” an article written by Luis Cuende.
  18. Open Enterprise, an end-to-end suite of tools for management of open organizations built on Aragon chain.


  1. QuanterallL: New open source project Averato supports Cardano smart contracts and ADA payments.
  2. Recap of Building Blockchain Bridges conference.
  3. New Cardano Ambassador Story: Georg & Kornel.
  4. The latest information on the Cardano Incentivized Testnet.
  5. AdaPay developed by Cardano and COTI is now live!
  6. Yoroi Wallet improved its website.
  7. Charles Hoskinson surprise AMA.
  8. Roadmap updates — Weekly development report.
  9. 93% of the Circulating Supply on Cardano was transacted on the last day: that happened in 5,103 transactions.
  10. Spanish and Polish Cardano Newsletters have been recently released to the community!
  11. EMURGO introduces the branch of development, Emurgo R&D with a video.
  12. Cardano Foundation has appointed Tamara Haasen and Nicolas Arqueros as new Council Members.
  13. On December 7th, Cardano Ambassador for Japan will hold a meetup in Tokyo. More details here.
  14. Some thoughts from Charles Hoskinson about the Cardano Foundation.
  15. Surprise AMA December 5th, 2019 with Charles Hoskinson.
  16. Q&A with Cardano Foundation Chairperson Nathan Kaiser.
  17. Latest blog post regarding the incentive model of “Shelley”, Cardano’s Incentivized Testnet.
  18. Staking pool registration period has started. More details here.
  19. Cardano Rewards Calculator for the Shelley Incentivized Testnet has been just released. Calculate your potential earnings & returns!
  20. A weekly update from the IOHK Stakepool Testing team.


  1. Tim Moreton talked about Proof of Stake and validating on Celo.
  2. What is “The Great Celo Stake Off”?
  3. Ex-DOJ and Capital One executive joins C Labs to lead compliance.
  4. Recording of the webinar “Master the Art of Validating” is uploaded.
  5. C Labs hosted a webinar for validators, with the Q&A format, on December 5th, 2019.
  6. Here the shopping list to participate at the Celo’s “Great Celo Stake Off”.
  7. Model Expand presents: Women in Blockchain with Xochitl Cazador from Celo.
  8. Celo at laBITconf in Montevideo.
  9. Learn more on the Historic Walking tour with ElectricCoinCo and C Labs.

{Centrifuge Chain}

  1. Centrifuge Chain is built using Substrate.
  2. Lucas Vogelsang at Centrifuge talked about hash functions, zero-knowledge proofs, and other primitives.


  1. ChainLink team has provided a recap of its multi-month journey across Asia.
  2. Chainlink partners with Ontology Research Institute to bring real-world data to smart contracts.
  3. InfStones launches a Chainlink Node.
  4. Welcome ChainlinkLA.
  5. Proposal for Phase 1 of Synthetix’s migration to using ChainLink has been submitted.
  6. BLOCKLORDS will use Chainlink Oracles for Off-Chain gaming solutions.
  7. Chainlink announced a new partnership with Enigma Project.
  8. Exploring the Wide Variety of Winning Chainlink Applications from Recent Hackathons”: Chainlink’s team talk in deeper about the winner of the Chainlink Virtual Hackathon, ETHWaterloo Hackathon and KyberNetwork DeFi Virtual Hackathon.


