State of Stake vol. 72

Published in
15 min readAug 11, 2022

Paradigm’s biweekly update on the Proof-of-Stake ecosystem, 26th July — 11th August


  • The Ethereum Goerli testnet has been successfully merged and is now a full Proof of Stake chain
  • Congratulations to Integritee Network on winning Polkadot’s 23rd parachain auction
  • Basilisk has won the most recent Kusama parachain slot auction
  • The Cardano Vasil hard fork, an upgrade that is expected to improve the network in terms of speed and scalability, was delayed for several weeks
  • Algorand Foundation announces global winners for its $50M blockchain research and education programme
  • Avalanche Hacks Summer 2022 has been announced, a virtual hackathon designed for builders around the world to solve key challenges in DeFi and GameFi, with $50K in prizes up for grabs
  • A data-driven analysis of the health of the Solana validator network. The Solana Summer Camp Hackathon submission form is now live
  • pStake is coming to BNB communities
  • Cosmos plan for delivering ABCI++
  • IC recently eclipsed a milestone of 100,000 canisters
  • Synthetix shares the SNX 2022 Release Milestones. 0x API is now aggregating liquidity from Synthetix on Ethereum and Optimism
  • The Aave V3 retroactive funding ARC is live
  • Tezos hit 10,000 new smart contract deployments in July 2022
  • BitTorrent Chain partners with Band Protocol to leverage its secure decentralized oracles
  • Oasis partners with Meta to assess fairness for its ai models, while protecting people’s privacy
  • Coca-Cola launched its first-of-a-kind, generative, sharable collectibles on Polygon
  • Dock is now an Associate Member of the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF)
  • Figment is now offering non-custodial EGLD delegation services. Bitpanda supports EGLD staking
  • Regen Network partners with Shamba Network, a data Oracle that serves solutions on-chain and for use by ReFi
  • In the recent Filecoin Network Upgrade, a new version of the SnarkPack proof aggregation library was released
  • Immutable has partnered with Cross The Ages (CTA) to launch the initial trading card game (TCG) in development for nearly two years
  • Injective has raised a brand new $40M round from some of the most renowned financial institutions to accelerate the adoption and growth of Web3 finance
  • Gnosis Chain will merge with the Gnosis Beacon Chain exactly like Ethereum will merge with the Ethereum Beacon Chain. Take a look at the weekly validator updates
  • The Graph Foundation allocates nearly $1M in wave 6 of grants
  • ATOM trading live on THORChain mainnet
  • The ICON team continued making progress on ICON 2.0, BTP, and ICON Bridge
  • Join the biggest NEAR event of the year at NEARCON in Lisbon, Portugal from September 11–14
  • Kava 11 is set to officially launch on September 8
  • mStable Governance Updates are out
  • Coinbase to support new KNC
  • Zilliqa’s 5th birthday
  • And much more!

Top 10 Crypto Assets by Staked Value

Source: Staking Rewards

Proof-of-Stake Networks’ Updates


  • Ethereum’s 10th Mainnet shadow fork went live ahead of the upcoming “Merge” to Proof-of-Stake in September. Shadow forks are a series of tests that copy data from the main network (mainnet) to a test environment network (testnet). The Goerli testnet has been successfully merged and is now a full Proof of Stake chain.
  • Vitalik Buterin spoke about the longer-term future of the Ethereum network at the annual Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC) in Paris. The Ethereum co-founder discussed the network’s roadmap, including a “Surge” stage that will potentially increase scalability for rollups through sharding.
  • Beacon chain (Prater) upgraded to Bellatrix
  • Bordel predicts Goerli merge August 10–11
  • Sepolia testnet post-Merge upgrade at block 1735371 (August ~17), update your execution layer clients to disconnect peers that haven’t transitioned to PoS
  • Latest core devs call video. Notes from Tim Beiko and Christine Kim
  • Finematics: Merge explainer video

Proof of Stake consensus layer

  • Beacon chain deposits: Lido at 31%, Coinbase + Kraken + Binance at 30%, only ~14% of validators are unlabeled
  • Lighthouse v2.5.1: fixes for 100MB per month memory footprint increase & fork choice error
  • Teku v22.8.0: MEV-boost support, libp2p & fork choice optimizations
  • Prysm v2.1.4-rc.1: Goerli merge support
  • Flashbots building a relay monitor & circuit breaker for MEV-boost as defense against block withholding attacks
  • Latest ‘Week in Ethereum’:

Check out our recently-published ‘Defi in Ether’ — biweekly update on Ethereum DeFi ecosystem vol.57 full of news from the ecosystem: $40B in DeFi, GameStop NFT is live on Loopring L2, Nexus Mutual ETH staking cover, Synthetix shares the SNX release milestones, 0x introduces Slippage Protection, Maker DAO voting to onboard Societe Generale, Enzyme EURs are now live, KyberSwap launches integration with Optimism, and more!


