State of Stake vol. 77

Published in
16 min readNov 14, 2022

A biweekly update on the Proof-of-Stake ecosystem, 31st October — 14th November


  • Vitalik’s updated roadmap diagram. Shanghai upgrade planning.
  • Polkadot’s Nomination Pools are live: stake natively with just 1 DOT. Polkadot’s native token (DOT), initially offered, sold, and delivered to purchasers as a security, has morphed and no longer is a security.
  • Game of Chains has started. The public testnet will run thru November. Validators will compete for prizes by completing various challenges — proving their ability to run Interchain Security.
  • Gnosis Chain now has an official PoS testnet. Chiado is a Gnosis PoS testnet that’s primary purpose is to provide tooling for developers in a sandbox environment.
  • Polygon is working with the Walt Disney Company after participating in Disney Accelerator.
  • GameStop and Immutable announce trading rewards and staking.
  • Japanese media giant GREE to build Web3 games and run nodes on Avalanche.
  • The Algorand Foundation and Algorand Inc. are proud to announce the launch of a series of bounties hosted on Immunefi.
  • An installment of Network Nervous System metrics regarding ICP inflation and staking.
  • The Solana Foundation answers some questions about what is happening at the boundary of Epoch 370, and provides a place to get updated information.
  • Synthetix Direct Integrations went live.
  • The Kwenta treasury will distribute the owed 35% of the initial supply to Synthetix stakers and Synth traders.
  • Kava news for August — October has been published. Kava EVM 2.0 launches this holiday season.
  • Another jam-packed month for BNB Chain as they ready the release of zkBNB, port multiple features into Akula and prepare the proposal of BEP-171 among other important updates.
  • Latest Aave News: Aave Grants uUpdate & new grantees, JP Morgan using Aave, and staked aTokens. Plus, risk update from Gauntlet, governance update from Boardroom, and more. Aave is coming to zkSync 2.0.
  • KyberSwap has integrated Multichain to bring even more ease and accessibility to KyberSwap users.
  • NEAR Protocol roadmap 2023–2024 has been published.
  • The iOS version of the 1inch Wallet is back on the App Store, offering a more intuitive user experience and compatibility with other wallets.
  • To kick off the one-year mainnet anniversary, Injective is launching the Ninja Pass: the ultimate all-access passport to the Injective ecosystem.
  • Check out this map that highlights some of the most important Tezos DeFi projects in one place.
  • Oasis Network partners with Covalent, bringing data accessibility to the platform.
  • Dock Certs, the platform that enables users to easily issue, verify, revoke, and manage fraud-proof Verifiable Credentials, now has a Certificate Designer feature allowing users to customize the design of their credentials.
  • Elrond transforms and expands into MultiversX. Elrond-go v. is here and brings heartbeat v2 improvements, more API endpoints and several fixes.
  • The ICON team continued making progress on BTP and ICON 2.0.
  • Regen Network Partners on Return Protocol’s climate action platform launch.
  • New Secret post from SCRT Labs CEO Guy Zyskind: “Secret 2.0 — Request for Feedback”.
  • The StaFiHub governance platform with the cooperation of Commonwealth has been introduced.
  • Are you ready for the world’s first FEVM hackathon next week? FEVM is the Ethereum-compatible layer of the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM).
  • Celo Camp Batch 6 Demo Day is next week.
  • Highlights, network insights, and news from across the 0x ecosystem.
  • Bifrost October Monthly Report is out.
  • GRT is now part of HYVE’s ecosystem.
  • Zilliqa is listed on OKCoin Japan.
  • And much more!

Top 10 Crypto Assets by Staked Value

Source: Staking Rewards

Proof-of-Stake Networks’ Updates


-Shanghai upgrade planning, EIPs jostling to potentially be included along with withdrawals: EOF, EIP4844 (proto-danksharding), EIP4758 (deactivate SELFDESTRUCT), EIP1153 (transient storage) & EIP2537 (BLS12 precompile)

-Next call to focus on triage of Shanghai upgrade EIPs

-Users of SELFDESTRUCT need to shout as the plan is to deactivate


Feel free to read our latest biweekly report on the Polkadot ecosystem vol.48: Nomination pools are live — stake natively with just 1 DOT, Polkadot is coming to WebSummit 2022, Crust won Polkadot’s 30th parachain auction, Ajuna Network has been in the lead, Darwinia introduces LCMP-XCMP Router, Moonbeam Illuminate is back, Early access eligibility for Chainlink staking v0.1, Celer is launching Peti, Litentry’s bi-directional bridge is live, Crust Files integrated with Aptos, Humanode mainnet on Nov 15, and more!



Binance (BNB Chain)

Cosmos Network




  • Synthetix Direct Integrations went live. Direct integrations allow governance to establish a unique environment for integrators, allowing them to pass on lower fees (&more) to their users and driving new integrators to the SNX Ecosystem.
  • Synthetix Staker & Synth Trader Aelin Pool: The Kwenta treasury will distribute the owed 35% (109,680.55 KWENTA) of the initial supply to Synthetix stakers and Synth traders.
  • What is Synthetix V3, and why is it important? Let’s get into it. Synthetix V3 aims to accomplish what Synthetix set out to do many yrs ago — transforming the protocol into a permissionless derivatives platform. How will Synthetix get to V3?
  • Perps V2 summary and updates: Synthetix Perps V2 hopes to enable risk low-fee traders, unconstrained open interest limits, and broader asset compatibility.



Akash Network





  • New Dock Certs Release: Custom Certificate Designer: Dock Certs, the platform that enables users to easily issue, verify, revoke, and manage fraud-proof Verifiable Credentials, now has a Certificate Designer feature allowing users to customize the design of their credentials.
  • Blockchain and Health Care: BurstIQ Use Cases That Leverage Verifiable Credentials: See three BurstIQ use cases that demonstrate the importance of Verifiable Credentials in blockchain and health care. BurstIQ implemented our Verifiable Credential technology to make their health data secure and portable.



  • Filecoin News 55: The Decentralized Storage Alliance is Bringing Web2 Enterprises to Web3.
  • Introducing the Decentralized Storage Alliance: Learn how Seagate, EY, and AMD, are working with Protocol Labs and Filecoin Foundation to accelerate the adoption of decentralized storage by enterprises.
  • Are you ready for the world’s first FEVM hackathon? FEVM is the Ethereum-compatible layer of the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM).

The Graph


Immutable X



  • Kava News: August — October. It’s been a busy quarter, and the Kava ecosystem has been relentlessly growing, adapting, and BUIDLing. Here are some of the highlights:

-Kava 11 is LIVE

-40+ protocols have joined KavaRise, including Curve, Sushi, and Beefy

- The Kava 11 Liquid Testnet & Giveaway has concluded!

-Cosmostation Launches a new protocol Exclusively on Kava

-Master Multichain bridging to the Kava 3pool on Curve

-Learn new strategies to use Kava Earn & Liquid staking.

-Kava Foundation — Safeguarding Growth


Manta Network


Near Protocol

Oasis Network


  • Check out the latest Polygon integrations here.

Regen Network

Secret Network


Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai Chain)

Yearn Finance


0x project


That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let us know what you think about the format & content.

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