  1. Cosmossdk client library with high modularity made by Yu Kimura.
  2. e-Money A/S is working in order to issue its ccy-backed tokens based on EUR and CHF.
  3. Lu Chen I KysenPool‘s step by step guide for voting with Lunie HQ.
  4. Korean translations for IBC specs by DE-Laboratory.
  5. A new validator joins the set at #25.
  6. Getting started with ethermint” by ChainSafe Systems.
  7. B-Harvest proposal about height timeout.
  8. Game of Zones, the incentivized testnet competition run by Tendermint, will start in January 2020.
  9. Want to know more about Supernova chain? Join the community!
  10. Validator key rotation” with Tendermint, B-Harvest and iqlusioninc.
  11. Corestar receives an Interchain Foundation grant for Arcade.
  12. Sentinel Turing-2 is live.
  13. Figment Network’s Gavin: Cosmos Hub November Analysis.
  14. Moneyness, The Future is Moneyless” a talk by Sunny Aggarwal at SFBW19.
  15. Proposal #19 has passed with an overwhelming 99.66% of stakers voting YES. The Cosmos Network Hub upgrade is scheduled for Dec 11, 2019, at block 2,902,000.
  16. A successful merge of “Interchain account” into ICS27 by Everett Protocol. Marking the first external contribution to IBC, dogemos explains how the potential of interchange between chains has vastly increased.
  17. Live vote in progress on Cosmos telegram channel:
    “Do you think a read-only announcement Telegram channel is a good addition to the Cosmos ecosystem?” — Adriana KalpaTech
  18. Cosmos Scaffold — scaffolding for Cosmos SDK based application.
  19. How do penalties work in Cosmos Hub? Gavin has the answer.
  20. Cosmos Validator’s discussion hosted by Staking Defense & Chainflow POS with Mira Storm, JK ( | bitfish), Meher Roy, Aleksandr Bezobchuk, Gleb Dudka and Adrian Brink happened!
  21. B-Harvest’s Dongsam Byun made improvements to the P2P layer.
  22. Attention! The Ledger library has been updated & the fixes for Ledger & Lunie HQ, including windows 10, have been fixed! Make sure to upgrade your firmware and the cosmos Ledger App!
  23. Interchain.FM latest episode “Smart Contracts & Funding Public Goods”: Kate Sills, Agoric’s software engineer, discusses Agoric’s Zoe, and its use case in the Cosmos ecosystem. Hosted by Chjango Unchained & Christopher Goes from Tendermint.
  24. CosmosNetworkJP meetup Dec 15th. All are welcome! Engineers, tech lovers, ATOM holders, and curious newcomers! Focus of the discussion will be based on IBC & the Cosmos SDK. More info here.


  1. Battle of Nodes: Auto-Updater delayed, Round 2 of Phase 2 starts “normally”.
  2. Battle of Nodes: Purging Ghost Nodes.
  3. Last week in summary.
  4. Elrond Network opens “Delegators Vs Operators” survey. Interested in knowing community plans with their $ERD for mainnet launch.
  5. Battle of Node, Elrond’s incentivized testnet’s final Phase 1 scores have been uploaded.
  6. Elrond will provide the infrastructure layer for Orion Protocol, the CEX & DEX liquidity aggregator with cross-chain trading.
  7. stakefish will run Elrond validators.
  8. This week in Elrond” recap by Lucian Mincu.
  9. Start of the Battle of Node Round 2 of Phase 2!
  10. Elrond Network’s Battle of Nodes Announcement: Round 3 — Phase 2 Begins!
  11. Elrond validators to be included in Stake Capital’s service offering.
  12. Beginning of “Battle of Nodes” Round 3.2 — Phase 2.
  13. Beniamin Mincu joined an AMA on December 7th.
  14. ERD was added to the HitBTC platform with 63% of the votes from the community!
  15. Elrond announces new stage for their Battle of Nodes incentivized testnet — “Shadowshards”.
  16. AMA with Beniamin Mincu happened on Friday, December 6th.
  17. Battle of Nodes updates: Patch v1.0.54 is live! This new version of scripts will help solve the current problems reported with the installation and auto-update scripts.
  18. This week in Elrond”.


  1. EOS VC announces an investment in blockchain games developer Biscuit.
  2. eosio Nation updated EOS MSIG Proposal to only reduce max block net usage.
  3. Dan Larimer clarification on his resource proposal.
  4. SergMetelin, Head of Developer Relations at, released an article explaining why Blockchain is ready for wider adoption.
  5. Want to join’s team? Submit your application here.
  6. Get started with Eosio: you can find all the step necessary inside the EOSIO Developer Portal.