  • Congratulations to Integritee Network on winning Polkadot’s 23rd parachain auction. Integritee provides a scalable public blockchain solution for securely processing sensitive business or personal data while giving all parties control and transparency on what their data is used for.
  • With one day left in the current parachain lease auction, anonymous parathread ID 2057 has been in the lead the entire Ending Period so far.
  • The staking rate on Polkadot has decreased slightly to 51.9%.
  • Referendum 70, proposing to increase the number of HRMP channels to 30, is currently passing by a wide margin with 18 days left to vote.
  • Referendum 71, proposing to upgrade the Polkadot runtime to v9260, is currently passing unanimously with one day left to vote.
  • Basilisk has won the most recent Kusama parachain slot auction.
  • With four days left in the current parachain lease auction, GM Parachain has been in the lead the entire Ending Period so far.
  • KSM locked from the second set of auctions is now available to be unlocked. This is generally done by the relevant parachain teams.
  • Referendum 220, proposing to open an HRMP channel between Statemine and Calamari, is now open for voting and passing by a wide margin.
  • Motion 523, proposing to upgrade the Encointer runtime, is under consideration by the Kusama Council.
  • The staking rate on Kusama has increased to 50.6%, 0.4% less than the ideal staking rate of 51.0%.
  • Enjin’s Efinity, a next-generation blockchain for NFTs built on Polkadot, will power NFT collectibles for Square Enix’s Final Fantasy video game franchise.
  • For those in Seoul: on August 11th don’t miss your chance to join Polkadot during #KBW2022 to meet with the Polkadot community and some of the ecosystem teams, as well as enjoy networking with like-minded supporters of the ecosystem. Save your spot.
  • Polkadot Community Call — July 2022
  • Gov2: Polkadot’s Next Generation of Decentralised Governance

Feel free to read our latest biweekly report on the Polkadot ecosystem vol.42: Gov2 introduced, BridgePort got the 22nd parachain slot on Polkadot, Kintsugi will be onboarded as Kusama’s parachain, Acala’s IADS has launched, Zenlink is live on Astar, Moonsama integrates Social KYC, Efinity will power Final Fantasy NFT collectibles, Dock’s Web3 IDs are now live, Robonomics x Crust Network, Humanode testnet is now public & public sale whitelist is here, and more!



Binance (BNB Chain)


Cosmos Network

  • Find the latest governance proposals here.



  • Validator Health Report: August 2022
  • A Solana-themed store, called Solana Spaces, will open in New York City soon. Other than offering trendy merchandise, the new retail space is intended to onboard newcomers to Web3, NFTs, and even guide them on their first on-chain transactions.
  • The Solana Summer Camp Hackathon submission form is now live





-Enable deposits on-chain: a handful of DAOs have requested deposits to be re-enabled on Bancor V3 in order to build liquidity for their tokens using the protocol’s single-sided staking and external liquidity protection mechanisms.

-Liquidity optimizations: Bancor DAO is deciding how to direct liquidity in the network to optimize fees, starting with strategic pools like USDT.

Other updates discussed in this post include:

-Aggregator integrations: supporting more tokens in the trading interface.

-vBNT burning: V3 Vortex burner increased to 90%; burning hits all-time-high in July.

-Protocol analytics dashboard pushed live as well as the new Bancor V3 Simulator.

Band Protocol





  • ESPA Bootcamp: Innovation in Storage: The Enterprise Storage Provider Accelerator program is designed to help startups, data centers, managed service providers, and CTOs become successful members of the Filecoin network. Let’s take a look at some of the modules that have been shared during the bootcamp.
  • Filecoin News 48: Learn about the security improvements to the way the network proves user data is physically stored.
  • SnarkPack v2: A New Version of Filecoin’s Proof Aggregator: In the recent Filecoin Network v16 Skyr Upgrade, a new version of the SnarkPack proof aggregation library was released, this post details the updates.
  • How does the Network Indexer work?: The second blog post of the Network Indexer series, unpacking the inner workings of this important new tool.

The Graph


Immutable X

IRIS Network





Near Protocol

Oasis Network


Regen Network

  • Regen Network partners with Shamba Network, a data Oracle that serves solutions on-chain and for use by ReFi, to design eco-credits for smallholder farmers on the Regen Registry that can be used to unlock new farm financing streams.
  • Prop #14 — Regen Ledger v4.0 Upgrade — passed with 97% approval.

Secret Network


Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai Chain)


That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let us know what you think about the format & content.

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