  1. Relay networks and fee markets in eth 2.0.
  2. Road to Serenity: everything you need to know about the Istanbul hard fork.
  3. Will Villanueva: Ethereum 2.0 Phase 2 Deep Dive.
  4. Interested in becoming an eth2 validator? If yes, you should read Carl Beekhuizen’s article.
  5. Prylabs have updated their website in order to reflect their efforts into the release of eth2.
  6. ethereum 2.0 client Lighthouse has come out with its latest update.
  7. “Into the Ether” Ethwaterloo 2 Recap Part 2: Talk with the 5 winners: Sheetcoin, Wallet Notify, Eth P2P VOIP, DeFi Custody Wallet, and Connexion.
  8. Prysmatic labs have shared their latest ethereum 2.0 development update.
  9. Join the Ethereum Magicians, Ethereum Cat Herders, and Ethereum core developers at the Istanbul Community Call.
  10. Supported Teams: Research and Development Update, 2019 Pt. 2” by the Ethereum Foundation.
  11. will begin translating valuable community-created content such as blog posts, guides, & more. If you wish to contribute, sign up here.
  12. ATTENTION: If you are running Parity Technologies please update your nodes! There was an emergency patch issued yesterday. Prepare for Istanbul! Parity Ethereum v2.5.11-stable and v2.6.6-beta.
  13. Danny Ryan has provided an update on Eth 2.0.
  14. Shasper App runs on Prysmatic labs’s Sapphire testnet.
  15. Join the countdown to the #Istanbul network upgrade hosted by EthCatHerders! Live stream tomorrow about 30–60 minutes before the upgrade.
  16. What’s new in Eth2” series by Ben Edgington.
  17. Ethereum’s Istanbul network upgrade is now live! Congratulations to everyone who worked to make it happen. To learn more about the changes brought by the hard fork check here.


  1. IRISnet on-chain governance proposal has passed with 60.56% participation & 99.61% YES. 10min DowntimeJailDuration is live.
  2. Proposal #6 has passed: all nodes are required to upgrade, or they will be forced to go offline.
  3. IRIShub completed its 2nd on-chain upgrade to v0.16 without halt and entered the NÜWA stage of mainnet.
  4. Why “NÜWA”? Olivia Yike explains the Chinese myths behind Irisnet roadmap stage’s names.
  5. IRIS hub DeFi App support improved with AtomicSwap (HTLC), Coinswap!
  6. Validators who participated in the Nyancat Testnet may begin the HTLC task and claim their reward! Nyancat Testnet Points Summary and instructions for claim your prize.
  7. IRISnet: the Forerunner of Cross-chain Services” AMA by X-Order.
  8. IRISnetS bi-weekly Report & Digest.

{Harmony Protocol}

  1. Harmony’s CEO Stephen Tse released an open letter on 2019 review, 2020 roadmap, and upcoming Token Unlock.
  2. Harmony announces integration with Incognito.
  3. Pangaea tech team has released the architecture of an account when staking/delegating.
  4. Stake Kava with your Ledger” by p2p company.
  5. SmashingBloke Crypto talks about Kava Cryptocurrency.
  6. MXC Exchange listed harmony protocol and opened trading for $ONE/USDT!
  7. Open Staking has been tested in Harmony’s DevNet and will be shortly available on Pangaea.
  8. $ONE deposits & withdrawals in Exchange was temporarily suspended on Dec 6th, 10am EST.
  9. Binance Info‘s V Label project Harmony (ONE) has updated its Weekly Report. Read the full report here.
  10. If you are interested in participating in Harmony’s OpenStaking, or are still on the fence and want to know more, be sure to attend one of their technical webinars. Express your interest here.
  11. Harmony Insights 5: Digital Collectibles feat. Quidd.
  12. From next week you will be able to check out and search staking transactions on


  1. BakkupBradley’s interview with Brian Kerr, CEO at Kava Labs.
  2. One minute summary on Kava by SmashingBloke Crypto.
  3. Transactions on Kava have been enabled via the first-ever on-chain update in the cosmos ecosystem!
  4. Kava Labs announced a partnership with stakefish, one of the world’s top trusted validators.
  5. Bakkup Bradley’s interview to Brian Kerr, CEO at Kava Labs.
  6. has joined KAVA as validator.


  2. New release: v0.7.0 CC-3 — thread.
  3. Simply VC ’s guide to Kusama CC3 Upgrade.
  4. “If you are running a validator, then as part of the CC-3 upgrade process, it is important that you either rotate your session keys or at least manually copy over your keys from CC-2.”
  5. p2p company warns the Kusama community regarding a verified dropping nominations issue occurring post network upgrade. Here you can find their step-by-step guide to once again nominate your favorite validator.
  6. First governance motion has passed: Kusama’s validator set has been increased from 100 to 120.
  7. Kusama CC3 KSM Staking Guide — Absolute beginner” tutorial by Stake Capital is now updated.
  8. v0.7.6 contains a known issue and should not be used: please use v0.7.4 or v0.7.7.
  9. The 4th referendum passed removing Sudo and enabling transfers. For future proposals check here.
  10. Read what Web3 Foundation‘s Research, Technical and DevOps teams have been up to this past month.
  11. Dan Reecer from Web3 Foundation & Polkadot has just introduced the Hackusama: a 6-week online Hackathon starting from January!
  12. The Kusama Faucet is now live! Follow the instructions to start claiming.

{Cypher Core}

  1. Cypher Core bi-Weekly Updates: highlights on Lino Network.


  1. Loom Network will become a true multichain token, starting with a BEP2 version for Binance.


  1. Matic Network joins forces with Blockade Games.
  2. AMA for the Thai community happened on Nov. 27th.
  3. Early access to BattleRacers game is now LIVE! Battle Racers NFTs will migrate soon to a new side chain built by Matic Network.
  4. Matic Counter Stake public incentivized testnet has arrived.
  5. Matic upcoming AMA with Monolith.
  6. Chandresh Aharwar ‘s speech at Thailand Blockchain Week.
  7. TradeStarts, a new fantasy sports game, has joined the Matic ecosystem.
  8. AMA happened with Gabby Dizon, Founder of Battle Racers and Nirbhik Jangid, Matic’s Community Manager.
  9. ChainGuardians & Matic had an AMA on MATIC’s Telegram on December 4th.
  10. Matic is looking for a Full-time Product Designer and Design intern at Bangalore, India.
  11. AMA happened with Matic’s core protocol developers Vaibhav Chellani & Ashish about the Staking design.
  12. Mintflint app has chosen Matic as their scaling solution for the FLINT token launch.
  13. To launch the $FLINT token and app, MintFlint will be running an airdrop to all Matic token holders taking place on Dec 9th.
  14. $MATIC is now listed on Pionex, an exchange incubated by BitUniverse — Cryptocurrency Portfolio. Pionex users can now trade MATIC with MATIC/ETH, MATIC/BNB & MATIC/USDT pairs.

{Near Protocol}

  1. Read the latest update on Stake Wars.
  2. Check out the newest episode from “NEAR Lunch and Learn series: Nightshade”.
  3. Thanksgiving with NEAR” by Anaïs Urlichs.
  4. Near Protocol hosted a casual hack night at their office on December 4th, 2019.
  5. Whiteboard Series with NEAR — Ep: 30 David Vorick from Sia”, an interview by Near’s Co-Founder Alex Skidanov.
  6. NEAR’s Lunch and Learn series Ep. 05: “Accounts and Runtime” is out now!


  1. Check out this video on how to set up a node on the Oasis Public Testnet.
  2. Configuring the Oasis Sentry Node.
  3. The Oasis Team have released their incentive design proposal and is looking for feedback.
  4. Rules and Guidelines for The Quest — the first Staking Competition.
  5. New Oasis Protocol Foundation Ambassadors.
  6. Oasis Labs featured in “Hot Tech Innovators: Decentralized Cloud Computing and Storage”.
  7. “Authentication is not a technology problem, it is a human problem.” John Whaley, the founder of UnifyID, joined Oasis Labs’s Lunch Talk series.
  8. Developer Spotlight: learn about Immadbananas’s biomedical research at Icahn Mount Sinai and what led him and his team to choose Oasis Protocol on which to build their privacy-preserving iOS app.
  9. Gavin‘s latest: Oasis Protocol AMA in Staking Hub telegram channel with Anne, ravenac95, and EJ.


  1. Jay Freeman‘s panel on data privacy and Brian J. Fox‘s discussion on the role of technology in democracy at SBBS.
  2. Stay up to date on the latest privacy and security news by signing up to the Orchid Onlooker, Orchid’s newsletter.
  3. Introducing Orchid, The Privacy Network” the latest article by Paul Veradittakit.
  4. The countdown to the launch of Orchid’s privacy network has begun!


  1. Perlin team Guest of Honor at the International Trade Forum in Jakarta, hosted by ICCINDONESIA and BANK BRI.
  2. Perlin’s mention in OpenGov_Asia‘s coverage of innovation in the finance sector.
  3. Ajay at Perlin team presented an update on its International E-Registry of Ships at MPA_Singapore‘s Digital Innovation event.
  4. Perlin’s team shares an article about the international e-registry of ships.
  5. Perlin’s CEO Dorjee Sun in a meeting with Minister S Iswaran and IMDAsgin Singapore.


  1. Learn how to run your own Polkadot validator from this video featuring Bill Laboon.
  2. Avado now supports Polkadot.
  3. The Blockcrunch podcast: “How can non-money tokens accrue value in Crypto?”- Episode #78 with Jack Platt (Apple / Spotify).
  4. Learn about Polkadot along the Open Zeppelin Blockchains Study Group
  5. Subsocial demo #4 by DAppForce.
  6. Introducing ChainX’s Polkadot Naming Service (PNS).
  7. Connecting the DOTs meetup in Paris!
  8. Launch of the Polkadot ambassador program.
  9. The Sub0.1 happened in Berlin past Thursday and Friday.
  10. Polkadot had a Twitter AMA with Gavin Wood.
  11. BlockX Labs hosted a viewing party in Toronto.
  12. Polkascan Economic Analysis: Financial accounting methods for cyberspace economies.
  13. SubstraTEE is a framework that integrates trusted execution environments (TEEs) with Parity Technologies’s #Substrate.
  14. Laminar receiving a grant from the Web3 Foundation.
  15. Subdev China 0 host by PolkaWorld, Parity Technologies & Web3 Foundation.
  16. PolkaWorld‘s “Interview House” series: this time with Sota Watanabe, XiliangChen, melea crypto, Wilfried Kopp, AdEx Network & Dillon Chen.
  17. Not in Berlin today for sub0.1? You can watch the Livestream here.
  18. AMA with Gavin Wood happened at #Sub0.1.
  19. Polkadot vs Ethereum 2.0 — On-chain Governance” the latest Bruno Skvorc‘s article.
  20. Day 2 #Sub0.1 Livestream.
  21. From Parity Technologies’s #Sub0.1 Björn Wagner, Robert Habermeier, and Fred harson lead an interactive panel to discuss future ideas for Polkadot, #Substrate, and Kusama network.
  22. Polkadot founder, Gavin Wood spoke at Parity Technologies’s #Sub0.1. For the stream here.
  23. After the keynote, an impromptu AMA was held with Gavid Wood & Fred Harson. Questions answered here.


  1. No Sharding podcast: the CEO of Solana, Anatoly Yakovenko, discuss the history and future of networks with Ava lab’s CEO, Emin Gun Sirer.
  2. Sultans v0.21.0 released with additional improvements to Solana.
  3. Solana has uploaded the first of three recap videos on events held during San Francisco Blockchain Week.
  4. “We are running an internal dry run and asked a few friends to jump on the network. We currently have 13 validators online across four countries. Visit the link and switch the ‘network’ to Tour de SOL to watch the progress.”


  1. Running EVM Solidity on SKALE” by ChadwickStrange.
  2. Integration Skale Network with TERMINAL.
  3. Here is the cool stuff built on SKALE this November.
  4. SKALE’s Christine in a pre-holiday workshop on Ethereum dApps scaling.


  1. Released a video series walking users through setting up a Storage Node using Linux Debian.
  2. Fosspodcast podcast ep #37: Ben Golub, Storj Labs’s CEO.
  3. “How Blockchain will kill fake news” by Lucas Mearian have insights from Storj Labs’s Imthekdj.
  4. Share your feedback regarding what Storj incentives & payments resonate with SNO’s (Storage Node Operators).
  5. Did you know that 53% of Storj employees work remotely? The other 47% also have the flexibility to #remotework as needed. They’re currently hiring a software engineering manager, check the details here.
  6. Storj Labs’s Development update n.33.


  1. Cryptium Labs: New Carthage upgrade proposal to be released. Carthagenet test network was reset on Nov. 27th.
  2. Overview of architecture and core components of TzKT, a lightweight account explorer supported by the Tezos Foundation and made by TezosBakingBad.
  3. Check out Tezos’s Community Events planned for December.
  4. Nomadic Labs released a new version of the mainnet-staging branch: this includes new improvements to the new storage backend.
  5. Meanwhile at Nomadic Labs’’ series by Nomadic Labs: the last blog out now.
  6. Tzstats Smart Contract APIs for Tezos.
  7. Tezos is finalizing plans to grow with Tezos in Africa community with Cameroun Tezos, Tezos Nigeria, XTZ Cote d’Ivoire, Tezos S.Africa & Xtz Mali.
  8. The latest update for Tezos mainnet, Babylonnet & Carthagenethas released from Tezblock.
  9. Tezos Foundation weekly update.
  10. Presented “SCaml compiler” for Tezos blockchain.
  11. Cryptium Labs: “the latest updates on the potential Carthage proposal & updated carthagenet test network timeline, done in collaboration with Labos Nomades. Medium article written by Awa Sun Yin.

{The Graph}

  1. Read more about how DAOstack and their app Alchemy is built using The Graph.
  2. Indexing the New Economy hackathon — from Dec 2nd to 22nd.
  3. Eva Beylin’s article about the upcoming Hackathon hosted by the Graph Protocol.
  4. People can now register for The Graph’s December online hackathon. Win up to 10,000 DAI in prizes!
  5. Recording of the hackathon onboarding workshop with Graph Protocol’s Tech Lead Jannis Pohlmann.
  6. Check out the new Bancor subgraph on The Graph — built by Blocklytics!


  1. Tezos, The Oasis, Livepeer Org & Skale Network joined Figment Networks‘s Hubble staking platform.
  2. KysenPool monthly update feat. Cosmos Network, Terra, Akash Network, Tezos & Cardano.
  3. Dsrvlabs joins the validators set in Solana, C Labs & Terra. Learn more about their tools and their staking service here.
  4. Released the recap video for the Skale Network and Solana live podcast recording! Jack o’Holleran & Anatoly Yakovenko discuss bringing together blockchain projects, all the cool innovations SKALE is currently working on, and much more.
  • Check the recent updates on PoS Networks, created by Paradigm Fund:
  1. Tezos
  2. Orbs
  3. Icon
  4. IOST
  5. Cosmos
  6. Theta

This is not financial advice.

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